
chóu bèi
  • prepare;arrange;found;organise
筹备 [chóu bèi]
  • [found] 筹措预备

  • 希望工程筹备处

筹备[chóu bèi]
  1. 该党的领导层正在管理顾问的帮助下筹备下一届的选举。

    The Party leadership is using management consultants to help prepare for the next election

  2. 财政部的官员们已采取初步行动来筹备这个名叫“消费者金融保护局”(BureauofConsumerFinancialProtection)的机构,该机构设在美国联邦储备委员会(FederalReserve)内。

    Treasury Department officials have taken initial steps to prepare the new consumer agency , called the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection and housed within the Federal Reserve .

  3. 我们正在筹备她的生日聚会。

    We 're getting up a party for her birthday .

  4. 他们瞒着她筹备了一个给她意外惊喜的聚会。

    Unbeknown to her they had organized a surprise party .

  5. 我把这些会议的大部分筹备工作留给我的助手。

    I leave most of the organization of these conferences to my assistant .

  6. 她协助筹备了晚会。

    She helped organize the party .

  7. 哀悼者准备在利物浦筹备举行一次烛光祈祷。

    Mourners are to stage a candlelit vigil in Liverpool .

  8. 她一门心思筹备自己的婚礼。

    She became immersed in planning her nuptials .

  9. 他竭力筹备好各项事宜以便这次出行看上去像联合国代表团出访一样。

    He tried to organise things so that the trip would be dressed up as a UN mission .

  10. 他不是来筹备葬礼的,只是过来向遗体告别的。

    He had nothing to do with arranging the funeral , but came along to pay his last respects .

  11. 他们筹备了一个大型敦煌艺术展览。

    They prepared a big exhibition of Dunhuang Art .

  12. 臭氧有较强的抗HIV-1在细胞培养的筹备活动的媒体和第八因子。

    Ozone has potent anti-HIV-1 activity in cell culture media and factor VIII preparations .

  13. 美国农场局联盟的经济学家JohnAnderson表示,人们在寻找节省时间的筹备节日的方法。但是并不是每一人都这样。

    Economist John Anderson of the American Farm Bureau Federation says people look for ways to save time , though not everyone does .

  14. 希望RAM的闭馆整修早日完成,新的展览筹备顺利,我们一起期待九月的来临。

    I sincerely hope that the renovation project of RAM will be successfully completed and look forward to the new exhibition in September .

  15. 面向对冲基金客户的新的放贷额度决定机制,在贝尔斯登(bearstearns)破产前就开始筹备了。

    The new arrangements for determining the size of lending commitments to hedge fund clients were being put in place before the collapse of Bear Stearns .

  16. 仅在本周,就有两家开发商宣布,各自计划通过在香港首次公开上市(IPO)募集10亿美元;更多的计划还在筹备中。

    This week alone , a duo of developers unveiled plans to raise $ 1bn apiece through initial public offerings in Hong Kong ; more are in the pipeline .

  17. 至于Rovio公司最得意的成就,当然得算传闻中正在筹备的《愤怒的小鸟》电影版。

    Talks of an Angry Birds movie , of course .

  18. 履行pms中描述的各项工作任务,且保证及时筹备核查pse检验单上全部任务。

    Fulfill the work-packages described in PMS and ensure that all tasks checked in the PSE milestone checklist are prepared in time .

  19. 这一切所需都正在盖茨,洛克菲勒,孟山都公司和AGRA的积极筹备之中。

    All of which Gates , Rockefeller , Monsanto and AGRA are actively lining up .

  20. 据中国媒体去年报道,数家基金管理机构正在筹备黄金ETF产品,拟将其在上海和深圳上市。

    According to Chinese media reports last year , several fund managers are working on gold ETF products to be listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen .

  21. 眼下,Yelp这家公司正在积极筹备上市,Yelp这个词含义演变所需要经历的时间跨度似乎会小得多。

    That downward trajectory seems to be playing out over a much shorter time span as yelp the company gets ready to go public .

  22. 该行悄悄将自己转型为一家银行控股公司,从而有资格获得当时美国财政部正在筹备的Tarp的帮助。

    With little ceremony , it converted itself into a bank holding company to be eligible for the Tarp then being put together by the US Treasury .

  23. 欧盟和七国集团(G7)的财长们正以一种平衡而适当的方式来筹备和实施一些措施,让俄罗斯明白实实在在的经济后果。

    EU and Group of Seven finance ministers are preparing and implementing measures that demonstrate real economic consequences to Russia , while doing so in a balanced and proportionate manner .

  24. 阿里巴巴正在筹备在纽约上市,时间暂定为九月份,IPO规模预计将达到上百亿美元,而此次声明令其陷于尴尬境地,也让外界对阿里巴巴去年大举收购的质量产生了质疑。

    The announcement is an embarrassment for the group as it prepares for its multi-billion initial public offering in New York , tentatively scheduled for September , casting doubt over the quality of its rapid-fire acquisitions over the last year .

  25. 洛美一家电信公司也参加了该中心的筹备工作。ITU的RobertShaw表示,学生们将学习到他所说的“互联网行业”最基础的知识。

    A telecom company in Lome is also taking part in the effort . Robert Shaw of the ITU says students will learn the basics of what he calls the " real plumbing of the Internet . "

  26. 中投公司计划与贝莱德(BlackRock)发起一个类似的基金。去年10月,中投公司与俄罗斯政府组建了一家共同基金,目前正筹备开始在俄罗斯进行投资。

    It is ­ planning to launch a similar fund with BlackRock and is also gearing up to start investing in Russia after establishing a joint fund with the Russian government last October .

  27. 据位于加州的企业防火墙公司帕洛阿尔托网络(PaloAltoNetworks)称,在过去六个月中,一种新的恶意软件悄然侵入了装有OSX和iOS系统的设备,这种软件会搜集信息,并筹备某些未明攻击。

    According to Palo Alto Networks , a California company that sells firewalls to businesses , a new family of malware has been quietly infiltrating OS X and iOS devices for the past six months , gathering information and preparing for some kind of unspecified attack .

  28. 在距离greamsroad不远的钦奈南部一处绿荫葱葱的住宅区,马里亚姆拉姆(mariamram)正忙着为她的高科技企业tnqbooksandjournals招聘更多毕业生,该企业负责国际科学期刊的出版筹备工作。

    Not far from greams Road , in a leafy residential area of South Chennai , Mariam ram is racing to recruit more graduates for tnq books and journals , her high-tech business that prepares international scientific journals for publication .

  29. 这比我们许多新业务的筹备期都长,但中国资本市场非常重要。我们需要在其发展过程中,处于这些市场的核心位置,毅联汇业首席运营官马克•耶洛普(MarkYallop)在上海表示。

    This is a longer-term play than many of our new business initiatives but Chinese capital markets are profoundly important and we need to be at the heart of these markets as they develop , Mark Yallop , chief operating officer , said from Shanghai .

  30. Helio在筹备的时候标榜为“超级玩家的运营商”,但在发布的时候来个大变脸,决定去拥抱社交网络的年轻人。

    Helio was originally conceived as a " power user 's carrier ," but it did an unexplained about-face and decided to go for the social-networking youth when it launched .