
  • The Phantom of the Opera;Phantom of Opera;All I Ask Of You
  1. 他就在这儿,歌剧魅影!

    He 's there , the Phantom of the Opera !

  2. 歌剧魅影现在就在你的意识里。

    The phantom of the opera is now your mastermind .

  3. 液态氮的沸点是零下320度,当它迅速蒸发时,会腾起一股《歌剧魅影》式(PhantomoftheOpera)的白雾;同时,搅拌物的温度会骤然降低。

    The blend rapidly chills as liquid nitrogen with a boiling point of - 320 degrees instantly vaporizes in a billowing , phantom of the opera-esque fog .

  4. 据韩国制作人透露,韩语版《歌剧魅影》(ThePhantomoftheOpera)在2001年获得意想不到的成功后,美国及英国音乐剧的门票销售额开始攀升。

    Ticket sales began to climb for American and British musicals after the unexpected success of a Korean-language version of The Phantom of the Opera in 2001 , according to Korean producers .

  5. 当婚礼进行到赞美诗部分,罗克赛特女主唱玛丽·弗莱德里克森(MarieFredriksson)和百老汇《歌剧魅影》男星皮特·乔巴克(PeterJoback)分别用瑞典语和英语演唱,令新郎新娘十分动容。

    The bride and groom were visibly moved as the ceremony proceeded with hymns in both Swedish and English , and performances by Roxette singer Marie Fredriksson and Broadway 's " Phantom of the Opera " star Peter Joback .

  6. 歌剧魅影在那里,在我的意识里。

    A phantom of the opera is there inside my mind .

  7. 安德鲁劳埃德·韦伯的音乐剧《歌剧魅影》就经历了这样一个过程。

    Andrew Lloyd Webber 's musical Phantom of the Opera underwent such a process .

  8. 因为我发现。歌剧魅影就在那里。

    For now I find the phantom of the opera is there-Inside my mind .

  9. 她编舞的作品有《猫》、《歌剧魅影》。她很有才华。

    She did " Cats " and " Phantom of the Opera . " She 's wonderful .

  10. 汉字的数学表达式研究试从《歌剧魅影》看我国音乐剧的发展

    ON MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION OF A CHINESE CHARACTER A Study of Chinese Musical Development from the Phantom of the Opera

  11. 根据这个故事改编成的歌剧魅影是在百老汇上演的最长的歌剧。

    The storey has made " the phantom of the opera " & a longest-running show ever performed on Broadway .

  12. 然而,1986年《歌剧魅影》在伦敦首次上演时,观众们却只看到了一部置身于音乐之中的感人心灵的爱情故事。

    However , when Phantom opened in London in1986 , the audience saw a moving psychological love story set to music .

  13. 2009年11月01日创作了《歌剧魅影》等经典音乐剧的英国音乐大师安德鲁·韦伯患上了前列腺癌。

    2009-11-01 Andrew Lloyd Webber , the composer of famous musical " Phantom of the Opera ", has been diagnosed with prostate cancer .

  14. 如,劳埃德·韦伯因为《歌剧魅影》的化妆阻碍了演员唱出某些声音效果的缘故而重写了剧中的一些歌曲。

    For instance , Lloyd Webber rewrote some of the music because the Phantom 's makeup prevented the actor from singing certain sounds .

  15. 妮可•基德曼主演的歌舞剧《红磨坊》名列第五;《歌剧魅影》和《绿野仙踪》分别位列第六和第七。

    Nicole Kidman starred Moulin Rouge came fifth , while Phantom of the Opera and The Wizard of Oz stood sixth and seventh respectively .

  16. 嘎嘎女士戴着一个金色面具,遮住了她的左半边脸,《歌剧魅影》在她一个人的主宰下实现了复兴。

    Lady Gaga staged a one-woman revival of Phantom of the Opera3 by wearing a gold mask across the left side of her face .

  17. 后现代语境下的大众消费文化镜像&以当代音乐剧《歌剧魅影》为例

    The Mirror of the Mass Consumer Culture in the Post-modern Context : With the Contemporary Musical " The Phantom of the Opera " as an Example

  18. 韦伯经典音乐剧《歌剧魅影》17日首次亮相北京。1986年《歌剧魅影》在伦敦西区首演,历经29年,姗姗来迟,终于来到了北京。

    Twenty-nine years after its premiere in London , Andrew Lloyd Webber 's The Phantom of the Opera was staged in Beijing for the first time on Tuesday evening .

  19. 《歌剧魅影》上演了七个月,这是相对较长的演出时间;大多数广受欢迎的音乐剧只演出几个月就会结束,然后一年或两年之后开始再度演出。

    Phantom ran for seven months , a relatively long run here ; most popular musicals run for a few months , shut down , then return a year or two later .

  20. 歌剧魅影巴黎歌剧院是一个拥有十七层楼的宏伟建筑其中有七层楼是建在地下的。

    PAGE 3 : Reading The Phantom GetWord (" Phantom "); of the Opera GetWord (" Opera "); The Paris Opera House was a huge building with seventeen floors of which seven were below the ground .

  21. 他们于1982年结婚了,而莎拉也在韦伯的一系列音乐剧中担当了女主角,特别是在《歌剧魅影》中,其中的女主角克里斯廷就是为她量身订做的。

    They were married in1982 , and she went on to star in a number of his shows , particularly The Phantom of the Opera , in which the role of Christine was written for her .

  22. 本文从剧本、音乐、舞蹈、舞台场景等几方面来研究《歌剧魅影》,分析其成功原因,仔细揣摩音乐剧的三大要素在此部剧中的应用,分析其对我国音乐剧发展重要的启示意义。

    This paper studies the Phantom of the Opera from aspects of drama , music , dancing and scene , analyzing the reason of its success , trying to figure out the application of three musical elements and analyzing its important inspiring meaning to Chinese musical development .

  23. 著名的歌剧《歌剧魅影》表现出对人性的深刻了解。

    The well-known opera Phantom of Opera showed insights into human character .