
  • 网络Running with scissors
  1. 根据个人回忆录改编:《夹缝求生》由莱恩·墨菲执导

    Based on the personal memoir " Running with Scissors , " a film by Ryan Murphy .

  2. 加之本土各大型超市、卖场等零售业态的排挤,我国本土便利店可谓夹缝求生。

    In addition to local supermarkets , stores and other retail formats out , our local convenience store is running with scissors .

  3. 跨国合资企业管理者常常在多角关系中“夹缝求生”,这可能引发多组织承诺困境和忠诚冲突。

    Because of the multiple relations , managers of IJV may be in a quandary , and exhibit confused multiple commitments and conflicting loyalties .

  4. 快起床,不然我就把你跟床一起合上,你的新真人秀就是你的真实生活:《夹缝求生》。

    Look , get up , or I will close this bed with you in it , and your new reality show will be true life : I live in a wall .

  5. 相反,在和平问题悬而未决,不满情绪堆积,中印又在争相选择下一任总理时,要在这两个强势邻居的夹缝中求生,尼泊尔步履艰难。

    Instead , with peace in the balance and fears growing that both neighbours are vying to pick the next prime minister , Nepal risks being ground between their vaulting regional ambitions .

  6. 当前我国省级卫视在媒体的公共属性与商业属性的博弈中挣扎,在央视与地市台的夹缝中求生,在国际传媒与新媒体的虎视眈眈中寻求突破。

    Now the provincial TV in China Game struggles in public media properties and commercial properties of the public media and survives between the CCTV and the local city TV and seeks a breakthrough with the competition from the international media and new media .