
  1. 这项服务名叫KindleUnlimited,订购该服务的中国用户可以阅读超过4万本中文电子书、3500本英文电子书,韩寒、易中天、东野圭吾等受欢迎的中外作家所著畅销书均在其列。

    The service called Kindle Unlimited gives Chinese subscribers access to a collection of more than 40000 Chinese language e-books and 3500 English e-books , including best-sellers by popular Chinese and foreign authors such as Han Han , Yi Zhongtian and Higashino Keigo .

  2. 易中天以其独特的历史散文创作影响一时。

    YI Zhong-tian is famous for his distinctive historical prose .

  3. 易中天现象实际上是修辞实践的一个成功实例。

    Yi Zhongtian phenomenon is actually a successful rhetorical practice .

  4. 由易中天现象引发的思考

    The Thinking of Yi Zhong-tian Phenomenon

  5. 四个月后,易中天回了信,表示很乐意为本书作序。

    Four months later , Yi replied that he would be glad to write the foreword .

  6. 易中天的书现在可畅销了,我特别喜欢他的书。

    Yi Zhongtian 's books are best-sellers now . I really like his books a lot .

  7. 在完成手稿后,他鼓起十足的勇气,将手稿发给了易中天。

    After finishing the manuscript , he mailed it to Yi Zhongtian , out of pure nerve .

  8. 易中天和于丹能如此受欢迎乃在情理之中。

    It 's not surprising that Yi zhongtian and Yu Dan are so phenomenally popular these days .

  9. 易中天现象

    YI ZHONG TIAN Phenomenon

  10. 政治溃疡与人性之痛&读易中天《帝国的惆怅》

    Political Ulcer and Pain of the Human Nature & On YI Zhong-tian s The Empire s Melancholy ;

  11. 今天不一样。易中天教授要在王府井书店签名售书。

    Yes , I know . But Professor Yi Zhongtian is going to sign books at the book store .

  12. 作为一名21岁的大学生,他出版了一本书,并邀来历史学家、著名学者易中天来写序。

    As a 21-year-old college student , he published a book and invited historian and scholar Yi Zhongtian to write a foreword .

  13. 应当公正评价平民刘邦&评易中天先生新作刘邦崛起之谜

    LIU Bang of Humble Birth Deserved a Fair Justice & Comments on Mr. YI Zhong-tian 's New Works : The Enigma of LIU Bang 's Rising

  14. 具体内容包括:1、概述易中天《品三国》的语言艺术特征,突出其通俗化与幽默化的语言风格。

    The concrete content included : 1 、 Summarize the features of language arts about Yi Zhongtian Pin San Guo , lay stress on whose popular-rization and humorous-rization language style .

  15. 试论易中天品三国的教学艺术因素&兼谈高校教师教学艺术的缺失与对策

    On the Teaching Art of Yi Zhongtian 's Discussion of Three Kingdoms & Also on the Flaw of Teaching Art and the Construction of Counter Measure of Teachers in Higher Institute

  16. 是什么让易中天从一个默默无闻的学者变成一个明星学者?这是一个值得研究的现象,亦已引起国内文化界的关注与探究。

    Which reason makes Yi Zhongtian from a common scholar to be a star professor ? It is a phenomenon worthy for study , and caused the concerns and explore of domestic cultural sectors .