
yì shǒu
  • change hands
易手 [yì shǒu]
  • [change hands] 某物的占有者发生更换

  • 阵地多次易手

易手[yì shǒu]
  1. 新经济基金会(NewEconomicsFoundation,智库)表示,之前选举的数模和数据显示AV只会消减安全席位,因此有16%而非13%的席位在选举后会易手。

    Modelling data from previous elections , the New Economics Foundation , a think-tank , suggests that AV would merely trim the number of safe seats , so that 16 % rather than 13 % would change hands at a typical election .

  2. 英国央行(BoE)宣布,将发行易擦洗的塑料钞票。这意味着不久后,在英国街角商店和酒吧易手的皱巴巴的5英镑和10英镑纸钞将成为历史。

    The crumpled fivers and tenners that change hands in corner shops and pubs across Britain are set to be consigned to history after the Bank of England announced the introduction of wipe-clean plastic notes .

  3. 那栋房子在5年内易手了3次。

    That house has changed hands three times in five years .

  4. 这幢房子已三次易手。

    The house has changed hands three times .

  5. 当年的网景(Netscape)和微软(Microsoft)就充分证明,想象中不可动摇的市场地位可能瞬间就会易手。

    Netscape and Microsoft both showed how supposedly unassailable market positions can be lost as well as won .

  6. 在此过程中没有金钱易手,就和Airbnb的模式一样。

    No money changes hands , as with Airbnb .

  7. 换言之,用于抵消现有CDS头寸的合同数额增加,如果出现违约,易手金额下降。

    That implies that more CDs are being written in order to offset existing CDs positions , and that less money will change hands in case of a default .

  8. 评级下调也可能是信用违约互换(CDS)等金融合同的触发事件,迫使资金易手。

    Downgrades can also be trigger events in financial contracts , like credit default swaps , that force money to change hands between parties ; and they have historically spooked markets .

  9. 这意味着如果明天所有持有希腊债券CDS的投资者都对合同进行结算,易手金额将低于所有合同的面值之和。

    That means that if everyone who owned a CDs on Greek debt settled their contracts tomorrow , a shrinking amount of money would change hands than the face value of all the contracts .

  10. 如果汇率保持稳定,且国际货币基金组织(imf)对2010年的经济预测日本增长1,7%,中国增长10%接近真实情况的话,那么接力棒将必然易手。

    If exchange rates are stable and International Monetary Fund forecasts for 2010 of 1.7 per cent growth for Japan and 10 per cent for China are anywhere near the mark , then the baton will decisively be passed .

  11. 多年来,这首歌的版权几经易手,1988年,华纳公司买下了这首歌的所有者伯奇特里有限公司(BirchtreeLtd.),作为一项出版合约中的一部分,据当时的报道,该交易价值在250万美元。

    The song changed hands over the years , and Warner acquired it in 1988 when buying the song 's owner , Birchtree Ltd. , as part of a publishing deal reported at the time to be worth $ 25 million .

  12. 中央公园西路15号是花旗集团(citigroup)前董事长桑迪威尔(sandyweill)等人的住所,其a级公寓(最值得拥有的公寓)每易手一次,价格就上涨几十万美元。

    At 15 Central Park West , home to , among others , former Citigroup chairman sandy Weill , prices for A-line condos the most desirable apartments rose by several hundred thousand dollars each time one was sold .

  13. 尽管钻石矿几经易手,但朱伯特的地位始终岿然不动。他曾多年担任Koidu控股(KoiduHoldings)的首席执行官。

    While mine ownership has changed hands several times , Mr Joubert has been a constant figure . For years he was chief executive of Koidu Holdings ;

  14. 在这款表陪伴宝玑家族50年后,斯宾塞布伦顿(sirspencerbrunton)以600英镑购得,此后又两次易手,然后成为大卫萨洛蒙斯爵士的藏品之一。

    It remained with the Breguet family for another 50 years before being bought for 600 by Sir Spencer Brunton , after which it changed hands twice more before becoming part of the collection of Sir David salomons .

  15. 该公司以罗德州岛中心的海湾命名,几度易手,最终在上世纪60年代被pabst收入囊中。

    The company - named after the Bay in the heart of Rhode Island - changed hands a few times and was eventually acquired by Pabst in the 1960s .

  16. 勃艮第以很少易手的小葡萄园而闻名。

    Burgundy is known for small vineyards that rarely change hands .

  17. 在这次战役中,这座小镇曾易手多次。

    During the battle the town changed hands many times .

  18. 该店一周内易手两次。

    The shop changed hands twice within a week .

  19. 今天,政府行政部门虽然易手,

    To-day the executive branch of the Government is transferred to new keeping .

  20. 国会席位每个选举周期都会易手。

    Congressional seats change hands every election cycle .

  21. 在这一过程中,资金周转率(资金易手的速度)就会急剧提高。

    In the process , the velocity of money-the speed at which it changes hands-rises sharply .

  22. 大宗的金钱在这儿易手,通常最后进入澳门政府的钱柜。

    Considerable sums of money change hands here and generally end up in Macau 's state coffers .

  23. 尽管钻石矿几经易手,但朱伯特的地位始终岿然不动。

    While mine ownership has changed hands several times , Mr Joubert has been a constant figure .

  24. 他们被指责要为所有的罪行负责,而这些罪行则证明了天赋之君权易手的合理性。

    They were blamed for all the evils that justified the transfer of the mandate of heaven .

  25. 我本人于2003年6月创建易手网,易手网是一家专业网上销售化妆品的电子商务网站。

    In Jun. 2003 by myself , and was an specialized E - Commerce net about cosmetics business .

  26. 法律纠纷通常以交换使用专利权而告终,只有少量现金易手。

    The legal tussles usually end in cross-licensing deals , in which small sums of money change hands .

  27. 逾2.2亿汇源股易手,使其成为当日交易最活跃的股票。

    More than 220m Huiyuan shares changed hands , making it the day 's most actively traded stock .

  28. 榜单随着本周假期后恢复的两个位置易手而发生了改变。

    The chart begins to stir from its post-holiday slumber this week , as two positions change hands .

  29. 18个月前,这种股权只要能够买卖,通常都会溢价易手。

    Eighteen months ago , if such stakes were available at all , they generally traded at a premium .

  30. 根据官方记录,那辆汽车在过去4年中已5次易手。

    According to the official record , that car has changed hands five times in the last four years !