
  • 网络peanut stunt virus;PSV;Peanut stunt virus,PSV;Peanut stunt virus, PSV;PnSV
  1. 花生矮化病毒(PSV)Mi株系RNA1和RNA2序列分析

    Nucleotide Sequence Analyses of Peanut stunt virus Mi Strain RNA 1 and RNA 2

  2. 花生矮化病毒(PSV)的研究花生普通花叶病毒病发生和流行规律研究

    Occurrence and epidemiology of peanut stunt virus ( PSV ) on peanut

  3. 温室人工接种试验说明,6个花生矮化病毒(PSV)中国分离物;

    Six peanut stunt virus ( PSV ) Chinese isolates including PSV-1 . PSV-13 and PSV-Mi from peanut .

  4. 琼脂双扩散血清试验表明,参试的我国花生矮化病毒(PSV)6个分离物和株系之间血清学关系十分亲近,而与美国PSV-E和PSV-W株系存在明显的差异。

    , Results of double gel diffusion teats showed that six peanut stunt virus ( PSV ) Chinese strains were closely related each other serologically , but distinct from two PSV American strains PSV - E and PSV - W .

  5. 普通花叶类型由花生矮化病毒Mi株系(PSV&Mi)所致,在冀东和冀中的部分县(市)发生;

    Peanut common mosaic type caused by Peanut Stunt Virus Mi Strain ( PSV-Mi ) was found in East and Central Hebei Province , and peanut yellow mosaic caused by Cucumber Mosaic Virus CA Strain ( CMV-CA ) occured only in East Hebei .

  6. 花生矮化病毒株系寄主反应及对花生致病力研究

    Characteristics of strains of peanut stunt virus by host reactions and pathogenicity to peanut

  7. 刺槐上分离的花生矮化病毒的初步鉴定

    A preliminary study on a isolate of peanut stunt virus from black locust mosaic tree

  8. 花生矮化病毒株系致病力分化及区域分布

    Variability of pathogenicity of peanut stunt virus ( PSV ) strains and their distribution in China

  9. 刺槐&花生矮化病毒的初侵染源

    Black locust , an important primary source of peanut stunt virus ( psv ) for the PSV epidemics on Peanut

  10. 花生品种(系)对花生矮化病毒抗性鉴定

    Evaluation of peanut varieties for resistance to peanut stunt virus