
  1. 每集节目中,观众可以看到,有专业的动物园工作人员监督明星们的活动。

    Professional zookeepers can be seen supervising them during the show .

  2. 对国有企业领导人员监督约束的思考

    Supervision and Restrain over Managers of State-run Enterprises

  3. 六月杉山说,信息发送到当地医护人员监督病人的治疗。

    June Sugiyama says the information is sent to local health care workers supervising patient treatment .

  4. 该组织近期派遣检查人员监督叙利亚化学武器储备的销毁情况。

    It recently sent inspectors to oversee the dismantling of Syria 's stockpile of chemical weapons .

  5. 监督检查部门工作人员监督检查不正当竞争行为时,应当出示检查证件。

    When monitoring and investigating acts of unfair competition , members of the control and inspection authorities shall produce warrants of inspection .

  6. 由细菌引发的性传播疾病能够用医药根治,通常是在医护人员监督下使用抗生素。

    Bacterial sexually transmitted diseases caused by medicine can cure , usually under the supervision of the use of antibiotics by health care workers .

  7. 在医院医务人员监督下进行的阻塞治疗成功率大大超过在家里进行的。

    Occlusive therapy done at the hospital , under medical staff surveillance , is reported to be significantly more successful than when done at home .

  8. 在这些数据中所描述的实验是有潜在危险的,而且要求有高度的安全训练、特别的设施和装备,且要有适当的人员监督下才能进行的。

    The experiments described in these materials are potentially hazardous and require a high level of safety training , special facilities and equipment , and supervision by appropriate individuals .

  9. 2003年,美国司法部任命了一名联邦监督人员监督底特律警察,要求底特律就致命性武力的使用进行大规模更改,并改善牢房的条件。

    By 2003 , the Justice Department had appointed a federal monitor over Detroit police and required massive changes in the use of deadly force and the conditions of holding cells .

  10. 在美国,股权的分散使许多股东对经理层的监管很困难,而董事会对以CEO为首的经理人员的监督的效率缺乏则直接导致了独立董事制度的诞生。

    In the United States , scattered shareholders made the supervision of the management very difficult , in order to improve the efficiency of the supervision directly led to the birth of the system of independent .

  11. 从国内相匹配设立的法律制度、专门涉外机构和人员、监督和预警机制、培养CAFTA专门法律人员等方面来做出具体应对。

    It should set a specific corresponding domestic legal system , such as concerning foreign affairs agencies and special staffs , supervision and early warning mechanism , cultivating CAFTA special legal staffs to make specific aspects to reply that .

  12. 我们需要多少名监考人员来监督整个考场?

    How many invigilators will we need to supervise the whole room ?

  13. 赛道工作人员:监督比赛安全进行的赛道官员。

    Marshal : A course official who oversees the safe running of the race .

  14. 我们已经派遣过数以百计的武器核查人员去监督伊拉克解除武装。

    We have sent hundreds of weapons inspectors to oversee the disarmament of Iraq .

  15. 除了前台控制以外,还应该辅以风险经理和合规人员的监督。

    Front line controls are supplemented by oversight from risk managers and compliance officers .

  16. 投资组合管理人员负责监督一个投资组合中的内容。

    A portfolio manager is responsible for continuing oversight of the contents within a portfolio .

  17. 试件的试验应由具有资质的分包商实施,独立第三方机构人员负责监督。

    The specimens shall be tested by the qualified subcontractor with the supervision of the independent personnel .

  18. 开标实现了公开、透明及网络化,并在监管人员的监督下完成。

    Opening achieve an open , transparent and networking , and regulatory personnel in the supervision of completion .

  19. 招聘管理计算机分析员、工程师、程序员、技术员及其它人员,监督其职业发展及培训。

    Recruit and supervise computer analysts , engineers , programmers , technicians and other personnel and oversee their professional development and training .

  20. 附体试片的焊接工作应在生产主管和独立机构人员的监督下实施。

    The welding on the test coupons shall be performed under the supervision of the Production Supervisor and the independent organization personnel .

  21. 由执业药师、技术员或其他受过专业训练的人员负责监督药物的储存、准备和发放。

    An appropriately licensed pharmacist , technician , or other trained professional supervises the storage , preparation , and dispensing of medications .

  22. 针对患者或健康受试者的研究需要由一位胜任、并有资质的医生或其他卫生保健专业人员负责监督。

    Research on patients or healthy volunteers requires the supervision of a competent and appropriately qualified physician or other health care professional .

  23. 这说明,加强对税务人员的监督并非总是能减少税务人员的腐败。

    It means that strengthening the supervision of the tax collectors or the tax inspector may not always effectively fight the tax corruption .

  24. 应逐步完善职业经理人市场,加大对高管人员的监督力度,避免高管人员道德风险和逆向选择问题。

    It is also necessary to improve professional managers market and strengthen supervision on senior managers to avoid moral hazard and adverse selection .

  25. 管理人员负责监督员工的出勤情况,需要时,通知人力资源部采取必要行动。

    The management staff is responsible for monitoring the attendance of employees and informing the Human Resources department to take necessary actions when needed .

  26. 所有的调查工作都在美国国家运输安全委员会和巴哈马检查人员的监督下进行,“凯旋”号邮轮是在巴哈马注册的。

    All of the work under the supervision of the national transportation safety board , and inspectors from the Bahamas where the Triumph was registered .

  27. 继续确立合法性、合理性审查原则,并加强对行政复议机关及其工作人员的监督。

    Besides , the principals of legal and reasonable investigations are proposed and the supervisions on the administration reconsideration organization and its staff should be enhanced .

  28. 重视人民群众通过行政复议、行政诉讼等法定渠道,对政府机关及其工作人员的监督;

    They must take seriously the people 's oversight of government organs and employees through reconsideration of administrative decisions , administrative lawsuits and other legal channels .

  29. 但在20世纪早期,一种新观念在美国公司中传播:高层管理人员应该监督员工,以保持高生产率。

    But in the early 20th century , a new idea spread in American companies : that top managers should watch their workers to keep productivity high .

  30. 完善的赔偿制度有利于保障公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益,加强对行政机关以及公务人员的监督力度。

    Comprehensive compensation system can protect the citizens 、 legal persons and the legitimate rights , and strength the executive authorities of other organizations and the public servants .