
gē pǔ
  • music of a song;music score for songs
歌谱 [gē pǔ]
  • [music score for songs;music of a song] 歌曲的音乐符号;曲谱

歌谱[gē pǔ]
  1. 多年来BBM在一些国家(尤其是发展中国家)一直是最受欢迎的即时通讯工具之一,在印度尼西亚、尼日利亚等快速增长的国家中称雄于通讯软件版图,甚至有流行歌手为其写歌谱曲。

    For years , BBM was one of the most popular instant-messaging tools in several countries , particularly in the developing world . In fast-growing countries like Indonesia and Nigeria , BBM dominated the messaging landscape . Pop stars wrote songs about it .

  2. 在钢琴上有一些歌谱。

    There 's are some songbooks on the piano .

  3. 舒伯特为许多诗歌谱了曲。

    Schubert set many poems to music .

  4. 色彩和歌谱一样是有节奏韵律的,这里正是利用这种关系,来表达色彩与音乐之间的关系。

    The artist wants to use this way to show the relationship between color and music .

  5. 它一只手拿着一篮水果和鲜花,另一只手拿着一张新歌谱。

    It had a basket of fruit and flowers in one hand and a new piece of music in the other .

  6. 当其他同学开始熟悉歌谱时,嬷嬷把我叫到她的桌前,温和地看着我。

    While the other children studied their music , Sister Kathleen motioned me to her desk . She looked kindly at me .