
xíng chéng
  • trip;itinerary;journey;distance travelled;length of travel;distance of run;route or distance of travel
行程 [xíng chéng]
  • [route or distance of travel] 路程;旅程

行程[xíng chéng]
  1. 根据汽车运动平衡方程,本文讨论了公路纵坡、汽车行驶状态以及不同速度变化范围内的汽车加减速行程三者之间的关系。

    According to Power equilibrium equation of moving vehicles , this paper discusses the relationship among gradient of highways , moving state of vehicles and distance travelled by a vehicle from one speed to another .

  2. 这次旅行我们的行程超过了1800英里。

    On the trip we clocked up over 1 800 miles .

  3. 他们踏上环游世界的第一段行程。

    They 're off on the first lap of their round-the-world tour .

  4. 如果走这条路,可以缩短两小时的行程。

    If we go this way it will save us two hours on the trip .

  5. 这次航行包括几天陆上行程。

    The cruise included several days ashore .

  6. 往返行程需要3到6个小时。

    It would take three to six hours for a round trip

  7. 她乘雪橇穿越西伯利亚到达了堪察加半岛,行程共1.4万英里。

    She travelled 14,000 miles by sledge across Siberia to Kamchatka .

  8. 乘私人飞机去华盛顿的路上,有一段行程是他自己驾驶的。

    He piloted his own plane part of the way to Washington .

  9. 她负责了总统竞选活动期间新闻报道团的行程安排。

    She handled travel arrangements for the press corps during the presidential campaign

  10. 距离以行程时间而非英里数来计算。

    Distance is gauged by journey time rather than miles .

  11. 这趟行程不同于他1990年的首次衣锦还乡。

    This trip was not like his first triumphant return home in 1990 .

  12. 你必须为这次行程打起精神来。

    You must gather your strength for the journey .

  13. 他在最后时刻推迟了行程。

    He postponed his trip at the eleventh hour .

  14. 我们行程的下一站是锡利斯特拉。

    The next place on our itinerary was Silistra .

  15. 布莱尔先生因为工作繁重而突然取消行程。

    The sudden cancellation of Mr Blair 's trip was due to his heavy workload

  16. 相比而言,曼联队的行程将略多于1,200英里。

    By way of contrast , Manchester United will travel slightly more than 1,200 miles

  17. 仅以成功或失败来判断行程可能过于简单化了。

    To judge trips as if they 're successes or failures may be oversimplifying things .

  18. 罗马尼亚政府最后一刻恳请他取消行程。

    Romania 's government issued a last-minute appeal to him to call off his trip .

  19. 行程的首段是乘船到肯尼亚的奈瓦沙湖。

    The first leg of the journey was by boat to Lake Naivasha in Kenya .

  20. 她录下了整个行程。

    She videotaped the entire trip .

  21. 这一行程你以前已经走过多次了,早就了如指掌了。

    You 've made that same trip so many times before that you 're on automatic pilot

  22. 他已取消了这次行程。

    He has called off the trip

  23. 目前仍不清楚他的行程安排。

    His itinerary is still unclear .

  24. 那时已是10月,我们已经完成了行程的一大半了。

    By then , it was October and we were more than halfway through our tour .

  25. 她在星期一晚上抵达了卡拉奇,这段行程耗时3天9小时。

    She reached Karachi on Monday evening , the journey having occupied three days and nine hours .

  26. 这趟行程需要周密计划。

    The trip needs careful planning

  27. 他们的身体状况显然都很好,15个小时的行程没有给他们带来不适。

    They are all apparently fit and well and none the worse for the fifteen hour journey .

  28. 在被征召入队参加与巴基斯坦的比赛后,我为前往印度的行程做了充分准备。

    I had done enough after being recalled against Pakistan to have got on the tour to India .

  29. 山民们说,有人带路的话这段行程可以在14天内完成。

    The mountain people say that , with guides , the journey can be done in fourteen days .

  30. 他头几个月的行程都是边走边画,不期然间竟然到了都柏林。

    He spent the first few months on a walking and sketching tour , before fetching up in Dublin .