
chóu jiàn
  • Preparation;prepare to construct or establish sth;prepare to construct or establish sth.
筹建 [chóu jiàn]
  • [prepare to construct or establish sth.] 计划建立或建设

  • 筹建一座煤矿

筹建[chóu jiàn]
  1. 该党领袖敦促党员着手准备筹建政府。

    The party leader exhorted his members to start preparing for government .

  2. 这个新部委正在筹建,既无资产也无负债。

    This new ministry was being created with zero assets and zero liabilities .

  3. 该地区计划筹建约3,500所新居。

    Some 3,500 new dwellings are planned for the area

  4. 政府称其正筹建一个由18架“幻影”战斗机组成的空军中队。

    The government said it was preparing a squadron of eighteen Mirage fighter planes .

  5. 这所大学从去年开始筹建。

    Preparations were started last year for the construction of the university .

  6. 他筹建了一个网球俱乐部。

    He set up a tennis club .

  7. 他决定筹建一口井,这样非洲人民就能获取到干净的水了。

    He decided to raise money for a well so that people in Africa could have clean water .

  8. 筹建兰州安宁ShoppingMall可行性的分析

    An Analysis of Feasibility of Building Shopping Mall in An-ning District

  9. 9例健康头屑标本,分离到M.对南沙筹建500万吨钢厂的探讨

    Exploration on the preparation to construct 5 million tons steel works in Nansha

  10. 由于Intranet技术的优越性,已有越来越多的企业开始筹建它。

    More and more enterprises begin to construct Intranet because of its superiority .

  11. 一家独立机构——奥运会筹建局(theOlympicDeliveryAuthority,ODA)负责建造比赛场馆。

    A separate body , the Olympic Delivery Authority ( ODA ) , is in charge of building the venue

  12. 随着即将到来的3G浪潮,国内外运营商开始积极地筹建自己的3G网络。

    With the coming 3G wave , domestic and overseas operators begin to construct their 3G wireless networks .

  13. 今年,阿里巴巴将与中国最大的民营企业集团之一复星国际(FosunInternational)合作筹建浙江网商银行(ZhejiangInternetCommerceBank)。

    Alibaba will partner with Fosun International , one of China 's largest private conglomerates , to form Zhejiang Internet Commerce Bank this year .

  14. 粉丝们还要再等几年才能看到《星球大战》的创作者乔治·卢卡斯(GeorgeLucas)在芝加哥筹建的卢卡斯叙事艺术博物馆(LucasMuseumofNarrativeArt)。

    Fans will have to wait a few more years for the " Star Wars " creator George Lucas 's planned Lucas Museum of Narrative Art in Chicago .

  15. BEAN在帮助民工子弟社区中心筹建一个图书馆,志愿者们可以充分利用图书馆的资源来分小组教学生们阅读。

    BEAN is supporting the community center by providing them with a library , so the volunteers will use the books from this library to teach the students in small reading groups .

  16. 即将筹建的跟踪及数字中继卫星系统(TDRSS)是国防和载人航天的重要支撑系统。

    Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System studying and constructing is an important sustaining system in China .

  17. 从有意向在XX开始筹建XXX公司开始,到今天盛大的开幕,XXX一直得到了各位的大力支持。

    From the initial idea of establishing this company , to the grand opening today , XXX has received great support from you all .

  18. 贝莱德与cic仍在筹建一只中国主题的投资基金,预计将于今年底或明年初投入运营。

    BlackRock and CIC are still establishing a China focused investment fund that is expected to be running by the end of this year or early next .

  19. 过去几个月,商务飞机制造商塞斯纳飞行器公司(CessnaAircraftCo.)和豪客比奇公司(HawkerBeechcraftCorp.)一直在探讨在中国筹建合资企业一事。

    In the last few months , business-plane makers Cessna Aircraft Co. and Hawker Beechcraft Corp. have discussed joint ventures in the country .

  20. 王妃在出席自己出资筹建的慈善机构——慈善论坛(CharitiesForum)的一次活动中,被发现和小朋友们喜爱的卡通人物在一起。

    She was spotted meeting with the beloved children 's character during an event for the Charities Forum , an organization for the collection of charities she has founded with her husband and Prince Harry .

  21. 去年夏天,刘香成和他的伴侣、艺术史学家兼策展人凯伦·史密斯(KarenSmith)一起搬到了上海,随后开始筹建一座摄影画廊。

    Then last summer , he and his partner , Karen Smith , an art historian and curator , uprooted themselves and moved to Shanghai , where Mr. Liu has since worked on building a photography gallery .

  22. 港深西部通道后海湾高架引桥PC梁短线法预制模具设计兴建大桥用的平面及高程控制网的联合测量由香港路政署和深圳市深港西部通道工程筹建办公室联合策划和完成。

    Design of Formwork for PC Girders Precast by Short-Line Match Method of Hau Hoi Wan Elevated Approach Bridge , Hongkong-Shenzhen Western Corridor The joint control survey was conducted by the Highways Department in Hong Kong and the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Western Corridor Project Office in Shenzhen .

  23. 本文结合东莞市的经济发展情况,介绍了该市规划和筹建公众高速多媒体通信网的概况,并重点推荐了几项应用于ATM宽带网络的通信新业务。

    The planning and construction of the high - speed multimedia communications networks in Dongguan city have been described in the light of the local economic development conditions . Some new telecom services available over the broadband ATM networks have been proposed .

  24. 纽约泛欧交易所(nyseeuronext)正在筹建一家新的泛欧洲证券交易所,专门面向创业者,以弥补小企业的融资缺口,并帮助它们从投资者那里更容易的筹集资金。

    A new pan-European stock exchange for entrepreneurs is being planned by NYSE Euronext to plug the gap in funding for small companies and help them raise money from investors more easily .

  25. 私人股本公司TPG正在筹建一只规模为60亿美元的基金,用于投资陷入困境的金融机构,预计新加坡的一只主权财富基金将是该基金的牵头投资者。

    A Singapore sovereign wealth fund is expected to be the lead investor in a $ 6bn fund that TPG , the private equity firm , is raising to invest in troubled financial firms .

  26. 重型系列链,也是根据ANSIB29.1筹建的,旨在利用下一个较大的尺寸链链板材料。

    Heavy Series chains , also built in accordance with ANSI B29.1 , are designed using link plate material from the next larger size chain .

  27. 介绍了北京吉普-切诺基的CKD涂装线的工艺流程和特点。简介了筹建中的北京吉普新涂装线的工艺流程和特点。

    The characteristics and process of the CKD painting production line for Beijing Jeep & Cherokee were described , Brief introduction of the process and features of new painting production line for Beijing Jeep that is under construction was given .

  28. 一些代表团成员表示,白乐威在亚洲国家是个给人印象特别深刻的行家,因为他在金融城保险经纪公司塞奇维克(Sedgwick)工作的时候,曾先后在东京、北京和孟买筹建办事处。

    Brewer is a particularly effective operator in Asian countries , say several members of the delegation , because he opened the Tokyo , Beijing and Mumbai offices of Sedgwick , the City insurance broker .

  29. 得出的研究结论如下:(1)重庆市农民用水户协会(WUA)筹建运行形成了三级梯队、三个层面。

    Through the above content , we draw the following conclusions : ( 1 ) Chongqing Municipal Water Users Associations ( WUA ) in preparation to run the 33-that is three echelons , and three levels .

  30. 现在,他住在旧金山,正在筹建一家科技初创企业,并在推动一项名为“uncollege”的社会运动,该运动试图改变大学是唯一成功之路的观念。

    He now lives in San Francisco , is working on a technology start-up and is promoting the social movement " uncollege " , which is trying to change the notion that college is the only way to prosper .