
yì dú xìnɡ
  • Legibility;readability
  1. 反之,如果以相同数量的LED来设计标志,则可大幅提升亮度,改善易读性和对比效果。

    Alternatively , signs can be designed with the same number of LEDs , providing substantially higher brightness levels for better readability and contrast .

  2. Kindle和Reader同样使用电子墨水显示技术,拥有绝佳的易读性,并与其制造商旗下的通路紧密结合。

    Both products offer excellent readability using electronic ink display technology and are tied to stores controlled by their manufacturers .

  3. 一段代码被阅读的次数要远远超过编写的次数,Java语言为易读性而进行了优化。

    Code is read more often than it 's written , and the Java language is optimized for reading .

  4. 除了我们介绍的高易读性的代码,我们还介绍了一种简单的,类似于Rails视图中使用的碎片缓存的缓存技术。

    Beside readable code we introduced a simple caching similar to the fragment caching found in Rails views .

  5. 高质量的地图符号是丰富地图内容、增强地图的易读性以及便于地图绘制的必要前提,因此地图符号在GIS中占有很重要的位置。

    High-quality map symbols are necessary precondition for content-rich of maps , enhancing map legibility and convenience mapping . So map symbols occupy very important position in GIS .

  6. 业务逻辑代码易读性高,因为XPath可准确地说明数据的本质及其与业务结构的关系。XPath2.0还提供进行搜索和导航的额外功能。

    Business logic code is easy to read because the XPath describes the exact nature of the data and its relationship to the business structure .

  7. 因而,子模式((?x)educominfo)(请注意备用操作符之间的空格,这些空格是为了易读性而添加的)与(educominfo)相同。

    Thus , the subpattern ((? x ) edu | com | info )( notice the spaces between the alternation operators , added for legibility ) is the same as ( edu | com | info ) .

  8. 包装的文字设计必须具有良好的识别性和易读性。

    The character design of packing must be distinctive and readable .

  9. 中文阅读难度模型及易读性公式探索

    On the Difficulty Model of Chinese Text Reading and Readability Formula

  10. 易读性程式是如今在国际上被广泛应用于测量文本难度的工具。

    Readability formula is internationally used to measure text difficulty .

  11. 应用新软件将会大大提高电子书籍的易读性。

    New software will be delivered to greatly improve the readability of e-books .

  12. 这样做不仅代码易读性强,可维护性好,而且能够更快的查找bugs.你将会喜欢在你的编辑器里使用右键进行重构。

    You will learn to love Right Click + Refactor in your editor .

  13. 文学作品的易读性要素分析

    An Analysis of the Elements of the Literature Readability

  14. 液晶屏汉字显示易读性实验软件的研制

    The Development of the Software for Legibility Experiment of Chinese Character on LCD

  15. 根据认知心理学原理,增强网络教学页面的易读性。

    Enhance the legibility of instructional webpage on the basis of cognitive psychology .

  16. 文化背景知识的导入与语篇的易读性

    The Introduction of the Cultural Background Knowledge and the Readability of the Text

  17. 试析书籍设计中的易读性

    A Tentative Analysis of Legibility in Book Design

  18. 我们通常认为优雅的算法或者技术的优雅比代码的易读性和结构具有更高的价值。

    We often value elegant algorithms or technical elegance over code readability and structure .

  19. 确定它的易读性。

    Note that it must be readable .

  20. 易读性研究概述

    A Survey of Studies on Readability

  21. 与之相对,易读性描述的是排印文本阅读时的轻松和舒适程度。

    In contrast , legibility describes how easily or comfortably a typeset text can be read .

  22. 地图易读性的度量研究

    A Metrical Research on Map Legibility

  23. 电话号码套用格式,使电话列表具有更好的易读性、一致性和准确性。

    Format phone numbers so that your phone list is more readable , consistent , and accurate .

  24. 新闻受众对新闻语言理解的难易问题就是新闻语言的易读性问题。

    How well can news acceptors understand the news language is its problem of " readability " .

  25. 显示易读性及其测量方法的研究

    Display legibility and its measurement

  26. 此文件要具有一定的易读性,但不要大量使用奇怪数字来编码标记。

    This file is moderately human-readable , but does make liberal use of magic numbers to encode flags .

  27. 文学作品的易读性研究是传播学中关于易读性研究领域的重要课题。

    The research on the literature readability is one of the most important parts of the readability study .

  28. 3:30磅字号确保了文本的易读性

    30-Point Font Guarantees Readability

  29. 组件软件工程的出现,将会大大提高软件生产效率,增加软件的可靠性、易读性、易维护性。

    Component based software engineering will raise software production efficiency , improve software reliability , readability and maintainability .

  30. 大众文化是生产者式文本,它既具有易读性,又具有开放性。

    As a kind of producer-style text , the popular culture is not only legible but also opening .