
  • 网络Ease of Use;usability;Easy to use;Accessibility;perceived ease of use
  1. Web信息系统创作工具与用户代理易用性规范

    Authoring Tool and User Agent Accessibility Specifications for Web Systems

  2. Web信息系统的内容易用性规范

    Content Accessibility Specifications for Web Systems

  3. 对我们的客户来说易用性且基于web是很重要的。

    To our customers ease of use and web-based delivery are paramount .

  4. 在其易用性和优异Web页面性能之间进行折衷是否值得?

    Is the trade-off between ease of use and a performance hit on the Web page worth it ?

  5. IntegrationDeveloper中的编辑器已经改进了,提高了易用性。

    The editors in Integration Developer have been improved for ease of use .

  6. 本文的目标是提出一种机制,用于改进Web搜索服务的易用性。

    The goal of this paper is to develop a machanism that can improve the usefulness of Web search services .

  7. 可以看到,版本A和B在易用性方面的困难比老版本大得多。

    As you can see , versions A and B present much larger usability challenges than the old version .

  8. 该方案可利用普通的PC机,操作系统为Windows,无需昂贵的大型机或服务器,易用性好。

    Uses normal PC and Windows OS , not needs for expensive workstation , which is convenient to use .

  9. 通过对原有PC同步软件的易用性测试结果进行分析,确定了新软件的设计重点,做到有的放矢。

    By the usability analyst of former PC sync software , the focus of new software is determined .

  10. pull解析器可以提供一些性能优势以及易用性。

    The pull parser can have some nice performance advantages as well as ease of use .

  11. Web服务开发者可以使用的消息传递技术有很多;一些技术提供高性能,其他技术则提供易用性和人类可读性。

    There are a number of messaging technologies available to Web services developers ; some offer high performance , others ease of use and human readability .

  12. 域代表了在SCA中重要的易用性概念。

    A domain represents an important ease of use concept in SCA .

  13. 在设计此类API时应非常小心,要注意其易用性。

    We should take considerable care in designing these APIs , paying attention to ease of use .

  14. 系统中还引入了MicrosoftAgent组件,大大提高了教学课件的趣味性和易用性;

    This system have introduce Microsoft Agent package , has improved the interest of the teaching courseware and easy using greatly ;

  15. 并结合具体算法,对CFD三维流场数据涡特征进行了提取与可视化处理,通过大量的试验说明所提出的交互方式的实用性和易用性。

    With practical algorithm , the CFD three-dimensional fluid feature is extracted and visualized .

  16. Excel是Windows环境下的一种电子表格软件,可向用户提供史无前例的超强功能和易用性。

    Excel is electronic form software running in Windows system to provide users super-powerful function and easiness to use .

  17. 本论文主要的工作为:研究并建立了PC同步软件易用性测评指标体系及其测评方法。

    The paper aims to study and establishment of a PC sync software usability evaluation and testing system and its methodology .

  18. 客户端具有通用性、易用性、轻量级、易维护等特点,有利于PKI的推广应用。

    The client characters universal , wieldy , light weight and maintenance easy .

  19. 出版项目往往担心硬编码XML标记的易用性,因为作者可能需要手工编写XML文档。

    Publishing projects tend to worry about the ease of hand-coding the XML markup , because authors may have to write XML documents by hand .

  20. 特别是以计算机为媒介,以界面设计为对象而建立起来的可用性工程(UsabilityEngineering)更是为探索易用性设计做出了很多努力。

    Especially , Usability Engineering , as a subject based on computer medium and interface design , have made contribute for usability study .

  21. USB的出现主要也是为了简化个人计算机与外围设备的连接,增加易用性。

    USB appears primarily to simplify the connection of personal computers and peripheral devices , to increase easy use .

  22. 本文通过对CMG界面主要功能的程序设计进行详细描述,希望能帮助读者在编写石油工程专业软件时提高软件的易用性。

    I describe the programmer of interface in CMG . detailedly . I hope that the readers could pay attention to the facility of their software .

  23. 由于magicquotes导致可移植性、性能和易用性方面的问题,所以PHP文档不鼓励使用它。

    Citing portability , performance , and inconvenience , the PHP documentation discourages the use of magic_quotes .

  24. 提供的样例应用程序还诠释了组合使用pureXMLweb服务和SCA组件的易用性和灵活性。

    The provided sample applications illustrated the ease and flexibility of combining pureXML web services and SCA components .

  25. 然而,这样的定义却没有提到任何评估系统的“易用性”(easeofuse)或“可用性”(usability)的具体方法。

    This definition , however does not mention concrete ways of evaluating the ease of use or better still , the usability of the system .

  26. Internet和流套接字最流行,这得益于它们的易用性,它们的架构,以及Web和应用服务器在当代数据中心中的流行性。

    Internet and stream sockets are the most popular because of their ease of use , their architecture , and the prevalence of web and application servers in contemporary data centers .

  27. 与流行的HTTPServlet编程模型类似,有些灵活性仅限于优化易用性和缩短价值实现时间。

    Like the popular HTTP servlet programming model , some flexibility is limited to optimize ease-of-use and time-to-value .

  28. 本文试图从技术水平、易用性、稳定性、发展前景等方面对Visualc++与Delphi/C++Builder进行比较分析。

    This article tries to analysis Visual C + + and Delphi / C + + Builder through comparing their technology level , feasibility , stability and development prospect .

  29. 让我们从右到左依次讨论标题中的四个词,首先是易用性(usability)。

    Let 's work through the equation in the title from right to left , starting with usability .

  30. 添加了一个用于业务对象的新API,以改进处理嵌套业务对象时的开发易用性。

    A new API for business objects has been added to improve ease of use for development when dealing with nested business objects .