
  • 网络Exercise
  1. 其次,便于真正的权利人行使权利。

    Secondly , facilitate the real right holder to exercise their rights .

  2. 权利的性质决定行使权利的法律后果。

    The nature of the right decides the legal consequences of the exercise of the right .

  3. 行使权利并不是对每个人都是容易的。

    Exertion of authority does not come easily to everyone .

  4. 试论工会行使权利的法律保障

    A Brief Discussion on a Legal Security of Trade Unions ' Rights

  5. 他们既要履行职责又要行使权利。

    They want to be able to use both .

  6. 在他们行使权利的这段时间里。

    For their time off for this privilege .

  7. 女王设立在加拿大的各省和地区,代表其行使权利的人是谁?

    What do you call the Queen 's representative in the provinces and territories ?

  8. 公司可以在其公司章程中对股东行使权利和履行义务的特殊事宜,作出具体规定。

    Companies may make specific stipulations in the company constitution concerning stockholders'rights and duties .

  9. 公民参与原则的实现需要公民具有积极的行使权利的意识。

    The realizations of the principle of citizens participation requires to exercise their rights with positive sense .

  10. 其要求保险当事人在保险合同中应诚实信用的行使权利、履行义务。

    The insurance party should exercise right and carryout obligations honestly and credibly in the insurance contract .

  11. 本条例旨在延展提起法律程序与行使权利的期限。

    To extend the period during which legal proceedings may be instituted and rights may be exercised .

  12. 各该债权,非依重整程序,均不得行使权利。

    All such rights of creditors shall not be exercised unless in a accordance with reorganizers procedures .

  13. 农民权的事实主体包括农民群体、当地社区和民族等,各国政府可以作为农民权的法律主体行使权利承担义务。

    The governments of countries could take the rights and obligation as legal holders of farmers ' rights .

  14. 和解债权未受偿的部分,作为破产债权行使权利。

    The part of conciliating creditors rights that are not liquidated shall be exercised as bankrupt obligatory rights .

  15. 权利伦理是对正当的确证,是人们行使权利的行为规范,目的是尊重和保护人们的正当权利。

    The right ethics is the confirmation of righteousness and the behavior regulation that regulates people 's legal right .

  16. 商务部的声明还表示,中国应考虑在世贸组织的框架下行使权利。

    The commerce ministry statement also said that China would consider exercising its rights under the World Trade Organization .

  17. 上市公司应建立能够确保股东充分行使权利的公司治理结构。

    A listed company shall establish a corporate governance structure sufficient for ensuring the full exercise of shareholders rights .

  18. 但是,享有任意解除权并不等于行使权利的行为就一定具有合法性。

    However , the enjoyment of the right does not mean that the exercise of the rights of a certain legitimacy .

  19. 监事会能否有效地行使权利在很大程度上取决于其能否保持独立性。

    Whether supervisory board can exercise authority effectively depends to a great extent on whether it can keep its own independence .

  20. 从目前公民享有的权利与国家承担的义务的情况看,在社会救助中仍然存在着不能很好地行使权利和承担义务的问题。

    But the rights which citizens enjoy and the obligation which the state undertakes are not well exercised in the society .

  21. 此存款付予本行可于存款到期日前行使权利赎回存款。

    The terms of the deposit confer upon the bank the right to repay the deposit before maturity at its discretion .

  22. 劳动仲裁时效是督促权利人及时行使权利的一种法律制度。

    The limitation of labour arbitration is a kind of law system that is expected to urge obligee to exercise their rights .

  23. 正确地认识权利是大学生维权活动的基础;正确地行使权利是大学生维权活动的内容之一;

    Correct understanding of the rights is the basis of the campaign and proper implementation of the right belongs to the campaign .

  24. 反垄断法规制技术标准化行为,首先必须判断该行为是合法行使权利的行为,还是权利滥用行为。

    To regulate technology standardization , antimonopoly law must first determine whether its behavior is legitimate exercise or the abuse of rights .

  25. 从法律上讲,资产证券化弥补了融资担保制度的缺陷,通过风险隔离机制最大限度的保证了债权人行使权利的安全和便捷。

    From the point of law , securitization can remedy the disadvantages of the system of secured finance by its risk-remote system .

  26. 我们认同生命的重要,并履行对生命的尊重.他们既要履行职责又要行使权利。

    We acknowledge the central role of the affirmation and fulfillment of life . They want to be able to use both .

  27. 公民在行使权利时应遵守公共利益原则、合理限制原则和诚实信用原则。

    While exercising one 's rights , a citizen should abide by principles of public interest , rational limitation and honest credit .

  28. 任何机关、团体和个人不得妨碍、干涉、威胁其合法行使权利。

    No organ , group or individual may hinder , intervene and threaten the lawyer 's exercise of rights according to law .

  29. 许多公民尚未懂得权利为何物及如何正确行使权利,保护自己的合法权益。

    Many civil rights have not yet know why-and how to correctly exercise their rights and protect their legitimate rights and interests .

  30. 他观察它的习俗、传统、制度化的生活、政府的运作机制,了解公民行使权利和履行义务的情况。

    He observes the customs , traditions , institutional life , the workings of government , and citizens exercising rights and duties .