
  • 网络PORTRAIT;photography;Portrait Photography;portraiture
  1. 华为P系列的最新款--华为P10,主要针对有社交和科技意识的群体,并且将人像摄影、技术创新和精良的工艺结合了起来。

    Huawei P10 , the latest addition of the P series , is aimed at the socially-and-tech-conscious people and combines the art of portrait photography , inventive technology and genuine workmanship .

  2. 在人像摄影中,眼睛的表现是刻画人物内心世界的关键,而处理好眼神光则是这关键之关键。

    Eye expression light is the light speck formed on the eye ball during portrait photography lightening .

  3. 他家在伦敦,但是为了工作,他每隔三天就要飞往世界各地为香奈儿(Chanel)等服装公司拍摄广告照片,或者承接剑桥公爵和公爵夫人的正式订婚照等人像摄影工作。

    London is his home , but he is on a plane every third day for his jobs around the world to shoot campaigns for fashion houses like Chanel and portraits such as the official engagement picture of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge .

  4. 人像摄影作品是我国著作权法保护的作品种类之一。但摄影作品上同时存在肖像人的肖像权。

    Portrait photographic works are under the copyright law protections in our country .

  5. 房翔:中国人像摄影十杰面发光激光器

    Top - Class Portrait Photographer Area Emitting Lasers

  6. 所有这些人像摄影都展示了卡什在捕捉被摄人物个性精髓方面的天赋。

    All these portraits illustrate Karsh 's ability to capture the essence of his sitter .

  7. 人像摄影作品著作权归属之我见

    On Copyright of Portraiture Photography

  8. 摄影攻略专业摄影服务-婚礼摄影及录影、新娘化妆及发形设计、户外人像摄影服务。

    Ike Studio-Hong Kong 's top Photographer-for fashion , portrait , editorial and advertising , also teaching photography classes .

  9. 人像摄影作为摄影的一个主要门类,越来越多地渗透到我们生活的各个领域。

    As a major category of photography , the human figures photography is increasingly permeating every aspect of our lives .

  10. 魏礼士第二人像摄影部优越的模特资源与一流的化妆师、型师组合,为阁下的服装锦上添花。

    Wallis '2 nd Portrait Photography Department combine high-class dresser and sculptor , with ascendant models , gloss your dresses .

  11. 在人像摄影中,对被摄影者的表情的刻画和表现是最重要、最具挑战的环节。

    The depiction and representation of the object 's countenance are the most significant and challenging segment in the portrait photography .

  12. 本文所要讨论的问题首先是界定在商业人像摄影这个范畴,其次是数码技术下的商业人像摄影。

    This paper tries to discuss the issues first is defined in this category in commercial portrait photography , followed by digital technology of commercial portrait photography .

  13. 如果你有人像摄影、风景拍摄、高端时尚拍摄的天赋,摄影对你来说也许是最好的选择。

    If you have a talent for taking beautiful portraits , landscape scenes or high fashion shots , a career in photography might be perfect for you .

  14. 本文试图通过分析人像摄影作品的权利冲突种类,并结合国内外的实践,确立两种权利冲突解决的一般规则。

    This text attempts to establish the general rule that two kinds of right conflicts solve by analysing the types of conflict of portraiture photography works and accord with practice both at home and abroad .

  15. 在这一背景下,本文选取大众化和商业化程度比较高的艺术人像摄影作为研究对象,以其产品的形成为核心,研究产品形成的基本原理及其审美产品生产的一般规律和特点。

    Right because of this , my thesis concentrates on the topic of commercial artistic portrait with much popularization and commercialization , centering on the formation of its products , and study the basic principles of its formation and the common characteristic and law of its aesthetic products .

  16. 艺术人像摄影图片提供给消费者的价值主要是它的审美价值,由于审美价值的产生具有相对性,因此审美产品的生产活动必须考虑消费者对产品审美价值的接受问题,必须考虑消费者的审美要求。

    The value of artistic portrait pictures for the consumers , mainly , is its aesthetic one . Owing to the relativity of its aesthetic values , the productive activity of the aesthetic products must consider whether the consumer can accept and take consumers ' aesthetic tastes into consideration .

  17. 深入透彻地分析探讨数码商业人像的审美层面,对商业人像摄影的的实践和消费者审美的提高是很有意义的。

    In-depth analyzes the aesthetic level like digital business , the commercial portrait photography of practice and improve consumer aesthetic is very meaningful .