
hùn xuè ér
  • half-breed;mixed-blood;half-caste;a person of mixed blood;mustee
混血儿 [hùn xuè ér]
  • (1) [half-breed]∶不同种族父母的后裔;尤指美洲印第安人和白人的后裔

  • (2) [mixed-blood]∶其祖先属于两个以上种族的人

混血儿[hùn xuè ér]
  1. 我知道,你没笑,你这个小混血儿。

    I know-I know you 're not laughing , half-breed .

  2. 对于松本来说是首次饰演混血儿类型的角色。

    Matsumoto is the first time for half-breed type of role playing .

  3. 他是英美混血儿。

    He was born of Anglo-American parentage .

  4. 人们常说混血儿更聪明。

    It is often said that a person of mixed race is cleverer .

  5. 那混血儿高大、英俊、又聪明。

    The hybrid was tall , handsome , and intelligent .

  6. 许多源自不同文化的人都相当欣赏混血儿,诸如莫文蔚、玛吉Q等等,更不要说超级高尔夫明星泰格·伍兹了。

    People of numerous cultures have embraced Eurasians like actresses Karen Mok and Maggie Q , not to mention superstar golf player Tiger Woods .

  7. ChannelV和MTV的很多主持人看上去好像是混血儿,这是因为他们通过外科美容手术改变了面容。

    Many of the VJs on Channel V and MTV look racially mixed only because they have had plastic surgery to change their features .

  8. 在约翰逊1912年石破天惊的小说《一个前有色人种的自传》(AutobiographyofanEx-ColouredMan)中,一个混血儿希望自己以白人的身份蒙混过关。

    In Johnson 's groundbreaking " Autobiography of an Ex-Coloured Man " ( 1912 ) , a young man of mixed race decides to pass as white .

  9. 为了旷日持久的HapaProject,艺术家兼电影制作人基普·富尔贝克(KipFulbeck)曾游历全国,给成千上万名混血儿拍照。该项目的一个关键要素是,拍摄对象自己发声。

    A critical element in the long-running Hapa Project , for which the artist and filmmaker Kip Fulbeck traveled the country and photographed thousands of multiracial people , is that photo subjects speak for themselves .

  10. KurtKanazawa是菲日混血儿,来自夏威夷,是哥伦比亚毕业生,在纽约Met礼品店工作时,他看到了海报。

    Kurt Kanazawa , a half-Japanese , half-Filipino performer from Hawaii , was a recent Columbia grad working in the Met gift shop in New York when he saw a recruiting poster .

  11. 他年轻的被保护人由德国/东印度/巴基斯坦混血儿阿拉米斯·奈特(AramisKnight)饰演。

    and his young prot é g é is portrayed by a performer of German / East Indian / Pakistani descent ( Aramis Knight ) .

  12. 公混血儿能在这二种极端之间的任何地方成熟而且可能或不可能展现RLU。

    Male hybrids can mature anywhere between these two extremes and may or may not exhibit RLU .

  13. 一种RAM-ROM的混血儿,它能在软件的控制下被擦除和重写。

    A RAM-ROM hybrid that can be erased and rewritten under software control .

  14. 在奴隶制废除之前和之后,美国人口普查局(U.S.CensusBureau)认定的“有色人种”和“黑人”也各不相同,有些时期还包括针对混血儿的小类,所有细微之处往往是由人口普查员随意决定的。

    Who the U.S. Census Bureau designated " colored " or " black " varied , too , before and after slavery , and at times including subcategories for people of mixed race , all details often left up to the whims of the census taker .

  15. 爱丁堡大学人口遗传学家JimWilson博士解释说:父母对后代各占50%的遗传基因,第一代混血儿在肤色上肯定会中和父母双方的肤色。

    Dr Jim Wilson , a population geneticist at the University of Edinburgh , explains : Since parents contribute 50 per cent of the genes each to an offspring , the first generation born to a mixed-race couple will definitely be midway in colour between the two .

  16. 此外,住在澳门的土生葡人(Macanese,葡萄牙人、中国人和其它人种的混血儿)的数量可能有8000人,另外还有大约2万居住在欧洲、澳大利亚或者加拿大。

    Another cluster of Macanese , of mixed Portuguese , Chinese and other ancestry , may number 8,000 , with perhaps another 20,000 living abroad in Europe , Australia or Canada .

  17. 副总统的职位是行政和立法的混血儿。

    The vice-presidency is a hybrid of administrative and legislative offices .

  18. 这个小女孩上六年级,是中韩混血儿。

    This sixth grader is Chinese-Korean and remembers Ward 's visit .

  19. 这是工匠和工厂方法的一个混血儿。

    This is a hybrid of the artisan and factory methods .

  20. 那就是说你女儿是个混血儿。

    So this means that your daughter is half and half .

  21. 人类和女妖的混血儿可以施放加速和减速魔法。

    Human and succubus hybrids can cast haste and slow .

  22. 我是韩国,中国和日本的混血儿。

    Mymom is korean mix with Chinese but my dad is Japanese .

  23. 神话:一只狼的混血儿将会是一只比较好的护卫狗。

    Myth : a wolf hybrid will make a better guard dog .

  24. 因此我们结合了所有类型的功夫,象个混血儿。

    So we combined all types of styles , like a hybrid .

  25. 这里不卖东西给混血儿,明白吗?

    We don 't sell to dhampirs in this town , understand ?

  26. 孩子在成长过程中会经历一些变化,特别是黑白混血儿。

    Children go through changes while growing up , especially biracial children .

  27. 论混血儿红牡丹的文化审美意蕴

    On the Connotation of Cultural Aesthetics of Halfbreed Red Peony

  28. 当混血儿变得更多见时,情况也变得愈发模糊不清。

    When mixed-race people became more prevalent , things got murkier still .

  29. 既非吸血鬼亦非狼人,他是一个混血儿。

    Neither vampire nor lycan * But a hybrid .

  30. 欧亚混血儿并非生来就沐浴于公众关心的温煦的光辉之中。

    Eurasians have not always basked in the warm glow of public attention .