
  1. 列宁的法律监督思想与中国检察制度

    Lenin 's Thinking on Legal Supervision and China 's Prosecution System

  2. 中国检察制度的几个问题

    On Several Issues of China 's Procuratorial System

  3. 第二章则对中国检察制度的状况进行了概括,分为历史发展和基本内容两个方面。

    The second chapter is divided into two parts & history and basic contents to sum up the conditions of Chinese prosecutorial system .

  4. 中国检察制度是中国社会发展过程中的必然选择。

    It is the natural choice for China to choose the Chinese procuratorial system during the process of the development of the society in China .

  5. 作为社会的上层建筑和司法制度的重要组成部分,中国检察制度的形成和发展受到多重因素的影响。

    As an important part of the social superstructure and the judicial systems , the formation and development of Chinese procuratorial system have been influenced by various factors .

  6. 文章阐释了新中国检察制度的特点和优势,指出了认真实践“强化法律监督,维护公平正义”的主题,关键在于解决监督难的问题。

    This article expounds features and advantages of the system and points out that the mission of the system is to strengthen legal supervision for equality and justice .

  7. 为此,以检察权的拓展、约减和制约为中心,科学合理地配置检察权,以及改革检察官管理制度等内容应当成为中国检察制度改革的重要内容。

    Thus the main contents of Chinese prosecution system reform consist in the scientific and reasonable distribution of the prosecution power , and the reform of the management system of prosecuting officers , with the center of the enlargement , reduction and restriction of the prosecution power .

  8. 从英国检察机关与行政机关的关系和检察机关内部机构之间的关系两方面考察英国检察制度,探讨英国检察机关的独立性问题,以期对中国检察制度的建构有所借鉴。

    An observation is made on the relations between the British procuratorial organs and administrative organs and among the procuratorial organs themselves so as to probe into their independent character in the hope that China 's procuratorial organs can draw some experience from them in regard to the structures .

  9. 第一部分,为新中国民事检察制度概述。

    Outline of civil procuratorial system of new china .

  10. 民事诉讼检察监督是中国特色检察制度的重要组成部分,国家干预性是检察监督的重要特征。

    The procuratorial supervision on civil proceeding is an important part of Chinese characteristic procuratorial system , in which the nation actively intervene .

  11. 两个国家代表了两种不同法律体系下差异较大的检察制度类型,而这两种类型又同中国的检察制度具有较大的差别。

    The two countries represent two different types of prosecutorial systems under two different legal systems , and Chinese prosecutorial system is greatly different from the above-mentioned two types .

  12. 两国少年警察制度在机构设置、管辖范围和处理程序上面都有不同;第二部分美国少年法院的庭前审查制度与中国少年检察制度的比较。

    They are different in the institutions , the jurisdiction , and the procedures . The second part is about the comparison between the U.S.A pre-trial review system and the Chinese juvenile prosecution system .

  13. 第一章介绍检察监督的产生及其专门化、现代各国对检察监督的立法、我国古代的御史检察制度、新中国检察监督制度的创立与发展,全面反映检察监督的历史沿革。

    Chapter One : Introducing the arising and specialization , the legislative situation in various countries , the establishment and development in P.R. China and the full trace of the historical evolution of the Prosecutorial Supervision .

  14. 本文立足于中国的检察制度,运用比较的方法,介绍和分析西方主要国家的检察制度概况及其理论基础、检察权地位,并以此作为分析中国检察权历史和现状的主要工具。

    The thesis is established in Chinese prosecutorial system . With the use of comparative method , I introduce and analyze the conditions of the prosecutorial systems and its theoretical basis and the status of the prosecutorial power of main western countries .

  15. 民事检察制度是中国特色社会主义检察制度的重要组成部分。

    Public prosecution system is a line of socialism with Chinese characteristics important part of the prosecution system .

  16. 中国民事检察监督制度的改革与完善,是近几年来法学界十分热门的一个话题。

    In recent years , one of the popular topics in the legal circles is the reform and perfection of the civil procurator supervision system in China .

  17. 如果说举报人保护制度是检察举报制度的重点,那检察机关正名制度则是硬币的另一面,是具有中国特色检察举报制度中不可或缺的重要组成部分。

    Supposing that the system of protection of the informer is a major part in the procuratorial report institution , the name rectification system is just the other side of the coin , namely , an indispensable and crucial component .

  18. 我国检察制度的改革总体上要遵循法治原则,要适合我国国情,要循序渐进地分步骤进行,真正建立起有中国特色的检察制度。

    The reform of the procuratorial system of China generally should follow the principle of the rule of law , respect and agree with the reality of China , be gradually carried out step by step , in order to set up a procuratorial system with Chinese characteristics .

  19. 自新中国成立以来,检察制度在我国有了长足的发展。

    Great progress has been made in the development of prosecution since people ' republic of China in 1949 .

  20. 新中国成立后,在总结革命根据地人民检察工作实践经验的基础上,吸收、借鉴了前苏联的检察制度,创建了新中国的检察制度。

    However those powers gradually expanded . After the founding of new China , its procuratorial system was established on the basis of summing up practical experiences of people 's procuratorial work and drawing lessons from ex-Soviet Union .