
  • 网络Herbal Tea;Herb Tea
  1. 应用ICP-AES同时测定5种花草茶的微量元素

    Determination of Trace Elements in Five Herb Tea by ICP-AES

  2. 响应面法对橘香、红枣花草茶饮料的优化研究

    Optimization of herb tea beverage of permeating citrus 's aroma and jujube savor by response surface analysis

  3. 他们经营种类繁多的花草茶。

    They do a good range of herbal tea .

  4. SPA与“花草茶”相辅相成,就犹如一支曼妙的华尔兹,在人的身体内外完美融合,优雅上演。

    SPA and the " flowers and tea " complement each other , it is like a graceful waltz , the perfect blend of inside and outside the human body , elegant staging .

  5. 通过花草茶来减肥是一个很流行的方法。

    Losing weight through herbal teas is a very popular topic .

  6. 睡前喝些花草茶或是吃些轻食的点心。

    Have some herbal tea or a light snack before bedtime .

  7. 什么是花草茶?

    So , what exactly is FLOWER TEA ?

  8. 春暖花开,每天一杯花草茶,一次健康的生活之旅。

    Drinking a cup of scented tea each day is healthy for your life .

  9. 如果你喜欢喝花草茶,那以下哪些品种你想尝试?

    If u likes herbal tea , which of the following would u try ?

  10. 在面试之前最好是喝一些花草茶,而非咖啡或者含有咖啡因的苏打汽水。

    Instead of coffee or caffeinated soda , have some herbal tea before your interview .

  11. 自贡花语生物科技有限公司是一家以研发,生产,销售花草茶一体的公司。

    Is a research and development , production , marketing flowers and tea one company .

  12. 可是我喝的是花草茶,也可以养身体。

    But I drink tea , also is flowers and plants can raise the body .

  13. 如果你发觉白开水喝起来味淡而无味,那么花草茶则是一个很好的替代品。

    If you find water too plain for drinking , herbal tea is a good substitute .

  14. 她居然喝花草茶

    She was drinking herbal tea .

  15. 如果这不是你喜欢的替代品,也可以选择饮用花草茶。

    Not quite the substitute you were hoping for ? Herbal tea was the other accepted alternative .

  16. 在经历时间、传统及实践的洗礼后,花草茶已发展出多样的风貌。

    Through time , tradition and practice of baptism , flowers and tea , has developed diverse styles .

  17. 并同渴望接近自然、享受生活的人一起进入花草茶的世界。

    Close to nature with the desire to enjoy life together into the world of flowers and tea .

  18. 喝冰镇的或者热的花草茶,里面尽量少放糖。

    Try to sip iced or hot herbal teas prepared with minimal amount of sugar throughout the day .

  19. 信不信由你,花草茶是能够治疗心脏疾病,中风甚至能够预防某些癌症。

    Believe it or not , herbal tea can cure heart ailments , stroke and even prevent certain cancers !

  20. 不管你是想减肥还是想改善健康状况,喝花草茶都是很好的。

    Whether you 're losing weight or you simply want to have better health , herbal tea is good .

  21. 舒缓的饮料花草茶或者一杯牛奶同样让你的身体得到放松,让你平静下来。

    Soothing beverage Herbal tea or a glass of milk also relax the body and help you wind down .

  22. 花草茶能够增强你的免疫系统那么你就不会那么容易患流行性感冒或者其他的呼吸道疾病。

    Herbal teas can strengthen your body immune system so that you don 't catch flu or other lung illnesses .

  23. 要记得,香草茶馆不会因为贪便宜的售卖品质低级的花草茶。

    Remember , The Flower Tea Shop cares for your health and therefore will not sell anything below premium grade .

  24. 缇喀纳精品茶系列涵盖了花草茶、水果茶、红茶、绿茶及白茶。

    Our range of premium tea products includes herbal and fruit teas as well as black , green and white teas .

  25. 可以尝试花草茶或绿茶,或者饮用奶茶或柠檬茶,加一点蜂蜜或人造甜味剂,让茶水更甜。

    Try herbal or green teas , or drink tea with milk or lemon and sweeten it with honey or artificial sweetener .

  26. 恕我直言,如果你真蠢到享受霉味四散的花草茶,那欢迎你继续。

    Frankly , if you are foolish enough to enjoy the musty waft of herbal tea , then you 're welcome to it .

  27. 想必你一定会在饭后必刷牙,喝花草茶而不喝汽水,吃零食时会用水果来代替甜品。

    So you brush your teeth after every meal , choose herbal tea over fizzy drinks , and snack on fruit not sweets .

  28. 花草茶含有的咖啡因比咖啡要少。如果你想减少蛀牙的问题,那么在这两者之中,花草茶会是你明智的选择。

    Herbals teas contain less caffeine and they are definitely a good alternative to those who are health conscious enough to want to prevent tooth decays .

  29. 在茶馆,你可以品尝各种各样的茶,比如飘逸的叶茶,或来自异域的混合花草茶。

    You can sample different teas , try tea in loose leaf form or try out unusual herbal blends from all over the world . 12 .

  30. 传统红茶市场的衰退主要因为人们做了不同的选择,把其他种类的茶加入了他们的购物篮,例如绿茶和花草茶。

    The standard black tea market is in decline mainly because people are putting different things , like green and herbal tea , into their baskets .