
bīng táng
  • rock sugar;crystal sugar;rock candy;sugar candy
冰糖 [bīng táng]
  • (1) [sugar candy;rock sugar]

  • (2) 一种大的、透明的冰块状水合蔗糖晶体。一般用白砂糖、水、石灰、蛋清等,经加热、过滤、浓缩结晶而成,质地坚硬透明

  • (3) 成大块结晶在细绳上的煮糖,尤指用于硬糖果或黑麦威士忌酒

冰糖[bīng táng]
  1. 冰糖、葡萄糖对口服四环素药动学的影响

    Effects of Crystal Sugar ( Bing Tang ) and Glucose on the Pharmacokinetics of Tetracycline

  2. 而冰糖浓度对肠腔液体量没有明显影响。

    The intestinal contents . however , did not show correlation with the concentrations of crystal sugar .

  3. 糖是冰糖的主要成分。

    Sugar is the main constituent of candy .

  4. 我到商店买了一块冰糖和两块肥皂。

    I went to the store for a candy bar and two bars of soap .

  5. 他自己动手用研钵和杵把冰糖研成粉。

    He ground the rock candy with a mortar and pestle .

  6. 是不是丢弃了冰糖,才明白咖啡的可色;

    Is not discarded candy , coffee can only see color ;

  7. 原料:梨、银耳、枸杞、冰糖

    Ingredients : Pear , tremella fuciformis , wolfberry , rock sugar

  8. 冰糖或野蜜也是不能缺少的主料。

    Rock candy or wild honey is also necessary ingredient .

  9. 同一种言语行为在不同的民族中有不同的表达方式,其差异涉及语言形式及内容。但肠道内容物量与冰糖浓度并无明显相关性。

    Such differences involve contents as well as language forms .

  10. 于是,冰糖成了我幼时最爱吃的,也是唯一的零食。

    Hence , ice-sugar became my youth favorite , and only snacks .

  11. 微波技术提取冰糖脐橙皮中的总黄酮

    Extraction of Total Flavonoids from Rock Candy Navel Orange Peels by Microwave Technique

  12. 我从一个孩子的头发里取出了冰糖苹果。

    I just got a candied apple out of a kid 's hair .

  13. 食盐和冰糖都是固体,这是它们的相同之处。

    Salt and rock candy are solid , and this is their share .

  14. 以冰糖粉作点缀,传统的那不勒斯风味巧克力杏仁蛋糕。

    The traditional Neapolitan cake of chocolate and almonds , decorated with icing sugar .

  15. 离子交换技术提高冰糖析出率的研究

    The Research for the use of Ion Exchange Technology to Increase Rock Sugar Yield

  16. 我宁愿跟你冰糖。

    I 'd rather play you for candy .

  17. 你最好把冰糖装在瓶中。

    You 'd better bottle sugar candy .

  18. 我咳嗽了,所以我给自己做冰糖梨吃。

    I have a cough so I cook pear stewed with rock sugar for myself .

  19. 她的声波在清冽的空间扩散,像清甜的冰糖渐渐融化。

    Her voice drifted in the crisp air like sweet , crystal sugar melting slowly .

  20. 明天我打算买点川贝,自制冰糖川贝炖雪梨。

    I plan to buy some herb Chuan Bei tomorrow to put together with sugar .

  21. 建议村民喝绿豆汤和冰糖来预防感染。

    For prevention , villagers were advised to drink mung bean soup and rock sugar .

  22. 母亲们赞助烘制饼干和坚果巧克力蛋糕,做爆米花和冰糖苹果。

    Mothers were enlisted to bake cookies and brownies , make popcorn balls and candy apples .

  23. 珍妮把这个点心洒上冰糖末。

    Jane is icing the cake .

  24. 但肠道内容物量与冰糖浓度并无明显相关性。目的探讨原发性大肠恶性淋巴瘤的诊断方法和疗效。

    The intestinal contents . To study the diagnosis and treatment of primary large intestinal malignant lymphoma .

  25. 西北大学的维克多·史吧这个债务描述成一座“巨大的冰糖山”。

    Victor Shih of Northwestern University has described the debts as a " big rock-candy mountain " .

  26. 冰糖增加口服四环素吸收作用机理的初步研究

    Primary Study on the Mechanism of Enhanced Absorption of Tetracycline by Crystal Sugar in the Rat Intestine

  27. 如果你吃完一半,你请小朋友来过夜时,我给你们做冰糖苹果。

    If you finish just half of it , I will make candied apples for your sleepover .

  28. 然后,把梨子放进一个小碗,再在梨子上放点冰糖。

    Second , put the pear into a small bowl and put some rock sugar onto the pear .

  29. 目的:对中药冰糖增加口服四环素吸收作用机理进行初步的实验研究。

    Aims : To study the mechanism by which crystal sugar enhances absorption of tetracycline in the rat intestine .

  30. 玫瑰花茶里加冰糖,红茶里放红糖,菊花茶里加甘草片。

    Put crystal sugar in rose tea , brown sugar in black tea , liquorice slice in chrysanthemum tea .