
  • 网络Analog Image;analogue image
  1. 模拟图像字符叠加控制的实现

    The Accomplishment of the Character Superimposition on the Analog Image

  2. 调节水平相位/细调计算机模拟图像

    Adjusts horizontal phase / fine tunes computer analog image

  3. 首先,利用闭环k正则图模型来模拟图像数据的流形结构。

    The manifold structure of the image data is first represented with a close-loop k-regular graph model .

  4. 利用模拟图像实现了SAR图像的几何校正。

    Realizing the geometric rectification of SAR image by using the simulation SAR image .

  5. 按计算机模拟图像和视像尺寸调整位置组合图像模拟和精配准的星载SAR图像正射校正

    Adjusts position to computer analog and video image size Ortho-rectifying space-borne SAR based on fine registration and image simulation

  6. 它取代了模拟图像放大器,以及放大器的摄像机光学系统、图像采集管或CCD摄像机和模数转换器,直接将X射线转换为高分辨率数字图像信号,实现了心血管介入设备的数字化革命。

    It changes the X-ray energy information into digital signal directly and drives the revolution of the digitalization of radiography equipment .

  7. 本文主要论述了如何将老式白炽灯显示屏改造成,既可以显示数字信息,又可以显示模拟图像信息的LED灰度屏的设计方案。

    This article mainly discusses the change of the incandescent lamp display screen into LED gray-scale screen , which displays both digital information and analogue pictures .

  8. 本论文最后对模拟图像和真实SAR图像的分割结果表明,所采用的分形方法对SAR图像的区域分割是行之有效的。

    In the end of this paper we give some experiment results of synthetic images and real SAR images that show fractal method proposed is effective .

  9. 通过对模拟图像进行的大量实验,得到了令人满意的结果,证实了用Hopfield神经网络完成特征点松弛匹配过程的有效性和可行性。

    Experimental results with large simulated images prove the effectiveness and feasibility to perform point relaxation matching by the Hopfield neural network .

  10. 广义(n+1)维Boussinesq方程的新的周期解与计算机模拟图像

    New Periodic Wave Solution and Computer Graphics for the Generalized ( n + 1 ) - dimensional Boussinesq Equation

  11. 在代数迭代算法中,通过模拟图像的重建发现,ART算法和SIRT算法松弛因子的选择有很大的不同,SIRT的松弛因子选择范围偏小,而ART的松弛因子选择范围要宽得多;

    In algebra iterative algorithm we found the range of relaxation parameter is very different . The range of relaxation parameter of ART was narrower than that of SIRT .

  12. 第四章给出了基于分形理论提取DBS图像边缘信息以及基于边缘的多分辨率图像匹配方法并对实验结果作了细致的分析,实现了对大噪声雷达模拟图像与光学参考图像的匹配。

    In chapter 4 , a method is proposed that distill the edge image based on the theory of fractal and make image matching using multi-resolution analysis .

  13. 随着计算机、编解码、网络传输技术的发展,城市视频监控系统的建设,经历了三个阶段的飞跃发展,目前正由模拟图像朝着数字化、智能化、IP化、网络化继续发展。

    With the development of computer hardware , codec and network technology , urban surveillance system has experienced three high speed steps , and now the surveillance system is going from simulation image towards to digital , intelligent , network and IP-based direction .

  14. 通过利用该方法建立的像元分解模型,结合种植区实验数据,获取了基于TM影像的小麦实测数据的MODIS模拟图像。

    The paper sets wheat field survey data of He Bei province and TM image data as input parameters , and designs a pixel Unmixing model to acquire the 250 meter MODIS simulation image .

  15. 同时,论文利用绝对误差和相对误差的计算方式,在模拟图像上,比较了本文算法采用的L1模度量和最小二乘算法,分析表明采用的L1模度量算法误差较小。

    Then , on the simulated images the thesis uses absolute error and relative error calculation method . Compared with the least squares algorithm , the presented using L1 norm measure has small error .

  16. CCD摄像头采集纱线的图像,模拟图像经过视频解码芯片转化为数字信号,数字信号通过VPO端口送到DSP中进行处理。

    After CCD collecting the image of the yarn , we using the video decoder chip to translate the analog image to digital signal . DSP deals with the digital signal which is sent through the port VPO .

  17. 提出了一种基于图像脊提取和snake模型的复合式方法来实现X射线造影图像序列中冠状动脉血管的二维提取和运动跟踪,并分别对临床采集图像序列和模拟图像进行了实验。

    A composite method based on image ridge detection and active contour model ( snakes ) for extracting and tracking dynamic coronary arterial vessels from X-ray angiographic sequences is presented . The performance and effectiveness are demonstrated on clinical coronary angiogram sequences and simulated data .

  18. 随后评估了目标雷达模拟图像的质量。

    And then the quality of simulated images is evaluated .

  19. 用软件模块模拟图像编码算法

    Software simulation of image coding algorithms using block-diagram-oriented modules

  20. 结果:模拟图像实验和初步临床试验示该方法具有较高的精度。

    Results The simulation image test and initial clinical experiment obtained a good precision .

  21. 生成了背景和水陆坦克的红外模拟图像。

    The simulated infrared images of the amphibious tank and the background were generated .

  22. 按计算机模拟图像尺寸调节宽度

    Adjusts width to computer analog image size

  23. 将模拟图像存入样品,得到的衍射再现图像的保真度较高。

    The analog image is stored in the materials and reconstructed holograms have good fidelity .

  24. 日常生活中常见的图像一般是连续形式的模拟图像。

    Common image of daily life in general is a continuous form of analog image .

  25. 理论及模拟图像与实验结果完全一致。

    Calculation and simulation of the Lissajous figure are completely in accordance with the experiment result .

  26. 在制备的样品中进行了模拟图像存储,再现图像仍然清晰。

    The analog image is stored in the material and the reconstructed hologram is still clear .

  27. 最后研究了模拟图像的应用并进行了实验分析。

    Finally this paper studies the application of the SAR simulated image and presents the corresponding experiments .

  28. 图像信号采集与转换模块主要完成模拟图像信号的接收和模拟/数字信号转换;

    The first module is used to acquire analog image data and convert the data to digital signals .

  29. 设计了仿真实验和室内实际光路实验,分别对模拟图像和实际采集图像进行了恢复。

    Simulation test and experimental platform were designed , and simulative images and grabbed images were restored separately .

  30. 从模型模拟图像和实际卫星图像上都能清晰的看到被抬升的暖空气所形成的独特的砧状云。

    The rising , warm air forms distinctive anvil-shaped clouds , visible in both the satellite and model image .