
  • 网络target molecule;targeting molecule
  1. DNA作为目标分子用于识别在抑制细胞功能紊乱和治疗某些疾病中的天然和人工分子,这在无机生物化学中是极其重要的。

    Serving as a target molecule , the recognition of DNA for natural and artificial molecules in the inhibition of cellular disorders and in therapy of certain diseases is of paramount importance in inorganic biochemistry .

  2. 报道了目标分子及相关中间体的合成方法及产率,通过IR、~1HNMR、MS对相关中间体及目标产物的结构进行了表征。

    It reported the synthesis methods of target molecule and intermediates . Yields and data were also reported . The structures of intermediates and target molecule were conformed by IR , ~ 1HNMR and MS.

  3. DNA与目标分子相互作用的预测性研究

    Predictive Studies on Interaction Between DNA and Target Molecules

  4. 很显然这种目标分子抑制的催化循环可用来进行ATP的检测。

    Obviously , this target-inhibited catalytic cycle can be applied to an ATP sensing system .

  5. 目标分子和一些中间体通过1H-NMR和13C-NMR得到了确认。

    Target molecular and intermediates have been identified by 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR .

  6. 中间体和目标分子通过~1HNMR、~(13)cNMR、~(31)pNMR等表征,并分析了分子结构与光谱数据的关系。

    Intermediates and objective molecular synthesized are characterized by 1H NMR , 13C NMR and 31P NMR , and the relationships of molecular structure and spectral data are analyzed .

  7. 通过对化合物的元素分析、红外光谱以及在DMF中紫外吸收光谱的测定,确定了目标分子。

    The objective molecule was determined through testing the compound with elementary analysis , IR spectrum and ultra-violet absorption spectrometry in DMF .

  8. 利用该技术制备的分子印迹聚合物(MolecularlyImprintedPolymers,MIPs),因其对目标分子的特异性识别能力,已经在环境污染物治理方面得到了广泛的应用。

    Molecularly imprinted polymers ( MIPs ) prepared by this way has specific recognition capacity to target molecule , so MIPs has been applied in the field of environment pollution control .

  9. 该合成策略是将目标分子从联苯四氮唑的两个苯环中间切断,最后以Suzuki偶联为关键步骤来实现的。

    The target compound was cut off from the middle of the two benzene ring of Biphenyl Tetrazole and the key step was accomplished through Suzuki Coupling reaction .

  10. 对于结肠癌治疗方面,PI3K-AKT信号通路是可能的潜在靶向目标分子。

    PI3K-AKT signal pathway probably is the potential target of therapy in treating the colon carcinoma .

  11. 针对目标分子柔性大的特点,在比较分子场分析(CoMFA)方法中采用交叉验证相关系数平方R~2引导的构象选择法.对12个皂甙分子的生物活性进行了三维定量构效关系研究。

    In this article , the R2 guided region selection CoMFA method was used to investigate 12 saponins for their 3D - QSAR .

  12. 结论syntaxin4蛋白与NK细胞对靶细胞的识别过程有关,并与胞内膜交换相关分子SNAP23蛋白相互作用,可作为研究干预移植排斥反应中杀伤性胞吐的新目标分子。

    Conclusion Syntaxin 4 is concerned with the recognition of target cell in transplantation rejection and interacts with the signal transmitter , SNAP 23 . So , it may act as a target molecule in the regulation of exocytosis in NK cytotoxicity .

  13. 利用叔丁氧羰基酸酐((Boc)2O)对Tris上的氨基进行保护,对mPEG端羟基依次进行羧基化、酰氯化等活化处理,通过酰氯与羟基的官能团反应合成出目标分子。

    The first step was to protect the amino group of Tris by using t-butyloxycarbonyl anhydride (( Boc ) 2O ), then mPEG was activated by changing hydroxide terminal into acid chloride and carboxylation of mPEG was fulfilled before .

  14. 在本文中,我们旨在提高在强激光辐射下SERS衬底的时间稳定性和目标分子在SERS衬底表面上的富集效率,并获得环境有机污染物的拉曼光谱数据库。

    In this paper , we aim to improve the temporal stability of the SERS substrates under intense laser radiation and the enrichment efficiency on the surface of SERS substrates and obtain a Raman spectra database of environmental organic pollutants .

  15. 理论计算和实验测定频率的平均误差为19·0cm-1.根据DFT计算的振动模式和IR光谱强度值对目标分子的实验振动基频进行了完善的和合理的指认和解释。

    The mean difference between the theoretical and experimental frequencies was found to be 19.0 cm ~ - 1 . According to the normal modes and IR intensities in DFT calculation , we gave a consummate and reasonable assignment and interpretation to the observed vibrational spectrum of strychnine .

  16. 计算结果表明,目标分子在400nm以上均存在弱吸收峰,与实验所得结果一致。

    The calculated results reveal that there exist weak absorption peaks above 400 nm for these C 60 derivatives , which agrees with the experimental results .

  17. 结果表明,目标分子的前线轨道主要由C60部分决定,C60母体与加成基团之间存在较强的分子内电荷转移,C60部分是电子受体,吩嗪环部分为电子给体。

    The calculated results indicate that the frontier molecular orbitals of C60 moiety dictated those of molecules 1 ~ 8 . There exists stronger intramolecular electron transfer , with C60 moiety as the electron acceptor while phenazine and anthracene the electron donors .

  18. 使用牛血清白蛋白(BSA)作为非特异性对照,判断微球与基片表面的结合力来自配基和目标分子的生物特异性相互作用,并由进一步的目标分子灭活对比实验确认了这一结论。

    Using bovine serum albumin ( BSA ) as negative control , it was concluded that the adhesion force between the microspheres and the chip surface came from the specific interaction between the ligand and the objective molecule . And this conclusion was confirmed by an anti-IgG deactivation comparison .

  19. 本学位论文通过对现有文献的研究,结合Free-Wilson模式的基本思想,设计了两类具有潜在生物活性的新型目标分子。

    On the basis of study of existing literatures and Free-Wilson model 's basic thought , two kinds of target molecules owning potential bioactivity are designed . The synthesis of pyridazinones have been studyed firstly in this degree paper .

  20. 目标分子通过核磁共振谱、元素分析及质谱等手段进行了表征。

    The target compounds were characterized by NMR , elemental analysis and mass spectra .

  21. 我们设计了两种具有潜在生物活性的目标分子,这些目标化合物中均含有硫原子和氮原子。

    The kinds of molecular owning potential biological activity were designed , as following .

  22. 两种药物目标分子的合成及分析

    Synthesis and Analysis of Two Pharmaceutical Target Molecules

  23. 剪切流动法研究表面固定化配基与目标分子的相互作用力

    Investigation of Interaction Force Between Surface Immobilized Ligand and Objective Molecule Using Shear Flow Chamber

  24. 第二种思路是以苯并吡喃取代物为关键中间体来合成目标分子;

    In the third approach , there are two key steps included to synthesize pulverolide .

  25. 它可以制备出对所选目标分子具有高度亲和性及选择性的聚合物材料。

    It can prepare polymers which have a high affinity and selectivity to the imprinted molecules .

  26. 分子印迹聚合物对目标分子具有特异选择性。

    Molecular imprinted polymer ( MIP ) has unique property of specific affinity for target compound .

  27. 分子印迹技术是近年来出现的一种对目标分子具有预定选择性识别的技术。

    Molecular imprinted polymer ( MIP ) is an important molecular recognition material appeared in recent years .

  28. 本论文重点研究新型卟啉光敏剂的合成以及目标分子的抗菌活性。

    This paper focuses on the synthesis of new porphyrin photosensitizer and the antibacterial activity of target molecules .

  29. 目标分子导向合成在现代有机化学的发展中起着重要的作用。

    Target-oriented organic synthesis ( TOS ) has played an important role in the advancement of contemporary organic chemistry .

  30. 寻找到目标分子的最大吸收波长和最大发射波长。

    The maximum absorption wavelength and the maximum emission wavelength of the target molecules have been found . 3 .