
  1. 继第一季度亏损3.93亿美元后,瓦乔维亚银行宣布了筹资计划。此前,通用电气(GE)上周五发布5年来最糟糕的季度业绩,并大幅下调其全年盈利预测,令投资者感到震惊。

    Wachovia 's announcement , which followed a $ 393m first-quarter loss , came after General Electric last Friday shocked investors with its worst quarter in five years and slashed its full-year forecasts .

  2. 知情人士透露,他们会晤了农行高管,讨论该行IPO事宜,还会晤了分管中国其它银行筹资计划的主要官员。

    They saw senior Agricultural Bank executives to discuss the IPO , as well as meeting other key officials connected to rival Chinese banks ' capital raising plans , according to people familiar with the matter .

  3. 西班牙官员昨天表示,bankia纾困筹资计划仍以从债券市场上筹资为基础。

    Spanish officials said yesterday that the plan to raise money for the Bankia rescue was still based on borrowing in the bond markets .

  4. 数据提供商dealogic的数据显示,今年第一季度,放弃首次公开发行(ipo)筹资计划的公司数量达到自网络泡沫破灭以来的最高水平。

    The number of companies abandoning plans to raise capital through initial public offerings in the first quarter of this year jumped to heights not seen since the collapse of the dotcom boom , according to Dealogic , the data provider .

  5. Abano健保集团今日表示已经同银行确定了筹资计划,令其可以在牙科和听力方面拓展业务。

    Abano Healthcare Group says it has confirmed funding arrangements with its banks , allowing it to continue expanding its dental and audiology operations .

  6. 银行财务预测是筹资计划的前提。

    Bank financial forecast is the premise of the financing program .

  7. 国家10年筹资计划总额为104.52亿元,占全国财政支出的4.24/万;

    National ten year scheme indicated that the total financing is 10.452 billion and account for national expenditure about 4.24/10 thousand .

  8. 该行正在向卡塔尔和阿布扎比投资者兜售的筹资计划处于初级阶段,细节仍未敲定。

    The capital-raising plan , which is being touted to investors in Qatar and Abu Dhabi , is at an early stage and details remain sketchy .

  9. 包括水泥生产商在内的这些企业表示,它们被勒令放弃筹资计划,因为它们处在北京方面认定产能过剩的行业。

    The companies , including cement producers , said they had been ordered to abandon fundraising plans because they were in sectors identified by Beijing as suffering from overcapacity .

  10. 今年早些时候启动的针对平安的税务调查还在继续,该公司还在等待它的一个巨大筹资计划得到批准。该计划在今年1月份宣布,将帮助为海外并购筹措资金。

    A tax investigation begun earlier this year is continuing and the company is still waiting for approval for an enormous fundraising plan it announced in January this year , which would have helped fund offshore acquisitions .

  11. 此次配股发行是中国国有银行一系列筹资计划的最新动态。在去年经历了前所未有的放贷热潮之后,中国国有银行意欲在未来几个月筹集数百亿美元,以巩固其资产负债表。

    The rights issue is the latest in a string of fundraising plans from China 's state-controlled banks , which intend to raise tens of billions of dollars in the coming months to strengthen their balance sheets in the wake of an unprecedented lending spree last year .

  12. Koum去年12月份向《华尔街日报》(TheWallStreetJournal)表示,WhatsApp没有出售、上市、退出或筹资的计划。

    Mr. Koum told The Wall Street Journal last December that WhatsApp has ' no plans to sell , IPO , exit , ' or get new funding .

  13. 除了同国际卫生合作计划和卫生系统筹资平台计划开展合作外,世行继续支持卫生部门采用基于成果的方法进行融资,用于实现卫生相关千年发展目标。

    The Bank also continues to support results-based financing approaches in the health sector for achievement of the health-related MDGs .

  14. 无论是淡水河谷还是保诚集团在香港上市时都没有筹集任何资金,而且也没有筹资的计划。

    Neither Vale nor Prudential raised any capital when they listed in Hong Kong and neither have any plans to do so .

  15. 依托国际卫生合作计划当前正在开展的支持实施国家战略工作,世行也在同全球疫苗免疫联盟、全球基金、世界卫生组织以及其它机构开展合作,实施卫生系统筹资平台计划。

    Building off the ongoing work of the IHP + to support national strategies , the Bank is working with the GAVI Alliance , Global Fund , WHO , and others to implement the Health Systems Funding Platform .

  16. 根据对国家宏观卫生经济的分析和全国10个省、直辖市、自治区52所医院的数据,详细论述了住院医师培养的国家和医院筹资能力,并对国家筹资的10年计划进行了估算。

    Based on the national macro economics analysis and 52 hospitals data analysis from 10 Provinces , this paper analyzed the capability of financing of national level and hospital level , and analyzed the national ten year financing planning .