
Yì luò kuí rén
  • Iroquois
  1. 易洛魁人的胞族的职能,部分地是社会性质的,部分地是宗教性质的。

    Among the Iroquois , the functions of the phratry are partly social , partly religious .

  2. 会议在聚集起来的民众面前公开举行,每个易洛魁人都可以发言;

    The meetings of the council were held in the presence of the assembled people ; every Iroquois could speak ;

  3. 马克思补充说:“但是,透过希腊氏族,也可以清楚地看到蒙昧人例如易洛魁人。”

    And Marx adds : " in the Greek gens , the savage e.g.iroquois shows through unmistakably . "

  4. 法国探险者看到土著美洲部落的易洛魁人把玉米放进含有热沙的陶器里制成爆米花。

    French explorers saw members of the Iroquois native American tribe make popcorn with heated sand in a clay container .

  5. 易洛魁人联盟是尚未越过野蛮时代低级阶段的印第安人所曾达到的最进步的社会组织。

    The Iroquois Confederacy represents the most advanced social organization achieved by any Indians still at the lower stage of barbarism .

  6. 谢谢你,爸爸!现在我可以于心无愧和理直气壮地和易洛魁人谈判了。

    Thank you for that , Father ! Now I can speak boldly to the Iroquois , and with an easy conscience .

  7. 易洛魁人在其中生活了四百余年,而且直至今日还生活于其中的整个社会制度,就是如此。

    That was the whole public constitution under which the Iroquois lived for over four hundred years and are still living today .

  8. 因为易洛魁人所能遗留的东西为数很少,所以他的遗产就由他最近的同氏族亲属分享;

    As an Iroquois had only things of little value to leave , the inheritance was shared by his nearest gentile relations ;

  9. 我们已经看到,易洛魁人和其它印第安人的酋长职位是怎样继承的。

    In what sense the offices of sachem and chieftain were hereditary among the Iroquois and other Indians , we have already seen .

  10. 有一次,哈特落到易洛魁人手中,结果只花了几张兽皮就轻而易举地把他赎了回来。

    Once before , Hutter had been in the hands of the Iroquois , and a few skins had readily effected his release .

  11. 而在易洛魁人中间,死者的全氏族都要参加葬仪,安排坟墓,宣读悼词等等。

    And among the Iroquois also the whole gens of the deceased attends the burial , prepares the grave , the funeral addresses , etc.

  12. 在易洛魁人中间,最后的决定需要一致通过,跟德意志人的马尔克公社在作出某些决定时一样。

    Among the Iroquois the final decision had to be unanimous , as was also the case in regard to many decisions of the German mark communities .

  13. 他们与上述美洲部落之间,横着差不多整整两个很大的发展时期,亦即英雄时代的希腊人超过易洛魁人两个时期。

    Between them and the American tribes , of whom we spoke above , lie almost two entire great periods of development , by which the Greeks of the heroic age are ahead of the iroquois .

  14. 试论两汉之际关于隗嚣割据西北的散文创作不言而喻,在我们见到易洛魁人时他们所处的那种发展阶段,氏族内部禁止通婚是被严格遵守着的。

    Analysis on Prose Creation during the Times of Wei Xiao Occupying Northwest China It goes without saying that at the stage at which we find the Iroquois the prohibition of marriage within the gens was stringently observed .

  15. 由于易洛魁人奉行母权制,因而酋长的儿子属于别一氏族,所以从不选举前一酋长的儿子做酋长,而是往往选举他的兄弟做酋长,或者选举他的姊妹的儿子做酋长。

    A son was never chosen to succeed his father as sachem , since mother-right prevailed among the Iroquois and the son consequently belonged to a different gens ; but the office might and often did pass to a brother of the previous sachem or to his sister 's son .