
  • 网络purpose rational;purposively rational;purposive rationality
  1. 品牌与选择行为的经济分析&基于目的理性假设

    The Economic Analysis of Brand and Choice Behavior & Based on the Purposive Rationality Hypothesis

  2. 历史有一种规律,而这种规律选择了西欧,历史是站在西欧这一边的;其次,他主张存在目的理性,认为历史的发展是绝对理念自我实现的过程。

    History has its order and it chooses West Europe . Therefore , history is always on its side . Second , he advocates the existence of purposive rationality and believes that the history is a process of realization of the absolute concept .

  3. 然而,这个时代所提倡的理性主义更多地偏爱和侧重于工具&目的理性。

    However , rationalism advocated in this era is more preference and emphasis on tools , purpose ration .

  4. 导致人的自我异化的根源有三个:同一性对非同一性的压制、理性对本能和感性的压抑以及目的理性活动对交往行为的遮蔽。

    The root of self-alienation comes from three aspects , ie , the suppression of identity from nonidentity , the suppression of instinct and sensuousness from reason , the veil of communicative action from labour .

  5. GATT/WTO集中谈判模式的形成不仅是历史偶然或者制度内生的结果,而且更是国家出于自利目的理性选择的结果。

    The emerging of the collective negotiation method in GATT / WTO is not only the historical coincidence or endogenous institutional outcome but also the rational choice for a nation out of its own benefits .

  6. 信任作为一种社会行为可以划分为两种或四种类型,即理性信任与非理性信任或目的理性信任、价值理性信任、情感信任以及传统信任。

    In addition , credibility as a social behavior , can be divided into two or four types , i.e. , rational vs. irrational credibility , rational credibility of purpose , value , emotion , and tradition .

  7. 学校组织行动的目的理性有三种,即经济理性追求利益最大化,制度理性获得社会合法性,专业理性践行专业价值与理想。

    School organization has three purpose rationalities , that is , economic rationality - to pursuit benefit maximization ; the institutional rationality - to gain social legitimacy , professional rationality - to practice professional values and ideals .

  8. 目的理性与工具理性的关系给予人类的现实启示在于:必须正确认识人与自然的关系,促进人与自然的和谐发展;

    The relation between rational purpose reason and instrumental reason offers us human reality to get an proper cognition of the relation between human and nature , to bring about an advance in people and natural harmony ;

  9. 全文包括以下五章:第一章考察了我国高等教育管理的现状,泛行政化和纯粹目的理性的现实状况与高等教育目标的背离促使高等教育管理范式转换成为必然。

    The full text includes the following five chapters : The first chapter examines the present situation of Chinese higher education management , the present situation of the security administration and pure objective rationality from the higher education goal should prompt the higher education management paradigm transformation become inevitable .

  10. 理想与现实:对我国职业教育目的的理性反思

    Ideality and Reality : Rational Reflection on the Vocational Education Aim in China

  11. 刑罚目的之理性建构

    Rational Construction of Purpose of Penalty

  12. 关于美,康德提出了美的理想说,认为理想的美是合主观规律(审美的规范观念)与合他律目的(理性观念即道德)的统一;

    Kant proposed the " ideal of beauty ", regarding it a combination of subjective law and external supervision .

  13. “艺术”(审美的艺术、生产的技术)目的的理性依据是审美判断力。

    The reasoning foundation of the aims of arts including the aesthetic and the productive ones was the aesthetic sense .

  14. 分析宗教世俗化的历史进程、原因和世俗化导致的结果,目的在于理性化地看待这一问题。

    This article mainly discusses the process , reasons and results of religion 's popularization , and how we should look on it .

  15. 教师参加继续教育的目的趋向理性化、高标准化,参加继续教育的方式多样,排在前三位的是岗前培训,单科进修,助教进修班。

    The purpose of continuation education is rational and high standardized , with various methods of education . Before-job training , course improving and advanced study for assistant are the main three methods .

  16. 经济学理性假设只是关于人类行为的三种主要的理性假设之一,这些假设的目的是要理性地解释被观察到的各种行为,从而对行为赋予意义。

    Rationality is one of three competitive and complementary hypotheses that human reason makes to make sense out of human behavior .

  17. 旧形而上学中的理性神学部分,其目的在于确定理性的本身究竟能够认识上帝到什么限度。

    The object of the old metaphysical theology was to see how far unassisted reason could go in the knowledge of God .

  18. 康德历史学的思想,是具有批判哲学特色的历史哲学,开创了在人类理性范围内理解历史终极目的之先验理性历史哲学的先河。

    Kant 's thought about history was a kind of historic philosophy with characteristics of critical philosophy . It pioneered the rational apriorism of historic philosophy which made human beings understand the ultimate goal of history rationally .

  19. 而在主要充分认识几个基本问题的基础上,从短期纠正和长期政策组合运用的角度调控宏观经济以实现经济增长的目的才是理性的选择,即文章最后提出相应研究结论和政策建议。

    On the basis of good understanding of several basic concerns , from the perspective of the use of the short-and long-term policy package in order to achieve the purpose of macroeconomic growth is the rational choice that is the conclusion of the paper and corresponding policy recommendations .

  20. 目的:研究生理性十二指肠胃反流(duodenogastricreflux,DGR)的发生情况,探讨其发生特点和意义。

    Objective : To investigate the characteristics of physiologic duodenogastric reflux ( DGR ) in healthy using 24-hour enterogastric bile reflux monitoring .

  21. 目的探讨健康人生理性舒张功能减退与左房增大的相关性及临床意义。

    Objective To investigate the correlation between enlarged left atrium and decreased left ventricular diastolic function in healthy subjects .

  22. 这三方面的假设都是以康德哲学的“目的王国”及理性的实践主体作为其理论前提的。

    In any case , these three suppositions are grounded in the conceptions of " the realm of ends " and rational beings in Kantian philosophy .

  23. 自在目的是以形式理性的权威裁判实现法治秩序,自为目的是以秩序的创造来达到法治秩序的进化与发展。

    Purpose-in-itself of the criminal procedure is to realize the order of rule by law through the authoritative adjudication . Purpose-for-itself of the criminal procedure is to establish the order of rule by law by creating order .

  24. 贿赂犯罪分子在进行贿赂犯罪前是对各种利弊得失经过深思熟虑的权衡之后而决定是否实施该行为的,他们有明显的意志选择过程,是有目的有预谋有理性选择的故意犯罪。

    Bribery criminals will decide whether they implement bribery or not after their well-considered trade-off between advantages and disadvantages . It is an obvious process of willing selection . So it is a deliberate crime with a premeditated and rational selection .

  25. 与此相适应,刑罚执行的机能也由机械、盲目、被动的接受走向合目的性、富有理性和能动性的机动调控。

    This suggests that education utilitarian theory and the theory the mountain thinking under the guidance of the positive execution times one has come with this adaptation , the penalty enforcement function by mechanical blind , passive acceptance towards Purposiveness endowed with reason and regulation initiative motor .