
  • Ali;ALY;Ari;Ngari
  1. “他在那儿。”阿里说着朝几棵树挥了挥手。

    ' He 's over there , ' said Ali , waving a hand towards some trees .

  2. 一个大块头的得克萨斯州红脖子正对阿里骂着脏话。

    A large Texan redneck was shouting obscenities at Ali .

  3. 阿里在他们桌旁停下,和他们互致问候。

    Ari stopped at their table to exchange greetings .

  4. 阿里和贾米尔形影不离。

    Ali and Jamil do everything together .

  5. 阿里今天十二岁了。

    Ali is twelve years old today .

  6. 但基于阿里云OS的宏碁手机并未上市。

    Acer 's phone was never released .

  7. 神秘主义者阿里·阿尔-卡瓦斯(Alial-Khawas)的观点。

    He also cited a Sufi Muslim mystic , Ali al-Khawas .

  8. 此举可能导致美团在未来与阿里影业(AliPictures)发生冲突。

    Such a step could lead to a face-off against Alibaba 's Ali Pictures in the future .

  9. 整个过程是建立信任的过程,另一位投资者、在阿曼经营一家公司的P•穆罕默德•阿里(P.MohammedAli)表示。

    The whole process was a confidence-building exercise , says another of these investors , P. Mohammed Ali , who runs a business in Oman .

  10. 阿里巴巴的主要内容制作实体是香港上市的阿里影业(AliPictures),后者是阿里巴巴去年收购文化中国传播集团(ChinaVisionMediaGroup)60%股权之后成立的。

    Alibaba 's main vehicle for content production is Hong Kong-listed Ali Pictures , which was formed last year after Alibaba bought 60 per cent of ChinaVision Media .

  11. 不过,如果我能随意选择的话,我会挑Twitter首席运营官阿里•罗哈尼。

    But if I could pick anyone as my coo it would Ali rowghani , who is the coo at twitter .

  12. 两年多以前,谷歌曾指责阿里云OS使用了安卓源代码。

    More than two years ago Google protested that YunOS , also known as Aliyun , was ripping off Android 's source code .

  13. NPR新闻,阿里·夏皮华盛顿报道。

    Ari Shapiro , NPR News , the White House .

  14. 魅族手机目前使用免费的谷歌安卓操作系统。阿里巴巴表示,它的阿里云OS移动操作系统将集成到魅族手机中。

    Alibaba said its mobile operating system , YunOS , will be integrated into Meizu 's phones that now run on Google 's free Android operating system .

  15. 有几家很小的中国手机厂商使用阿里云OS,但该系统在国内基本处于默默无闻状态——中国80%的智能手机都使用安卓系统。推广自己的操作系统是阿里巴巴对亚马逊KindleFire业务的借鉴。

    A handful of tiny Chinese smartphone makers use YunOS , but the system is basically unknown in China where 80 % of smartphones run on Android .

  16. NPR新闻,阿里·夏皮罗萨拉热窝报道。

    Ari Shapiro NPR New , Sarajevo .

  17. 方法:采用现代生物化学发光技术,检测阿里红多糖对O2、H2O2的清除作用及对多种活性氧的总和清除率。

    Methods : Chemiluminescence methods were used to assess scavenging effects of FOPS on the O2 , H2O2 and other oxygen free radicals .

  18. 当时宏碁(Acer)宣布将推出基于阿里云OS的手机,谷歌随即表示强烈抗议,理由是宏碁已经同意不采用非兼容的安卓版本。

    When Acer announced a phone based on the operating system , after Acer had agreed not to ship non-compatible Android versions , Google cried foul .

  19. 本周二,梅耶尔宣布将剥离剩余的阿里股份,以此安抚Starboard及其他心怀不满的投资者。

    On Tuesday , Mayer appeased Starboard other disgruntled investors by announcing a spin-off of its remaining Alibaba stake .

  20. 当时宏碁(Acer)宣布将推出基于阿里云OS的手机,谷歌随即表示强烈抗议,理由是宏碁已经同意不采用“非兼容”的安卓版本。

    When Acer announced a phone based on the operating system , after Acer had agreed not to ship " non-compatible " Android versions , Google cried foul .

  21. 他甚至都比不上也门的阿里•阿卜杜拉•萨利赫(AliAbdullahSaleh),后者至少有很强的幽默感。

    And he could not compete even with Yemen 's Ali Abdullah Saleh , who at least had a sharp sense of humour .

  22. 阿里影业1月份表示,其首部电影将与两大明星合作:制片人王家卫(WongKar-Wai)和演员梁朝伟(TonyLeung)。

    In January it said its first film will be a collaboration with two big stars : producer Wong Kar-Wai and actor Tony Leung .

  23. 最后,很多站长在质疑,放百度竞争对手比如雅虎,阿里妈妈,甚至GOOGLE的广告,会不会导致降权或者拔毛?

    Finally , a lot of stationmaster are in doubt , put Baidu competitor for instance Yahoo , the mom in A , even the advertisement of GOOGLE , can you bring about fall to counterpoise or depilate ?

  24. 阿里表示,甚至只是把一半的外汇储备,投资于收益率高出500个基点的工具,这些国家将得到500亿美元的财政红利,大约相当于本地区GDP的0.8%。

    By investing even half their reserves in instruments yielding an extra 500 basis points such countries would generate a $ 50bn fiscal dividend equivalent to about 0.8 per cent of regional GDP , Mr Ali said .

  25. 为了适应夏威夷的炎热,他在凯卢阿-科纳时髦的阿里大道(Ali’iDrive)租了一个房子,还在比赛开始前10天在酒店里订了几间连在一起的客房。

    To help acclimate to the Hawaiian heat , he rented a house on Kailua-Kona 's fashionable Ali'i Drive , as well as a block of hotel rooms for the 10 days leading up to the race .

  26. 但在好莱坞电影失去曾经的荣耀之前,包括阿里影业(AlibabaPictures)、百度(Baidu)、大连万达(DalianWanda)、腾讯(Tencent)和华谊兄弟(HuayiBrothersMediaCorp)在内的中国公司一直密切关注着这一行业。

    But even before its fall from grace , Chinese companies including Alibaba Pictures , Baidu , Dalian Wanda , Tencent and Huayi Brothers Media Corp had been eyeing the business closely .

  27. NPR新闻的黛比·阿里报道,这是为了取代7年前因卡特里娜飓风而失效的断裂系统。

    NPR 's Debbie Ali reports it 's meant to replace the fractured system of levies that failed during Hurricane Katrina 's 7 years ago .

  28. 在问题解决之前,建议网民使用移动飞信、MSN、阿里旺旺等其他聊天工具。

    Fourth , the problem is resolved , we recommend users to use mobile flying letters , MSN , Ali Want to chat , and other tools .

  29. 阿里影业CEO张强透露,原始剧本已经由一些忠实粉丝审阅过了,小说读者也有权通过线上投票选演员。

    Zhang Qiang , CEO of Alibaba Pictures , reveals that the original script has been evaluated by some die-hard fans , and the novel 's readers will also have the right to select the cast through online votes .

  30. 1942年出生于肯塔基州路易斯维尔市,原名卡修斯·克莱(CassiusClayJr.)。阿里的自行车被盗后,他想要叫板那些小偷,此后他开始拳击训练。

    Born Cassius Clay Jr. in Louisville , Kentucky , in 1942 , Ali first trained as a boy after his bicycle got stolen and said he wanted to whup the thief .