
  • 网络the revolution in military affairs with Chinese characteristics
  1. 中国特色军事变革与武器装备发展

    China Characteristic Military Revolution and the Development of Weaponry

  2. 适应中国特色军事变革造就高素质军事医学人才

    Adapting to Military Innovation with Chinese Characteristics , Training Military Medical Talents with High Quality

  3. 军事装备采办体制的改革,是中国特色军事变革的一个重要组成部分。

    The reformation of military equipment acquisition system is an important part of Chinese characteristic military reformation .

  4. 中国特色军事变革给我们带来了新的机遇、新的挑战和新的考验。

    Military reform with Chinese characteristics has brought us new opportunities , new challenges and new test .

  5. 推进中国特色军事变革,必然要求培养与之相应的高质量的初级指挥警官。

    Promote military reform with Chinese characteristics , it is necessary to train with the commanding officer at the high-quality primary .

  6. 我军要推进中国特色军事变革,建设信息化军队,打赢信息化战争,就要培养和造就大批高素质人才。

    Aiming at propelling the military innovation with Chinese character , establishing information force , and succeeding in information warfare , our army is to cultivate highly qualified intellectuals .

  7. 我军专业技术人才队伍,直接承担着科研、教学及保障任务,是推进中国特色军事变革的骨干力量。

    Our army 's professional technicians directly take on the science research , teaching and assurance task , and they are the main power for propelling Chinese characteristic military reform .

  8. 特别是随着中国特色军事变革的加快推进,建设高素质的领导干部队伍,直接关系到军队战斗力的生成,关系到军队建设发展目标的实现。

    Most importantly , with rapid development of Chinese characteristic military innovation , having more excellent leading cadres directly affects the improvement of military strength and the realization of military developing targets .

  9. 如何应对世界新军事变革的挑战,积极推进中国特色军事变革,增强打赢未来信息化战争的信心,这是我军面临的一个严峻课题。

    Our country 's army faces the severe subject problem that how to deal with the challenges of new military changes in the world , actively promote military reform with Chinese characteristics and strengthen the confidence of winning the future information warfare .

  10. 搞好中国特色军事变革条件下的军队思想政治教育,是当前军队现代化建设特别是正在进行的中国特色军事变革要求回答的一个重大而紧迫的战略课题。

    To do the ideological and political education in military forces while the military reform of distinct Chinese characteristics , is a significant and pressing strategic problem that the present modernization of military forces , especially the undergoing military reform of distinct Chinese characteristics .

  11. 在积极推进中国特色新军事变革和加快新时期军队改革与现代化建设进程的新形势下,对我军卫生装备建设提出了新的要求。

    New military transformation and modernization of Chinese army brings new challenges to medical equipment of PLA .

  12. 为适应中国特色新军事变革,第十五次全军院校会议提出军队院校教育由学历教育为主向任职教育为主转变的发展思路[1]。

    In order to adapt to the military reform with Chinese characteristics , the 15th session of Chinese Military Academic Conference proposed that the military academic education develop with a focus shifting from the degree-oriented education to in-service education .

  13. 建立军事科技伦理学学科,对于促进军事科学技术的发展,推进有中国特色的军事变革,培养高素质军事科技人才,具有重要的理论和现实意义。

    Establishing the subject of military science and technology ethnics possesses important theoretical and practical significance to facilitate the development of military science and technology , advance RMA with Chinese characteristics and cultivate military science and technology talents with high ability .

  14. 全维战斗力医学的领域较传统军事医学有较大扩展。对于中国特色的军事医学变革,全维战斗力医学概念的提出是有益的理论探索。

    The concept of full-dimensional fighting force medicine will benefit the development and conversion of Chinese military medicine .