
mù lù
  • directory;catalog;listings;list;catalogue;contents;table of contents
目录 [mù lù]
  • (1) [catalog;catalogue;list]∶按次序编排以供查考的图书或篇章的名目

  • 图书目录

  • (2) [contents]∶书刊上列出的篇章名目--多放在正文前

目录[mù lù]
  1. 我们将于下星期给你寄上新的商品目录。

    We will be forwarding you our new catalogue next week .

  2. 这份商品目录满篇皆是称心顾客的赞辞。

    The catalogue is full of testimonials from satisfied customers .

  3. 用箭头键滚动文件目录。

    Use the arrow keys to scroll the list of files .

  4. 创建一个新的目录,然后把你所有的文件都放进去。

    Create a new directory and put all your files into it .

  5. 该目录对每一种产品都作了详尽的说明。

    The catalogue gives a full description of each product .

  6. 我们将于下星期给你寄上新的商品目录。

    We will be forwarding our new catalogue to you next week .

  7. 用箭头键把文件目录滚动一遍。

    Use the arrow keys to scroll through the list of files .

  8. 他们的这份商品目录收费3英镑。

    They 're charging £ 3 for the catalogue .

  9. 我已去函索取商品目录。

    I 've written off for the catalogue .

  10. 这一指令把文档从目录中删除。

    This command deletes files from the directory .

  11. 我曾经买过那些目录里的一样东西。

    I once bought a thingummy out of one of those catalogues

  12. 目录中包括了在售的各种型号自行车的有用信息。

    The catalog includes helpful information on the different bike models available

  13. 用这个选项你可以创建新的文件或目录。

    This option lets you create new files or directories .

  14. 一份真正好的商品目录也可以激起顾客购买的欲望。

    A really good catalogue can also whet customers ' appetites for merchandise .

  15. 你可以利用因特网的目录服务搜索人名。

    You can use a directory service to search for people on the Internet .

  16. 没有章首目录。

    There is no initial list of contents .

  17. 今天寄信索要你们的免费目录。

    Send for your free catalogue today .

  18. 把图标解压到一个子目录里。

    Unzip the icons into a sub-directory .

  19. 如果不愿逛商店逛得腰酸腿疼,也许您会愿意使用商品目录。

    If traipsing around shops does not appeal to you , perhaps using a catalogue will

  20. 你甚至可以根据目录订购窗户——可以说是一种邮购彩色玻璃的业务。

    You could even order windows from a catalogue — a sort of mail order stained glass service

  21. 你可以先略读一下目录。

    You can skim through the catalogue first .

  22. 请给我寄一份邮购商品目录。

    Please send me a mail order catalogue .

  23. 图书馆有一份所有藏书的目录,按字母顺序排列。

    The library has a catalogue of all its books , arranged in alphabetical order .

  24. 请将你方现有目录尽速寄来为盼。

    Please rush me your current catalogue .

  25. 如果你只知道著作人,那就查作者目录。

    If you know the author only , just look it up in the author catalogue .

  26. 她写信索取一些目录。

    She wrote off for some catalogues .

  27. 目录册正在修订之中。

    The catalogue is under revision .

  28. 他给了我一张他们即将出版图书的目录。

    He gave me a list of their forthcoming books .

  29. 图书管理员把一本新书编入目录。

    The librarian entered a new book in the catalogue .

  30. 词典的开头有目录表。

    There is a table of contents in the front of a dictionary .