
chóu jí
  • raise;raise (money);solicit
筹集 [chóu jí]
  • [raise (money)] 筹取征集

  • 筹集救灾物资

筹集[chóu jí]
  1. 这个项目需要筹集800万英镑的资助。

    The project needs to raise £ 8 million in sponsorship .

  2. 她一年来一直在想方设法筹集这笔资金。

    She has been wrestling to raise the money all year .

  3. 她正设法尽快为这个项目筹集一些资金。

    She 's trying to rustle up some funding for the project .

  4. 对他们的主要活动而言,筹集资金是次要的。

    Fund-raising is peripheral to their main activities .

  5. 安东尼爵士是自由民主党热心的资金筹集者。

    Sir Anthony was a keen fundraiser for the Liberal Democrats .

  6. 目的是筹集到尽可能多的资金。

    The goal is to raise as much money as possible .

  7. 他们为一个旨在帮助军人家属的基金筹集捐款。

    They collected donations for a fund to help military families .

  8. 那次活动是为筹集资金购买医药物资。

    The purpose of the occasion was to raise money for medical supplies

  9. 那样做旨在筹集善款。

    The object of the exercise is to raise money for the charity

  10. 姐姐帮我筹集资金开办了一家私人企业。

    My sister helped me find the money for a private operation .

  11. 期望的目标是明年能筹集到1.06亿美元。

    The hoped-for result is to raise $ 106 million next year .

  12. 3,000名市政官员齐聚国会山,为筹集更多的款项进行游说。

    3,000 city officials descended on Capitol Hill to lobby for more money

  13. 他的主要任务是筹集足够的资金以偿还抵押贷款。

    His main task is to raise enough finance to repay secured loans .

  14. 他们通过听众捐款的方式筹集了63万美元后宣告结束。

    They raised $ 630,000 through listener donations , and then called it quits

  15. 钱是直接筹集上来的,不太容易出错。

    The money is collected in a straightforward way with little margin for error

  16. 他帮着筹集了很多钱。

    He has helped to raise a lot of money

  17. 他们的目标是筹集100万英镑,使那些无家可归者不再流浪街头。

    Their aim is to raise a million pounds to get the homeless off the streets .

  18. 该党的前任财政部长帮助筹集了近4,000万英镑用于竞选。

    The former party treasurer helped raise almost £ 40 million to fight the election campaign .

  19. 还好他采用了直接征税而不是间接征税的手段来筹集资金。

    It 's good that he used direct taxation rather than stealth taxes to raise the money .

  20. 想要为公益事业筹集资金的人都可以参加雷利国际自行车比赛。

    The Raleigh International Bike Ride is open to anyone who wants to raise money for a good cause .

  21. 他在筹集宣传活动经费方面遇到了困难。

    He met difficulties in raising campaign funds .

  22. 他们正在多方设法筹集资金。

    They are trying by all possible means to raise funds .

  23. 他们决定靠募捐的办法来筹集这笔款子。

    They decided to raise the money by subscription .

  24. 你通常从筹集那些最坚定的投资者开始,来渐渐向那些摇摆不定的人迈进,他们的兴趣会随着这轮投资的充实而逐渐增加。

    You usually start collecting money from the most committed investors and work your way out toward the ambivalent ones , whose interest increases as the round fills up .

  25. 一年后,我达到了我的目标:我减掉了150磅,筹集了5万美元!

    A year later , I reached down tomy goal : I lost 150 pounds and raised $ 50,000 !

  26. 一位研讨会负责人分享了她的成功故事——她不仅有125英镑,还为无家可归的孩子筹集了2.5万美元。

    A seminar leader shared her success story — she had not only 125 pounds , but also raised $ 25,000 for homeless children .

  27. 我的目标是在一年内减掉150磅,筹集5万美元支持30年前发起的一项旨在结束饥饿的运动。

    My goal was to lose 150 pounds in one year and raise $ 50,000 in support of a movement founded 30 years ago to end hunger .

  28. 2014年9月19日,阿里巴巴在纽约证券交易所(NewYorkStockExchange)上市,通过IPO筹集了250亿美元,这是美国历史上规模最大的IPO。

    On Sept. 19,2014 Alibaba went public on the New York Stock Exchange , raising $ 25 billion through an IPO , the biggest in the US history .

  29. 从那以后,他为他的小红车基金会筹集了40万美元。

    He has raised $ 400,000 for his Little Red Wagon Foundation since then .

  30. 他通过为父母做额外的家务而筹集了70美元。

    He did extra chores for his parents and raised $ 70 all by himself .