
  • 网络arles;Arle;aries
  1. 文森特·梵高(VincentvanGogh)曾在1888年至1889年间,在阿尔勒逗留了15个月,其间创作了300多幅作品。

    Vincent van Gogh created more than 300 works during his 15 months in Arles , in 1888 and 1889 .

  2. 阿尔勒论坛酒店(Arles’duForum)(论坛广场10号;33-4-90-93-48-95;hotelduforum.com)位于一栋历史悠久的石制联排别墅内,附带一座院内游泳池。

    Arles " du Forum ( 10 , place du Forum ; 33-4-90-93-48-95 ; hotelduforum . com ) occupies a historical stone townhouse with a courtyard swimming pool .

  3. 保罗·高更(PaulGauguin)在自传体小说《此前此后》(AvantetAprès)中描述了在阿尔勒,自己决定离开之后与梵高之间发生的争执。

    In Paul Gauguin 's autobiographical novel , " Avant et Apr è s , " he describes a disagreement between him and van Gogh in Arles after Gauguin decided to leave .

  4. 可惜的是,梵高的这些画作中,却没有一幅留在阿尔勒,就连专以组织当代艺术家举办梵高相关艺术展著称的新建机构梵高基金会(FondationVincentvanGogh)里也没有。

    Alas , not one van Gogh canvas remains in Arles , not even at the splashy new Fondation Vincent van Gogh , which organizes van Gogh-related exhibitions by contemporary artists .

  5. 费利克斯·雷伊(FélixRey)是在阿尔勒医院为梵高治疗的医生,他在一封短笺中画下了被割掉的耳朵,表明这位艺术家真的割下了整只耳朵。

    A note written by F é lix Rey , a doctor who treated van Gogh at the Arles hospital , contains a drawing of the mangled ear showing that the artist indeed cut off the whole thing .

  6. 阿尔勒的梵高基金会(FondationVanGoghinArles)是一个宽敞的展览空间,顶棚是彩色玻璃的艺术设计,可以让普罗旺斯的阳光折射进来。这处2014年开设的场所是一个例外。

    The Fondation Van Gogh in Arles , an expansive exhibition space topped with an artwork of colored glass refracting Proven light through its roof , which opened in 2014 , is a notable exception .

  7. 几个月前,我站在人来人往的拉马丁广场的拐角,马路对面是进入法国南部阿尔勒的古罗马门。这个地方对文森特·梵高(VincentvanGogh)的一生都至关重要。

    A few months ago , I stood at the corner of a busy roundabout called Place Lamartine , across from the Roman gates leading into Arles in southern France , on a spot that was pivotal in the life of Vincent van Gogh .

  8. 阿尔勒的文森特·梵高基金会(35rueduDr.Fanton;Arles;fondation-vincentvangogh-arles.org/),位于阿尔勒老城的中心,从这里开始在阿尔勒寻访梵高的足迹再合适不过了。

    Fondation Vincent Van Gogh in Arles ( 35 rue du Dr. Fanton ; Arles ; fondation-vincentvangogh-arles . org / ) , in the center of the old city of Arles , is a great place to begin a tour of van Gogh locations throughout Arles .

  9. 钢模板在仿古罗马式混凝土花饰柱施工中的应用阿尔勒的古罗马和罗马式建筑

    Steel Formwork Applied to Construction of Ornamental Concrete Column Imitated with Ancient Roman Style

  10. 他们本来要继续在阿尔勒的圆形竞技场互相拼斗下去的。

    They would have continued to fight each other in the amphitheatre of aries .

  11. 梵高在色调以及绘画对象上的转变直到1888年他前往南方的阿尔勒之后才变得彻底。

    His conversion to colour and landscape was not complete , however , until he went south to Arles in1888 .

  12. 从今年起,该活动每年将展出中国摄影家的作品,以及在阿尔勒展出过的艺术家作品。

    Starting this year , every year the event will feature the works of Chinese photographers and artists in Arles exhibited works .

  13. 即将在本次摄影季展出的2009年法国阿尔勒国际摄影节“发现奖”获奖者作品。

    Quarter will be displayed in this photo of the2009 International Photography Festival , Arles , France " Discovery Award " Winners .

  14. 这里有一望无际的阿尔勒向日葵、紫色的薰衣草、造型奇异的古罗马水道、都德的风车;

    Here are there endless Arles sunflowers , purple lavender , the singular ancient Ro ­ man Aqueduct and the Daudet 's windmills ;

  15. 2003年,杨勇的作品在威尼斯双年展中国馆展出,以及在“阿尔德阿尔勒节”被授予最佳新人奖。

    In2003 , Yang Yong 's works were exhibited at the Venice Biennale China Pavilion , as well as at Les Rencontres d'Arles Festival , where he was awarded the best new artist prize .

  16. 建于罗马时期的小镇阿尔勒与中世纪城墙环绕下的城都阿维尼翁之间相距不远,乘坐火车仅需20分钟便可抵达,两地均集结了大量的壮丽建筑、顶级艺术、沐浴在阳光中的普罗旺斯美食和联合国教科文组织世界遗产。

    Just 20 minutes apart by train , the Roman-era town of Arles and the medieval walled city of Avignon enfold a dense mix of architectural beauty , world-class art , sun-soaked Proven gastronomy and Unesco World Heritage sites .

  17. 首次展出的物品包括关于梵高在阿尔勒事故的警方报告,以及1889年梵高邻居们的请愿书——他们要求市长把这位艺术家关进精神病院。

    Exhibited for the first time are a police report on van Gogh 's incident in Arles , and a petition by van Gogh 's neighbors there in 1889 , which asked the city 's mayor to institutionalize the artist .

  18. 在热烈的阳光照射下,一张被单在阿尔勒的一座建筑物上投下了长长的影子。阿尔勒是法国南部一个古老的小城,梵高曾前往那里寻找像日本版画里那样明亮的色彩。

    Lit by a vigorous sun , a sheet casts a long shadow on a building in Arles , an ancient town in the south of France where van Gogh journeyed to seek luminous colors like the ones in Japanese prints .

  19. 墨菲出生于爱尔兰,在普罗旺斯住了很多年,就住在阿尔勒郊外。她在研究中还弄清了梵高把自己的耳朵交给了哪个女人。

    In her research , Ms. Murphy , who was born in Ireland and has lived in Provence , just outside Arles , for many years , was also able to identify the woman to whom van Gogh gave his ear .

  20. 大失所望的我回到车里,决定寻找我的单子上另一个与梵高有关的地点:阿尔勒郊外的朗格鲁瓦吊桥,他在1888年画这座桥画了九次。

    Disappointed , I got back in my car and decided to try to find another van Gogh location on my list : Langlois Bridge , a drawbridge on the outskirts of Arles , which he depicted nine times in 1888 .

  21. 他在阿尔勒切掉了一片耳朵之后,被送到了普罗旺斯的阿尔勒医院,他在那里画下的郁郁葱葱的花园目前仍然免费展示给公众,这家医院目前叫做梵高医院。

    After he cut off a part of his ear in Arles , he was admitted to the Arles hospital in Provence , where he painted the lush gardens that are still on display free to the public , as Espace Van Gogh .

  22. 因此,在7月的炎热天气里,我来到了阿尔勒这个繁忙的交叉路口,想看看在他曾经住过的地方,我是否能找到梵高灵魂的踪迹。

    So , that is what brought me , in the heat of July , to the busy intersection in Arles , to see if , in a place that he once inhabited , I could find traces of van Gogh 's soul .

  23. 此后,我来到了他一些知名画作的诞生地,巴黎的蒙马特、普罗旺斯的圣雷米和阿尔勒,最后是见证梵高匆匆走完37年人生的瓦兹河畔欧韦。

    From there , I traveled to his renowned painting locations , Montmartre in Paris and Arles and St. R é my in Provence , and ultimately to the Parisian suburb of Auvers-sur-Oise , where his life was cut short in his 37th year .