
  • 网络Action Phase;Action stage;Main phase
  1. 体育锻炼作为一种行为活动,它包括几个不同的阶段,即前凝神阶段、凝神阶段、准备阶段、行动阶段和维持获得阶段。

    Physical exercise , as a kind of action , includes several stages , namely prerapture stage , rapture stage , preparation stage , action stage and sustentation of achievement stage .

  2. 当大学文化素质教育已越过了认识阶段而进入到行动阶段后,必然会面临如何处理民族传统文化现代化与西方外来文化本土化的棘手问题。

    When the education of culture quality of university has been crossing the stage of knowing and entering the stage of action , it is necessary that it will face to the question of how to modernize the national tradition culture and transfer the western culture with the indigenous methods .

  3. 在上下行独自分配频宽给行动装置阶段,则利用一新颖的系数来决定每个需求的急迫性,以最急迫优先的分配方式来反映出延迟保证与公平性。

    Then , independently in the downlink and uplink , the HUF allocates bandwidth to every MS according to a pre-calculated U-factor which considers urgency , priority and fairness .

  4. 这激起了遭受打击的开发商的莫大兴趣,在福岛灾难之后,人们对原子能的兴趣降温,日本和德国采取行动分阶段全面关闭核电站。

    That has made it a big draw for developers hit by a cooling of interest in atomic energy after the Fukushima disaster , including moves by Japan and Germany to phase it out altogether .

  5. 苏丹生命线行动第二阶段背景呼吁文件

    Operation Lifeline Sudan Phase II Background Appeal Document

  6. 企业塑造品牌的行动是分阶段进行的,在每一阶段,企业品牌行动的内容总是有所侧重。

    Enterprises ' Branding Action is taken in phases , and at every phase , enterprises sress differently .

  7. 广告效果分为传播记忆态度行动四个阶段。

    The effect of advertisements may fall into four stages : communication , memory , attitude and action .

  8. 该行动计划的阶段描述的业务运作情况而定,如物理位置,设施,人员和设备的必需品。

    The Operations Plan stage describes the physical necessities of the business operation , such as the physical location , facilities , staff and equipment .

  9. 阿巴斯少将说,军用喷气机星期二在这次行动的初期阶段首先轰炸了激进分子据点,然后攻击直升机打死了50多名武装分子。

    General Abbas said military jets first bombed militant positions in the early stages of the operation Tuesday and then attack helicopters killed more than 50 fighters .

  10. 在行动措施实施阶段,笔者提出对行动措施的监控,确保行动计划执行不走样。

    During the Action measure implemented phase , the authors proposed scientific measures for the prosecution of actions to ensure the implementation of the plan of action works .

  11. 结束时的发挥,奶奶来两岸之间的空间的行动和剧院阶段比赛的结局和评论的事件实际上从外面。

    At the end of the play , Grandma will come to cross between the spaces of the action and theater to stage the play 's denouement and comment on the events literally from the outside .

  12. 结果:1.基线资料分析:128例肥胖儿童中,大部分肥胖儿童都处于前意向/意向/准备阶段(65.6%),处于行动/保持阶段的肥胖儿童较少,通过锻炼来控制体重的意识淡薄。

    The baseline results showed that the majority of children ( 65.6 % ) were in Pre-contemplation / Contemplation / Preparation stage ; But fewer children were in Action / Maintenance stage , and a weaker awareness of weight control by exercising . 2 .

  13. 引领HeForShe行动进入下一阶段

    to bring HeForShe into its next phase .

  14. 在警方大规模行动的每一阶段上

    At each stage of the massive police operation

  15. 尽管有几次行动超越了计划阶段,最终进入工生产层面,但最终都归于失败。

    Attempts that made it out of planning and into factories , meanwhile , failed .

  16. 天气虽然恶劣,搬迁行动的最重要阶段成功完成。

    Despite the inclement weather , this critical phase of the relocation exercise was completed successfully .

  17. “2045行动”的后期阶段似乎仍然不太可能实现,但伊茨科夫完全相信,技术的进步将征服这些看似不可逾越的挑战。

    The later phases of the 2045 Initiative still seem to border on the impossible , but Itskov is completely confident that technology will evolve to conquer these seemingly insurmountable challenges .

  18. 在其横跨新年的一系列长期公开市场操作行动中,第一阶段将是根据1月10日到期的回购协议,回购80亿美元国债以及其它证券。

    The first of a series of long-term operations to span the new year will start with a buying back of $ 8bn of Treasuries and other securities in a repo deal that matures on January 10 .