
  • 网络chinese civil society
  1. 但是,中国公民社会和慈善方面的权威谢世宏(ShawnShieh)称,不要指望中国的慈善遗产可以企及安德鲁愠芸基(AndrewCarnegie)或洛克菲勒家族,至少目前还不能相提并论。

    But do not expect a charitable legacy to match those of Andrew Carnegie or the Rockefellers , at least not yet , said Shawn Shieh , an authority on Chinese civil society and philanthropy .

  2. 公民政治社会化是一个循序渐进的过程,新时期中国公民政治社会化系统的革新也非一日之功。

    Civil and political society is a step-by-step process , the new era of Chinese citizens in political and social system of innovation is not day .

  3. 因此,从一定意义上讲,新时期中国公民政治社会化最基本的任务就是进行公民意识的培育和传播。

    Therefore , from a certain sense , the new era of political socialization of Chinese citizens the most basic task is to foster civic awareness and dissemination .

  4. 这意味着中国公民政治社会化的理论研究和工作实践必须用马克思主义的立场、观点、方法确定中国公民政治社会化的地位、方针、原则和方法,坚持中国公民政治社会化的马克思主义方向。

    It means that the theoretical study and working practice of the Chinese citizen 's political socialization should be determined according to the Marxist stand , viewpoint and method in order to establish the stand , policy , principle and method of the Chinese citizen 's political socialization .

  5. 公民的政治社会化是公民由社会人到政治人的转变过程,中国公民的政治社会化不仅有明确的研究对象,而且还有坚实的理论基础。

    The citizen 's political socialization is the changing process of the citizen from the social man to the political man . The Chinese citizen 's political socialization has not only the clear object of study , but also the steady theoretical basis .

  6. 公司不仅加强自身的发展和进取,还努力树立中国优秀企业公民的社会角色。

    Besides strengthening self-development , Nader is trying to build up the social role of Chinese excellent corporation .

  7. 而中国公民道德建设的社会背景是制度伦理环境及制度德性的主体内在精神因素(信仰)的双重缺失;

    The social context under which China is implementing morality-building is characterized by " dual default " of an institutional / ethic environment and a system of beliefs .