
  • 网络Target Elements;Objectives;thetargetingcomponent
  1. 用声纳DEMON谱用于解算目标要素方法

    Method of Determination of Target Motion Parameters Using Sonar DEMON Spectrum

  2. 社会主义和谐社会目标要素探析

    An Analysis of the Essential Goal Elements in the Harmonious Socialist Society

  3. 这些要素中,目标要素主要解决“做什么”的问题;

    Among these main factors , the main factor of target resolve the main problem of " what to do ";

  4. 在明确了标准化战略实施要素及其作用机理之后,本文针对高技术产业标准化战略的目标要素及实施要素进行了测度和分析,从要素配置角度对细分行业进行了横向对比和纵向趋势分析。

    In view of the high-tech industry , the paper estimates the target and implementation elements , and analyses the element allocation among industry segments on vertical trend and lateral comparison .

  5. 分析目标要素之间函数关系,构建目标要素之间的函数表达式,为向多目标优化模型的构建奠定基础。(5)工程项目目标智能优化研究。

    Relationship between the function of objective factors was analysis , and constructed function between objective elements to multi-objective optimization model basis . ( 5 ) The multiple-objective optimization algorithm in construction project .

  6. 从和谐社会的表现形式上看,其目标要素反映在两个层面:一是完善有效的社会和谐机制,二是有序稳健的社会和谐状态。

    And according to the forms of the harmonious society , its goal elements are embodied in the following two aspects : the perfect and effective mechanism of the harmonious society , and the orderly and steady state of the harmonious society .

  7. 依据航空反潜鱼雷的战术技术性能,采用Kalman滤波法对目标运动要素进行估计,并在计算机上模拟。

    Based on tactical and technical performance of aviation antisubmarine torpedo , the target moving elements with Kalman filtering was estimated and Simulated by the computer .

  8. TRANSPUTER和并行处理技术在求解潜艇目标运动要素中的应用

    Application of Transputer and Parallel Technology in Solving Movement Factors of Submarine Targets

  9. 针对传统TMA方法的局限性,运用时空综合被动定位(STI)理论,探索如何利用拖线阵列声纳的基阵探测信息估算目标运动要素。

    Because of the limitation of TMA methods , this paper investigates the estimation of target component based on the detection information from towed linear array sonar by the theory of space-time integrated location ( STI ) .

  10. 用速度平差法求解目标运动要素的改进方法

    An Improved Method for Solving the Essential Factors of Target Motion

  11. 论解算目标运动要素精度指标的新方法

    A New Method of Accuracy Indexes of Solving Target Moving Data

  12. 可控平滑滤波在解算目标运动要素中的应用

    Application of controlled smooth filter to determining target ′ s moving element

  13. 深海会聚区中求解目标运动要素的机动方法

    The motivating method of calculating target moving factor in deep sea convergence zone

  14. 目标运动要素解算方法的研究

    Study on calculating methods of target motion elements

  15. 高校院(系)目标管理要素与路径探讨

    On the Elements and Paths of MBO of Colleges or Departments in a University

  16. 利用时空积分方法解算目标运动要素时,最主要的优点就是摆脱了声呐载体机动的限制:其次,本方法是融目标检测和定位为一体的方法;

    The main advantage of the STI method is that it obviated the restriction in the submarine 's maneuver .

  17. 目标运动要素可通过解算声纳数据而获得,用匀速直线运动来模拟目标运动规律。

    Target moving element is given through calculating sonar data , then its kinematic rule is imitated with uniform straight line motion .

  18. 其次对内部控制理论及其作用和局限性,信息化环境及特征、信息化环境对内部控制目标、要素的影响作简要的概述。

    Secondly to explain function and limitation of the internal control theories , the information-based environment and characteristic and influence of information-based environment .

  19. 以潜艇鱼雷武器系统求解目标运动要素的模拟运算为例,说明了在多因素多位级复杂的模拟计算中采用正交试验法的重要性和必要性。

    It is thought that in the analogy calculation of multi factors and multi levels , orthogonal test method is important and necessary .

  20. 针对潜艇目标运动要素解算算法特点,依据武器使用效果探索要素解算质量评估方法。

    According to the characteristics of submarine target motion parameters algorithm , the evaluation method is researched in this paper based on the effectiveness of weapon .

  21. 车辆是实现交通安全管理目标的要素,在社会主义现代化交通管理事业中起着非常重要的作用。

    Vehicle is one of important factors to implement traffic security management object , and has been playing a vital role in modern traffic management affairs .

  22. 成本控制体系始于成本核算体系,终于成本优化体系,包括主体、对象、方法、目标等要素;

    Cost control system begins from cost accounting system , and finally comes to cost-optimized system , including subject , object , methods , goals and other factors .

  23. 文章从内部会计控制目标、要素两个方面,对《内部会计控制基本规范》规定作了探讨。

    This paper probes into the regulations set in Norms of Internal Accounting Control > rom two aspects of the targets and element factors of the internal accounting control .

  24. 而处于舰船噪声低频区的线谱具有很高的强度和稳定度,这一事实为估计目标运动要素提供了新的思路。

    But the line located in the low frequency of ship noise spectrum has high intensity and stability . This fact provides new idea in estimating target motion parameters .

  25. 根据全面风险管理三个维度即全面风险管理目标、要素、企业的层级这一大框架,构建起山航集团全面风险管理体系。

    Three dimensions based on a comprehensive risk management that a comprehensive risk management objectives , elements , enterprise-level this framework to build a comprehensive risk management system for Shandong Aviation Group .

  26. 指出潜艇鱼雷武器系统求解目标运动要素包括距离、速度和航向,分析了系统的误差源,设计了试验方案及考核方案。

    It is pointed out that the target motion parameters include distance , velocity and course . The error source of the system are analyzed , and the experimentation scheme and assessment scheme are designed .

  27. 在目标运动要素未知的条件下,方位导引法是线导鱼雷常用的导引方法,尾流自导鱼雷的制导技术要求鱼雷必须满足一定的角度进入目标尾流,才能发现尾流并跟踪击毁目标。

    Guiding using orientation is the main guiding method without moving elements of target for wire-guiding torpedo . To catch and kill target successfully the homing technology of wake homing require the enter angle of torpedo within certain extent .

  28. 在三个层次上,本文结合具体的目标与要素关系,分别引入了相应的设计理念与方式来解决要素间的矛盾和冲突,从而使家具与各要素实现系统和谐性。

    At three levels , With specific objectives and elements , this paper respectively introduce the corresponding design ideas and ways to solve the contradictions and conflicts between the elements , so as to achieve system harmony in furniture and various elements .

  29. 早期的研究大多基于状态估计的模型,由单纯的方位信息间接估计目标的运动要素,冠名为目标运动分析(TMA)。

    The former researches are almost based on the state estimation model and estimate the target 's motion elements indirectly by using the bearings-only , which is called as target motion analysis ( TMA ) .

  30. COSO报告虽然对内部控制理论做出了巨大贡献,但同时由于视角上的差异,它对控制目标与控制要素的阐述仍有一些不当之处,有必要进行理论修正;

    COSO Report has made great contribution to the theory of internal control . However , due to the perspective in viewing things , it has shortcomings in stating the objective and the elements of internal control .