
  • 网络Administrative Reconsideration Law;administrative review law
  1. 《行政复议法》制度性缺陷分析

    Analysis on the institutional defect of the Administrative Review Law

  2. 《行政复议法》的问题与立法建议

    The problems and legislative suggestions of the administrative review law

  3. WTO与行政复议法的改革

    WTO and the Reform of Administrative Reconsideration Law

  4. 与此同时,制定了行政复议法等。

    At the same time , we have instigated Administrative Reconsideration Law .

  5. 评《行政复议法》第42条之规定

    Comments on the Article 42 of the Administrative Reconsideration Law

  6. 《行政复议法》第9条是关于申请期限的规定。

    The Article 9 of the Administrative Reconsideration Law concerns about the application deadline .

  7. 行政复议法的变革与启示

    The Change and Enlightenment of Administrative Reconsideration Law

  8. 国务院已将行政复议法的修改列入了2010年立法计划。

    The State Council has the administrative reconsideration law included in the 2010 legislative plan .

  9. 我国行政复议法较之于过去行政复议条例有许多优点,但仍存在某些不足。

    Compared with the former Law of Administrative Reconsideration in China , the current one has more advantages .

  10. 《行政复议法》的颁布实施意味着行政复议制度在我国以法律形式予以正式确立。

    Administrative Review Law means that the administrative review system has been formally established in the form of law .

  11. 行政复议法第7条确立了规范性文件行政复议制度。

    The system of administrative review of normative documents is established by Article 7 of the Law on Administrative Review .

  12. 《行政复议法》的颁布首次以立法的形式肯定了对部分抽象行政行为的司法审查,已经从法律上正式确认了对抽象行政行为的司法审查制度。

    Promulgation of the Administration Replies Argument Action affirms judicatory investigation of part abstract administrative behaviors for the first time .

  13. 浅议《行政复议法》第9条适用中的几个问题改革我国行政复议体制的法律思考

    On Issues of Application of Article 9 of Administrative Reconsideration Law Legal advices on reform of china administration reconsideration law system

  14. 完善现行行政复议法和行政诉讼法,使之成为反行政垄断法律制度的保障。

    Perfect the Administrative Reconsideration Law and Administrative Litigation Law to supply a guaranteed procedure for the anti-administrative monopoly legal system .

  15. 《行政复议法》从行政复议范围、行政复议程序等方面进一步完善了我国的行政复议制度。

    Administrative Review Law further improving the system of administrative review on the scope of administrative review and the administrative review procedures .

  16. 法律原则的存在形式探析&兼对《行政复议法》中合法原则的质疑

    An analysis of the existing form of the principle of law & a challenge to the legal principle in the Administrative Reconsideration Law

  17. 《行政复议法》中行政规定的法律属性是个看似简短实则极为复杂的问题。

    The legal nature of administrative regulations in < Administrative review law > is a seemingly short but in fact very complex issue .

  18. 直至1999年《行政复议法》颁布实施,我国行政复议制度有了独立的法律地位。

    Until 1999 , " the Administrative Reconsideration Law " was promulgated and implemented , our administrative reconsideration system had its independent legal status eventually .

  19. 应当在行政复议法中明确授权机关在行政授权法律关系中的的复议机关地位;

    The status of the delegating organ acting as the reconsidering organ in the administrative delegation relationship should be stipulated explicitly in the administrative reconsideration law .

  20. 我国行政复议法与原先的行政复议条例相比,有较多创新之处;

    Compared with former Regulations of Administrative Reconsideration , the active one has many changes , which reflect the great development of our system of administrative reconsideration .

  21. 但行政复议法实施以来,面临着大量的困难和问题,使行政复议制度难以发挥其应有的功效。

    However , Administrative Reconsideration Law has encountered numerous difficulties and problems since it was enacted , which blocked the Law to fulfill its function as supposed .

  22. 为此,在起草《行政复议法》时,着重强调了行政复议作为行政机关内部监督的特点,避免使行政复议司法化。

    Therefore , the legislator have emphatically emphasized the characteristic of interior supervision in order to avoid judiciary-oriented of administrative reconsideration when drafts the " Administrative Reconsideration Law " .

  23. 我国行政复议法和行政诉讼法确定的是复议和诉讼期间行政行为不停止执行原则。

    In China , the Administrative Appeal Law and the Administrative Litigation Law have established the principle of not stopping executing agency action during the period of appeal or litigation .

  24. 《行政复议法》实施以后,虽然对复议机构的职权规定和机构设置有了明显的改进,但仍没有达到预期效果。

    After the enforcement of the " Law of Administrative Recon-sideration ", there are still heap reproaches on the verdicts announced by the reconsideration setups though a considerable progress has been made in the division of power and function and the setup of institution .

  25. 行政复议法和行政诉讼法的主要立法目的都是限制行政机关滥用行政权利,保障公民、法人或者其他组织的合法权益不受不当的甚至违法的行政行为的侵害。

    The main legislative purpose of Administrative Reconsideration Law and Administrative Litigation Law is to limit the executive abuse of administrative power , protect the citizens , legal entities or other organizations ' lawful rights from being infringed on inappropriate or even illegal administrative acts .

  26. 把类似于司法程序的流程和理念引入我国目前现有的公务员权利救济制度,完善救济程序。修改行政复议法、行政诉讼法,将部分惩戒措施纳入司法审查。

    It may introduce the procedure and concept similar to the judicial proceedings to our existing remedy system of civil servant , and improve the remedy procedures , amend the Administrative Review Law , Administrative Procedural Law , incorporate part of disciplinary measures into the judicial review .

  27. 《行政复议法实施条例》和一些地方政府规章共同规范行政复议调解制度,规定了调解的适用范围、遵循原则、合法性审查、调解书的法律效力和执行等,这些规定仍有不足。

    The mediation system on administrative review is stipulated in the regulation on the Implementation of the Administrative Reconsideration Law and some local government rules . The regulations provide the range of application , the principles , legality and legal force of mediation document , which are still inadequate .

  28. 县级环境保护行政主管部门如何做好行政复议法实施前的准备工作我需要做什麽治疗前的准备工作?

    The Preparation of County Environmental Administration for the Implementation of Administrative Reconsideration Law ; What should I do to get ready for treatment ?

  29. 行政法体系中,行政复议法和行政诉讼法是审查行政机关作出的具体行政行为是否合法、适当的两部法律。

    In Administrative Law system , Administrative Reconsideration Law and Administrative Litigation Law are two laws which inspect whether the specific administrative acts made by administrative organs are legitimate and appropriate .

  30. 行政复议的基本原则是行政复议法的一个重要问题,对行政复议的基本原则问题加以研究,有助于我们加深对这部法律的理解,更好地贯彻执行这部法律。

    One of the most important issues of Law of Administrative Reconsideration is the basic principle of administrative reconsider . The study of these issues is helpful in deepening our understanding to the law as well as carrying out it .