
  • 网络tabasco
  1. 而在两年前,这所坐落在塔巴斯科州州府Villahermosa西部平原的学校还以四座“帕拉帕”作为教室,持续遭到恶劣天气的极大影响。

    Up until two years ago , the school located in the savannah , west of the Tabasco state capital of Villahermosa , consisted of four palapas , which were continuously hit by bad weather .

  2. 所有的东西包括生活方式都被破坏了。在这片灰色盐碱地上唯一留下的是一种来自墨西哥塔巴斯科州的胡椒作物。

    Everything had been destroyed , Yankee-style , and the only crops that seemed to thrive in the ashy , salty soil were some pepper plants * from the Mexican state of Tabasco .

  3. 大多数专家先前提到的,都是在塔巴斯科海湾州托土盖罗遗址的一块石碑上,玛雅人用象形文字刻下的那个日期。

    Most experts had cited only one surviving reference to the date in Mayan glyphs , a stone tablet from the Tortuguero site in the Gulf coast state of Tabasco .