
  • 网络Fargo
  1. 失之交臂:最佳男配角,1996——威廉姆·H·梅西有被提名,但是巴斯米在《冰血暴》中扮演阴暗邋遢的卡尔·肖沃尔特一角令人印象深刻,他也应得此项殊荣。

    Most robbed for : Supporting Actor , 1996 - William H Macy was nominated , but Buscemi 's unforgettably scuzzy Carl Showalter in Fargo should have shared the honour . 14 .

  2. 乔安妮·弗罗盖特(JoanneFroggatt)凭借在《唐顿庄园》(DowntonAbbey)中的表演获奖,《冰血暴》(Fargo)获得了最佳迷你剧/电影电视奖。

    Joanne Froggatt won for her performance in " Downton Abbey , " while " Fargo " was named the winner in the mini-series or TV movie category .

  3. 卡尔加里经济发展局(CalgaryEconomicDevelopment)电影专员卢克·阿塞韦多(LukeAzevedo)表示,艾伯塔省的制片活动显著增多。去年,电影《荒野猎人》(TheRevenant)和电视剧《冰血暴》(Fargo)的很多场景都是在卡尔加里拍摄的。

    Luke Azevedo , the film commissioner for Calgary Economic Development , said there had been a notable rise in production in Alberta , where large portions of the movie " The Revenant " and the television series " Fargo " were filmed last year .

  4. 最佳电视电影或迷你剧:《冰血暴》,FX;《疑踪》,Starz;《平常的心》,HBO;《奥利芙·基特里奇》(OliveKitteridge),HBO;《真探》,HBO

    Best Television Movie or Mini-series " Fargo " ( FX ) " The Missing " ( Starz ) " The Normal Heart " ( HBO ) " Olive Kitteridge " ( HBO ) " True Detective " ( HBO )

  5. 最佳男配角:马特·伯默(MattBomer),《平常的心》;艾伦·卡明(AlanCumming),《傲骨贤妻》;柯林·汉克斯,《冰血暴》;乔恩·沃伊特,《清道夫》

    Best Supporting ActorMatt Bomer , " The Normal Heart " Alan Cumming , " The Good Wife " Colin Hanks , " Fargo " Bill Murray , " Olive Kitteridge " Jon Voight , " Ray Donovan "

  6. 比利·鲍勃·松顿(BillyBobThornton)因《冰血暴》中的角色获奖,领奖时他说,这些日子以来,一个人会“因为他所说的话惹上很多麻烦,我知道确实如此。”于是他只说了“谢谢”。

    Billy Bob Thornton , onstage to accept an award for " Fargo , " said these days you can " get in a lot of trouble no matter what you say , I know this for a fact . " So he just said " Thank you . "

  7. 乔尔.科恩和伊桑.科恩兄弟创作的《冰血暴》曾经获得1996年奥斯卡最佳原创剧本奖。

    The pair previously won the original screenplay Oscar for their 1996 film Fargo .

  8. 我相信你们中大多数人都看过《冰血暴》这部电影

    Now , I 'm sure most of you have seen the movie " Fargo . "