
xíng yíng
  • field headquarters
行营 [xíng yíng]
  • [field headquarters] 出征时的军营。亦指军事长官的驻地办事处;也作移营,指行军

  1. 行营位于重庆市渝中区,该区的文物管理所所长徐晓渝告诉记者,复建工作将从8月开始,现在进行的拆除工作也是保护项目的一部分。

    Restoration work will begin in August , said Xu Xiaoyu , a heritage protection official in Yuzhong District where the compound is located . We are dismantling it for the purpose of its preservation .

  2. 以军法执行总监部为核心,包括行营、战区司令长官部以及各军、师、独立旅的军法处是实施战时军律的主要机构。

    The chief organization of implementing the discipline is the chief inspector department of military law , field headquarter , the command of war zone and every military law branch of army , division , and , independent bridge .