
  1. 粉色旅游业的主要组成部分为:希望吸引同志游客的城市和国家、希望到对同志人群友好的目的地旅游的游客、不计较目的地只希望与其他同志人群一同出游的人,以及关注文化和安全因素的同志游客。

    The main components of pink tourism are cities and countries wishing to attract LGBT tourists ; people looking to travel to LGBT-friendly destinations ; people wanting to travel with other LGBT people when traveling regardless of the destination and LGBT travelers who are mainly concerned with cultural and safety issues .

  2. 安全是目的地旅游业健康持续发展的基础。

    Security is the base of the sustainable development of destination .

  3. 滑雪旅游目的地旅游竞争力及其开发评价研究

    Research on Tourism Competitiveness and Development Evaluation of Skiing Tourism Destination

  4. 目的地旅游系统隐性结构的分析

    Analysis on the Recessive Character of the Destination System

  5. 旅游目的地旅游预警系统研究

    Study on the Pre-warning System of the Tourism Destination

  6. 城市目的地旅游者满意度理论与实证研究

    The Theoretical and Empirical Study on Tourist 's Satisfaction in the City Destination

  7. 那么,传统旅游目的地旅游产品的优化、创新就是整个旅游目的地全方位的优化和创新。

    So optimizing and innovating tourism products is optimize and innovation for the destination .

  8. 旅游目的地旅游产品结构调整&以承德地区为例

    Adjustment of Tourism Product Spatial Structure of the Tourism Destination-A Case of Chengde City

  9. 目的地旅游产品中的好客精神及其培育

    On Hospitality Spirit in Tourism and Its Development

  10. 本文就是从旅游生态学视角来解析探讨旅游系统,对旅游目的地旅游预警系统进行研究。

    However this paper probes into the tourism destination from the angle of the tourism ecology .

  11. 旅游与我国城镇化的发展存在着相互作用关系,旅游城镇化的发展是旅游目的地旅游发展与当地城镇化共同作用的结果。

    The development of tourism urbanization tourist destination tourism development and local urbanization result of joint action .

  12. 在对传统旅游目的地旅游产品优化创新中,首先搭建理论的平台,通过对旅游产品优化创新理论的研究,为实践指明方向。

    To begin with , it is important to build some theories of optimizing and innovating tourism products to guide practice .

  13. 充分整合民族地区文化资源,推出目的地旅游线路。

    In order to ' integrate the cultural resources of this minority area , bring out the tour route of certain destinations .

  14. 旅游业的可持续发展呼唤从社区层面进行旅游目的地旅游的开发与管理。

    Sustainable development of tourism in destination demands us to exploit and manage our tourism on a more macroscopic scale - community .

  15. 旅游形象对目的地旅游发展至关重要,目前旅游目的地之间的竞争,更多的是形象的竞争。

    Clear tourism image is important for the development of tourism destination , and the competition of tourist destination is more of tourism image at present .

  16. 我们的作家可以填写您的网站,它将在您的目的地旅游吸引力的核心条款,唤醒他们的感觉和捕捉他们的好奇心。

    Our writers can fill your site with compelling articles that puts tourists in the heart of your destination , awakening their senses and capturing their curiosity .

  17. 从对旅游目的地旅游产品与相关的研究进展中,找出传统旅游目的地旅游产品开发研究中存在的问题,提出旅游产品优化创新的要求。

    Finding some existing problems when doing research of tourism products and relative theoretical study , we realized the optimizations and innovations of tourism product would be necessary .

  18. 从心理学、地理学、社会学、人类学的角度探讨了人类的旅游感知形象与目的地旅游形象塑造紧密相关。

    This thesis analyzes that tourism apperceiving images are closely related with the image of tourist destination from the angle of psychology , geography , sociology and anthropology .

  19. 随着旅游业竞争的加剧,塑造良好的城市旅游形象逐步成为旅游目的地旅游发展战略的重要组成部分。

    Compete along with the tour industry of turn worse , mold the good city tour image gradually become travel the destination the tour develops the strategic importance to constitute the part .

  20. 面对这样良好的发展机遇,如何正确地制定旅游目的地旅游发展战略以适应不断变化的内外部环境,具有十分重要的现实意义。

    With such a wonderful development opportunity , how to draw up tourism development strategy accurately to tourism destination to adapt to the changing environment interior and exterior is of great significance .

  21. 中国旅游演艺产业在近30年的发展中,已经成为目的地旅游发展的重要组成部分和旅游者所钟爱的演艺新业态。

    As a new kind of artistic forms , Chinese tourism performing industry has developed into a key factor of tourism destinations in the past three decades and captured a great many tourists .

  22. 近几年来,自然灾害发生的频率越来越高,对目的地旅游业的影响也越来越大,这引发了一个问题,即:灾后目的地旅游业该如何发展。

    In recent years , natural disasters are more frequent , the impact on tourism destination is also growing , which raises the question : How to develop tourism in the post-disaster destination ?

  23. 专家调查和实地调研的结果显示,传统旅游目的地旅游发展动力因子可以分为宏观条件、基础条件和管理条件3个大类共16项因子。

    Survey and research shows that traditional tourism destinations in tourism development momentum factor can be divided into macro conditions , the basic conditions and management conditions of three major categories of 16 factors .

  24. 服务质量和环境保护急需和世界接轨。目的地旅游资源的丰富与否不一定决定着学生对目的地总体认知的好坏。

    Our service quality and environment protection needed to the world level , and tourism destination resources was rich or not does not necessarily determined by students ' overall understanding of good and bad destination . 2 .

  25. 能充分发挥旅游目的地旅游资源特色和优势,并且针对目标市场的项目策划,可以使一个旅游目的地受益丰厚。

    All these rely on the planning of specific tourism programs for tourist destinations which can benefit a lot from program planning aiming at its target markets , if the planning can exert the advantages and features of its tourism resources .

  26. 旅游线路是旅行社销售的主要产品,也是目的地旅游开发和市场营销的重要对象,其中游时是旅游线路设计中的核心要素之一。

    Travel itinerary , which is important for destination development and tourism marketing , is a major kind of products of travel agencies . Tour time , as a joint name for travel time and visiting time , is a significant factor for itinerary design .

  27. Set-jetting指将影视剧拍摄地作为目的地的旅游,即“影视主题游”。

    Set-jetting is the trend of traveling to destinations that are first seen in movies or TV series .

  28. “沉默旅行者”与旅行目的地的旅游行业几乎没有直接互动,他们更喜欢使用移动设备来导航、做出安排、以及寻找信息。

    Silent traveler has almost no direct interaction with a destination 's tourism industry , preferring instead to navigate1 , make arrangements , and find information using a mobile device .

  29. Set-jetting指将电影拍摄地作为目的地的旅游,即“电影主题旅游”。

    Set-jetting is the trend of traveling to destinations that are first seen in movies .

  30. 城市旅游是一种新型的以城市为目的地的旅游活动。

    Urban tourism is a new destination for ci-ty tourism .