
rén ɡōnɡ ɡuàn ɡài
  • artificial watering
  1. 灌溉农业是借助人工灌溉才能存续和发展的农业。

    Irrigation agriculture exists and develops by means of artificial irrigation .

  2. 橄榄来得便宜一些,桔子需要人工灌溉。

    Olives cheaper : oranges need artificial irrigation .

  3. 人工灌溉给土地人工浇水。

    To supply land with water artificially .

  4. 分析认为山西省无人工灌溉条件的山区,只要充分利用天然降雨,辅以相应措施,就可自我调节与缓解干旱为害。

    If the natural precipitation is fully utilized and same supplementary measures are adopted , the drought damage can be abated .

  5. 研究了新疆干旱环境人工灌溉条件下甜菜营养生长规律、个体营养生长、生长中心转移及糖分积累,并对甜菜高产高糖栽培进行了探讨。

    The vegetation growth regularity of population and individual growth center transfer and sucrose accumulation were studied under the irrigation in Xinjiang drought area .

  6. 对雷竹林分进行调整立竹密度与竹龄结构、除草松土、分期施肥、人工灌溉及冬季林地覆盖共5项技术措施,使雷竹笋获得高产、早产和高效益;

    Techniques like adjustment of density and age structure . Weeding and loosening soil , fertilization by stages . artificial irrigation and coverage in winter could reap high-yield .

  7. 首先他提出了人类早期历史的四个转折点即渔猎活动的产生,农耕文化的起源,人工灌溉农业的开端以及游牧业的兴起。

    At first he states four turning points in early history : the rise of hunting , the rise of plowing agriculture , the rise of artificial irrigation and the rise of nomadism .

  8. 同时模型根据土壤水贮量变化来模拟月森林水量平衡,它详细模拟了大气降水,地下水、人工灌溉、林分蒸腾量、渗透水量和土壤水之间的动态变化。

    At the same time , in view of the change of soil water storage , it simulates dynamitic change among atmospheric rainfall , groundwater , irrigation , forest transpiration , deep drainage and soil water .

  9. 骠国经济以人工灌溉农业经济为主,同时,还发展了手工业和商业贸易,建设了城市,建立了封建阶级社会的统治制度,创造了灿烂的文化。

    Although the economy of Pyu is mainly dependent on the irrigated agriculture , the handicrafts and the commercial trade also develop . Pyu builds cities , establishes the system of the feudal class society and creates a splendid culture .

  10. SWAT模型中的排水沟渗漏主要补给承压水,这种计算适合自然流域,对于全人工沟渠灌溉的灌区而言并不适合。

    The SWAT model of drain leakage recharge is mainly confined on the calculation for natural river basin , and is not suitable for the artificial Ditch irrigation .

  11. 用人工水灌溉干燥土地的管道。

    A ditch to supply dry land with water artificially .

  12. 人工林灌溉研究进展

    Advances of the researches on Plantation irrigation

  13. 油松和侧柏人工林适宜灌溉定额的研究

    Study on Suitable Irrigation Norms of Pinus tabulaeformis and Platycladus orientalis Plantation

  14. 干旱半干旱地区人工牧草节水灌溉技术研究进展

    Research Progress on Water-saving Irrigation Techniques of Artificial Forage in Arid and Semi-arid Pastoral Area

  15. 该程序也可用于人工上游控制灌溉渠道系统,能够根据取水建筑物的流量需求确定控制建筑物的调节。

    It can also be applied to manual upstream control irrgation canal system to determine the adjustment of control hydraulic structures from the water demand of offtake hydraulic structures .

  16. 地下水活动是岩溶塌陷产生的基本条件之一,大气降雨、人工开采和灌溉渠道渗漏是影响地下水动态变化的主要因素。

    Groundwater activity is a basic forming condition of karstic collapse . Meteoric water , artificial exploitation and percolation for irrigation canals are the main influence factor of dynamic variation of groundwater .

  17. 多年生人工牧草高效用水灌溉制度的研究

    High efficient irrigation scheduling of the perennial cultivated forage grasses