
  1. 现在美国的救市计划看来也在走向全球化,那是一个筹集费用并且加强国会和评论监管的行动。

    Now , the American bailout looks as if it is going global , too , a move that could raise its cost and intensify scrutiny by Congress and critics .

  2. 早期的遗产税是为了筹集军事费用,近代遗产税除了履行财政职能,具有直接阻止财富集中的独特功能,因此而受到世界上大部分国家的青睐。

    The inheritance tax is mostly collected to raise military in the the ancient . However , besides financial function , the modern inheritance tax has been playing an especial role in inhibiting wealth agglomeration , so the most countries in the world favour it .

  3. 在北京的一些诊所里,Blued提供免费的HIV检测,该公司还帮助一些飞往美国结婚的同性情侣筹集了相关费用。

    Blued offers free H.I.V. testing at clinics in Beijing , and the company has helped pay to fly same-sex couples to the United States to be married .

  4. 指出我国政府卫生支出均为财政拨款,而国际上政府卫生支出以OECD(经济合作组织)筹资机构口径为标准,指广义政府实体筹集的卫生费用。

    The author point out that China government expenditure on health comes from government fiscal , but the international government expenditure refers to the health expenditure of general government entities , which are following the financing agent framework of OECD System of Health Account .

  5. 1996年左右,为了给凯恩筹集鼻子整容的费用,俱乐部推广员马克·伯克利(MarcBerkley)在守护神俱乐部(Palladium)举办了一场义演。

    To help pay for her nose job , the club promoter Marc Berkley hosted a benefit at the Palladium around 1996 .