
  • 网络Central Plains War
  1. 中原大战中反蒋阵营的战略失误

    Strategic Mistakes of the Anti - Jiang Kai-shek Camp in the Central Plain Campaign

  2. 武装调停中原大战是张学良维护统一的爱国之举

    Mediate Central Plains ' War with Arms is Zhang Xue liang 's Patriotic Action in Defending Unity

  3. 以中原大战为例分析了影响公债价格涨落的因素,主要是时局与军阀混战对公债价格涨落的影响。

    And the thesis analysed factors of the effect on price of bonds , current affairs and melees by warlords had great effect on price of bonds mainly .

  4. 1930年,中原大战爆发,主战场就位于河南境内,河南省再次遭受巨大灾难。

    In 1930 , the area south of Yellow River war erupts , the main battlefield is located at within the boundaries of Henan , Henan Province suffers the huge disaster once more .