
yì rán cái liào
  • inflammable material
  1. ABS树脂是一种重要的高分子材料,已广泛地应用于国民经济和人民日常生活的各个领域。但ABS树脂属于易燃材料,这极大的限制了它的进一步应用。

    ABS is a widely used polymeric material in every fields of national economy and peoples daily life , but the further application is restricted for its flammability .

  2. 但它们均属于易燃材料,PE的氧指数为17.4,而ABS的氧指数仅为16.8,这极大的限制了他们的进一步应用。

    PE has a limiting oxygen index ( IO ) value of 17.4 , ABS has only 16.8 . Therefore , the flame retardancy of them is very important in widening their application areas .

  3. 净稳定融资比率(nsfr)鼓励更长期限的借款,从而限制了不稳定融资(易燃材料)的存量。

    Net stable funding ratios limit the stock of unstable funding ( flammable material ) by encourgaing longer-term borrowing .

  4. 它由高度易燃材料建造。

    It made highly flammable materials used for pedat chemical industry .

  5. 大部分商店都不再出售用易燃材料做的睡衣了。

    Pyjamas made from flammable material have been removed from most shop .

  6. 涂抹在易燃材料表面例如聚苯乙烯材料可阻燃。

    Retards the flame when coated on combustible materials such as Styrofoam .

  7. 例如,有些建筑物的装潢是用易燃材料来建造的。

    For example , the furnishings of some buildings were made of flammable materials .

  8. 移除供暖热源附近的易燃材料。

    Remove flammable material around your heating source .

  9. 管理和使用可燃、易燃材料的员工的培训没有记录。

    Training on handling and use of flammable and combustible materials was not documented .

  10. 您这里用易燃材料进行装修,违反了有关消防法规。

    But the materials used in fitting-up are inflammable and against the regulations of fire-control .

  11. 如果现存建筑物含易燃材料,则应消除危险浓度。

    If the structure previously contained flammable materials , it shall be purged of dangerous concentrations .

  12. 将刮雨器、油布和其他易燃材料保存在规定的容器中。

    Store wipers , oily rags and other flammable materials in receptacles provided for that purpose .

  13. 由于爆震波所造成的非燃性瓦砾常常把易燃材料复盖因而可防止其燃烧。

    The noncombustible debris produced by the blast frequently covered and prevented the burning of combustible material .

  14. 一种易燃材料(通常是锂盐或锶盐),燃烧时发出红光,用于信号弹和焰火。

    Combustible_material ( usually salts of lithium or strontium ) that burns bright red ; used in flares and fireworks .

  15. 此外,他们还改用了非易燃材料。大部分商店都不再出售用易燃材料做的睡衣了。

    And they used only materials that would not burn easily . Pyjamas made from flammable material have been removed from most shop .

  16. 乙烯燃烧简化化学动力学模型及其验证可燃性:不燃烧。涂抹在易燃材料表面例如聚苯乙烯材料可阻燃。

    Reduced chemical kinetics and test for ethylene combustion COMBUSTIBILITY : Does not burn . Retards the flame when coated on combustible materials such as Styrofoam .

  17. 甚至能清洗掉标签和胶水。它也能粉碎食物,纸张及其它易燃材料,把它们变成纤维,用做燃料或用于厌氧消解。

    It also breaks down food , paper and other combustible material into a fibrous mass that can be used either as fuel or for anaerobic digestion .

  18. 虽然建在火车站附近的希泰“胶囊旅馆”一直标榜住宿费用低廉,经济实用。地方部门表示遗憾,旅馆施工中使用易燃材料。

    Capsule Hotel , which is located near the city 's railway station , was found to have usedflammable materials during construction , said the local fire department .

  19. 综述了近年来对尼龙阻燃的最新研究进展,尼龙是相对易燃材料,因此在应用中要进行阻燃处理。

    The review of the recent research progress on the flame retardancy of Nylons is presented . Nylons are relatively easily ignitable materials and are required to be flame retarded for some applications .

  20. 由于沥青是易燃材料,再加上隧道内部通风条件很差,倘若发生交通事故而引发火灾,沥青燃烧释放的有害气体,将严重影响人的身体健康,甚至危及人的生命。

    Since asphalt is a flammable material , combined with poor ventilation inside the tunnel , if the fire caused by a traffic accident , asphalt release harmful combustion gases , will seriously affect human health and even endanger human life .

  21. 提高资本要求(石头地基)和收紧流动性规则(耐火建筑)必须恢复弹性,让银行摆脱一种失败的模式该模式依赖过多的信贷,使用来源不稳定的流动性(易燃材料)。

    Higher capital requirements ( stone foundations ) and tougher liquidity rules ( fire-resistant buildings ) must restore resilience , moving banks away from a failed model , which relied on too much credit using unstable sources of liquidity ( flammable material ) .

  22. 可燃性:不燃烧。涂抹在易燃材料表面例如聚苯乙烯材料可阻燃。经规定的燃烧性初步筛选试验,表明该货物不属易燃危险品。

    COMBUSTIBILITY : Does not burn . Retards the flame when coated on combustible materials such as Styrofoam . The screening test of flammability is conducted in accordance with the Regulation , the result indicates that the substance does not belong to flammable solid .

  23. 别在易燃的材料附近吸烟。

    Don 't smoke near combustible materials .

  24. 易燃易爆材料超细粉碎技术及设备研究新进展

    Superfine Grinding Techniques of Combustibles and Explosives and Progress of Equipment Studies

  25. 本文介绍了一种用于木材、纺织物、纸张等易燃纤维材料进行防火阻燃处理的防火阻燃剂的研究情况,探讨了该防火阻燃剂的阻燃机理。

    The paper introduced the research process and the combustion-retardation mechanism of the High-efficiency Fire Retardant , this Fire Retardant can be used for combustion-retardation treatment of wood textile and paper .

  26. 助焊剂为易燃之化学材料,在通风良好的环境下作业,并远离火种,避免阳光直射。

    Flux is combustible material , flux applying should be conducted in a well-ventilated environment , far away from fire and sunshine ;

  27. 尼龙-66属易燃的工程材料,为拓宽其应用领域,需对其进行阻燃处理。

    PA66 is an important engineering plastic , it is relatively easily ignitable material and required to be flame retardant for some applications .

  28. 因此,推广使用阻燃材料,对易燃和可燃材料进行阻燃处理,制订合理的阻燃法规和阻燃标准,以提高全社会防止火灾的能力,尽量减少火灾损失,具有重大的现实意义。

    Thus , it is of great significance to carry research on the treatment of inflammable materials with flame retardants , and to lay out reasonable flame retardant regulation and standard so as to improve people capability of preventing fire disasters and to reduce the loss caused by those disasters .

  29. 但复合材料存在绝缘和易燃两个客观问题,电绝缘会导致静电放电(EDS)现象,产生的火花可能会威胁施工人员安全或成为易燃材料点火源,因此需要对材料进行静电防护和阻燃研究。

    However , composites have two objective problems : high insulation and inflammability . Ihe former may result in electrostatic discharge ( EDS ) phenomenon ; sparks created would threaten the security of constructors or ignite inflammable materials .