
jiā zi
  • clip;clamp;tongs;folder;brace
夹子 [jiā zi]
  • [clip] 用来夹东西的器具

夹子[jiā zi]
  1. 他用夹子将扶手夹在椅子上,直到胶水干后再取下。

    He used a clamp to hold the arm on the chair until the glue dried .

  2. 所有的入码器是可得的在同步器凸缘和夹子中装凸缘版本。

    All encoders are available in synchro flange and clamp flange versions .

  3. 用来将装置夹在一起的一些夹子松开了。

    Some clamps that had held the device together came undone .

  4. 这个拟声词让我想起捕鼠夹子突然合上时的声音。

    This onomatopoeic word suggests to me the sound a mousetrap makes when it snaps shut .

  5. 请把这些文件整理一下,用夹子夹在一起。

    Sort out these papers and fasten them together with a clip , please .

  6. 尹莫镇的一个农夫马里阿斯·波梅尔,把那个皮夹子和里面所装的东西原封不动交还了曼奎镇的霍布莱格老板。

    Marius paumelle , a peasant from ymauville , brought back the wallet with its contents untouched to master houlbreque at manneville .

  7. PP:照相机是否将来与在画象夹子修造的?

    PP : Will the camera come with a built in portrait grip ?

  8. 他还喜欢StoneCreekTrading商店里的一款木质胡桃夹子。它的样子像个蘑菇,让他联想到牛肝菌。

    He also liked a mushroom-like wooden nutcracker from Stone Creek Trading , which he thought resembled a porcini .

  9. n.嫌疑犯v.怀疑;猜想老鼠怀疑有危险,没碰那夹子。

    suspect The mouse suspected danger and didn 't touch the trap .

  10. 理解你的客户,永远不是拿着带夹子的写字板的研究人员和IBM的沃森(Watson)之间的零和竞争。

    Knowing your customer will never be a zero-sum contest between a researcher with a clipboard and IBM 's Watson .

  11. 大概没人会用优雅或简单来形容SUCKUK商店里的那款色彩艳丽的Robot夹子吧,但科森蒂诺对这件物品同样推崇。

    No one would describe the brightly colored Robot from SUCK UK as elegant or simple , but Mr. Cosentini was equally enthusiastic about it .

  12. 克里斯·科森蒂诺(ChrisCosentino)从小就喜欢用他祖父做的那个简单的木质胡桃夹子剥坚果。

    As a child , Chris Cosentino loved using the simple wooden nutcrackers his grandfather made to separate nuts from their shells .

  13. 他在旧金山下太平洋高地(LowerPacificHeights)的ZincDetails商店里,找到了几件很有吸引力的产品,其中包括安德烈亚·布兰奇(AndreaBranzi)为艾烈希(Alessi)设计的一款胡桃夹子,名为Scoiattolo(或“松鼠”)。

    At Zinc Details , in the Lower Pacific Heights area of San Francisco , he found several appealing options , including an Andrea Branzi design for Alessi called Scoiattolo ( or squirrel ) .

  14. 结论:LC术中使用可吸收缝线、电凝钩取代夹子和超声刀进行胆囊切除的方法经济、安全、可靠,能有效地避免使用夹子所致的并发症,可减少患者的医疗费用。

    Conclusions : Using absorbable sutures and coagulation hook instead of clips and harmonic scalpel is a safe , reliable and more economical method for LC , and can avoid the complications caused by clips .

  15. 与此同时,芬迪的“bugs”系列(每件售价500英镑)——霓虹色卡通式夹子款手包配饰,也成为年轻人时尚手袋不可缺少的配饰。

    Meanwhile , the house 's " bugs " - neon-bright clip-on handbag accessories with cartoon faces that retail for about 500 a piece - have become an essential feature of the street-style uniform .

  16. 她的舞台处女作是在纽约市芭蕾舞团的《胡桃夹子》(TheNutcracker)中扮演兔子(Bunny)。1996年她加入这个芭蕾舞团后,兔子便成了她的昵称。

    Her first role on stage was the ' Bunny ' in New York City Ballet 's ' The Nutcracker , ' which became her nickname when she joined the company in 1996 .

  17. 14例病变>2cm行分次切除(EPMR),创面用夹子缝合,回收后做连续病理切片,证明肿瘤全部切除。

    14 lesion > 2 cm implement to divide an excision ( EPMR ), wound surface to sew up with the clip . Recovery the specimen does the continuous pathology slice , certificate the tumor all excisions .

  18. 我奋斗以轮胎木纹和缺乏夹子。

    I was struggling with tyre graining and lack of grip .

  19. 现在,我能拿个夹子都算幸运了。

    Now I 'm lucky if I can hold a clip .

  20. 她用卷发夹子把头发弄得卷曲。

    She put her hair in rollers to make it curl .

  21. 我把钱和证件放在小皮夹子里。

    I keep my money and my papers in my wallet .

  22. 那位老猎人擅长安放捕兔子的夹子。

    The old hunter is good at setting traps for rabbits .

  23. 我使用夹子,应为不需要打结。

    I used squeeze clamps , because it requires no tying .

  24. 反向锁闭机构紧固螺帽拆下锁芯固定夹子。

    Reverse anchor jam nut Remove the lock cylinder retainer clip .

  25. 925副英镑银色下落夹子耳环与在上雕琢平面的清楚水晶。

    925 sterling silver drop clip earrings with faceted clear crystal .

  26. 丝绸水晶夹子耳环在铑被镀的长方形酒吧和链接。

    Silk crystal clip earrings on rhodium-plated rectangular bar and link .

  27. 菲丽西今晚的《胡桃夹子》将由你来演

    Felicie , tonight , you dance ' The Nutcracker ' .

  28. 他们明天去看“胡桃夹子”。

    They 're gonna go see " the nutcracker " tomorrow .

  29. 带有弹簧关闭金属口的夹子。

    A clip with a spring that closes the metal jaws .

  30. 如果你的脸也被折来折去塞进皮夹子里。

    If I fold you and stuff you into my wallet .