
  • 网络Sports strength;Sportive Power
  1. BMWM5的每个微小细节无不体现着运动力量与时尚优雅的完美融合。

    Every last detail of the BMW M5 represents a fusion of sports strength and modern elegance .

  2. 本研究利用《简式心境状态剖面图》(POMS)中国修订版和《运动力量等级量表3》(PARS3),对上海市大中学生的心理健康及其与体育锻炼的关系进行了考察。

    With the Abbreviated Profile of Mood States ( POMS ) revised in China , and the Physical Activity Rank Scale 3 ( PARS 3 ), this study examined college and middle school students ' mental health and its relationship with physical exercises .

  3. 运动员通常在二十多岁时到达运动力量的顶峰。

    Athletes often reach the height of their powers in their twenties .

  4. 短跑运动力量提高属性及训练原则

    Promoting Attribute and Training Principles on Dash Strength

  5. 划船运动力量素质训练的探讨

    A probe into strength training of rowing

  6. 上海的韩人社会成为大韩民国临时政府和其它独立运动力量赖以存在和展开活动的重要社会基础。

    So the society of Korean in Shanghai could be the social base of provisional government and the exist of independence of movement .

  7. 实验结果表明:遮蔽视觉的投篮练习增强对肌肉运动力量、方向的分析与控制能力;

    The experimental results show that the shooting training obstructing the view can build up muscle 's sports capability , and strengthen the analysis and control over orientation .

  8. 红色线条随火炬转动,似无限延伸,表达了人类生生不息、向往光明与和平、追求卓越的期望和奥林匹克运动的力量。

    As the torch turns , the whirling red line hidden in the crack seems to stretch endlessly , representing mankind 's relentless and the values promoted by the Olympic Movement .

  9. 速度滑冰运动专项力量的生理特点与训练要求

    Physiological Characteristics and Training Requirement of Speed Skaters ' Special Strength

  10. 最好的方法是大作用运动与力量训练相结合;

    Your best bet is a combination of high-impact exercise and strength-training ;

  11. 论中国篮球运动后备力量的培养

    On the Cultivation of China 's Basketball Reserve Forces

  12. 有关导致物体运动的力量的力学分支。

    The branch of mechanics concerned with the forces that cause motions of bodies .

  13. 竞技武术套路运动核心力量训练研究

    Exploration on the Core Strength Training of Wushu

  14. 田径运动速度力量训练探讨

    A probe into the scientific training of speed and strength concerning track and field

  15. 挪威和平主义运动的力量在增强。

    Pacifist movements gathered strength in norway .

  16. 论竞技健美操运动的力量训练

    On Strength Training in Competitive Aerobics

  17. 肌腱和肌肉也提供骨头向相对的方向运动的力量。

    The tendons and muscles also provide a force to move the bones relative to each other .

  18. 篮球运动的力量特点及训练

    Strength and Training in Basketball

  19. 有氧运动和力量训练对中老年人体适能的影响

    The Effects of Aerobatic Exercise and Strength Training on the Physical Fitness of the Middle Aged and Elders

  20. 最后,我想我们必须强化全球非政府组织运动的力量。

    Finally , I think we have to strengthen the strength of this nongovernmental organization movement around the world .

  21. 如今,杨雅莉已经成为一名世界级的皮艇运动员,成为中国以国家主导的体育运动体制力量的一个例证。

    Yet in an illustration of the power of China 's state-directed sports system , Yang became a world-class kayaker .

  22. 为提高我国职业篮球运动后备力量的质量和运动员运动寿命提供理论依据。

    Professional basketball in order to improve our quality of reserve forces and provide the theoretical basis of sport life .

  23. 关于五个国家足球运动后备力量培养工作的若干问题比较&兼论我国足球运动后备力量的培养

    The comparison about the training of the reserve forces of football sport in german , Spanish and the other three countries

  24. 在分析与讨论赛艇运动员肌肉生理学特征的基础上,对赛艇运动专项力量训练原则、方法与手段、检测与评定进行了论述与研究。

    Principles , methods , testing and evaluation of event-related strength training of rowing were discussed on the basis of the study of rowers ' physiological characteristics .

  25. 通过阐述青少年赛艇运动专项力量训练的特点,对当前我国青少年赛艇运动员专项力量训练中存在的问题进行分析,从科学发展的角度提出对策。

    This article conducted a series of studies on China 's young rowers training in the existence of special forces , and found a number of problems solution .

  26. 恐怖主义活动不仅是注定要失败的,而且带来了极其有害的结果:首先,它消耗了本应属于革命运动的力量;

    The terrorism not only was doomed to failure , but also brought about very harmful results : First , it wore down the strength of the revolution movement ;

  27. 采用文献调研、问卷调查、访问调查、数据统计分析法等,了解我国田径运动后备力量培养的现状及存在的问题。

    By using the method of document , questionnaire , interview and mathematical statistics , the author tries to find out the current situation and existing problems of reserve in athletics in China .

  28. 这就是肌肉肌腱本体的工作原理,它也是我们作为人类感觉和感知四肢位置、运动和力量的主要途径。

    This is how muscle tendon proprioception works , and it 's the primary way we , as humans , can feel and sense the positions , movements and forces on our limbs .

  29. 全队队员左右对应肌群最大力量发展基本均衡,只有少数几个肌群存在发展不均衡现象,基本符合摔跤运动要求力量素质具有全面性的项目特点。

    2 , the team or so corresponding muscle group development basic equilibrium , only a few muscles uneven phenomenon , some basic accord with wrestling sports require strength quality have comprehensive project characteristics .

  30. 男人对有氧运动、力量训练、瑜珈、武术-实际上对任何事情反应极强,因此活跃起来,使内啡呔得以流动,以有助于在‘育儿’期平衡自己的生活。

    Men respond very well to cardio , strength training , yoga , martial arts - anything really , so get active and get those endorphins flowing to help balance your life at a particularly ' nurturing " time in your partnership .