
  • 网络china shipping;CsCl;Nakaumi
  1. 这4艘船舶将全部租给中海集团。

    All four ships will be leased to China shipping .

  2. 如你所知,中海的航期通常安排在周六。

    As your know , China Shipping usually arrange the schedule on saturday .

  3. 中海油表示,该公司对加拿大政府有关马来西亚国家石油公司与Progress交易的决定无可奉告。

    Cnooc said the company had no comment about the Canadian decision on Petronas-Progress .

  4. 中海油及其规模较小的合作伙伴chinainternationaloilandgas这么做,是在3个方面打赌。

    In doing so , CNOOC and its smaller partner , China International Oil and gas , are gambling on three points .

  5. 中海油和BP均拒绝置评。

    CNOOC and BP declined to comment .

  6. 基于纹理分析和人工神经网络的SAR图像中海面溢油识别方法

    Oil Spill Identification in Marine SAR Images Based on Texture Feature and Artificial Neural Network

  7. 近年来中海油与切萨皮克能源公司(ChesapeakeEnergy)的一系列交易就是一个很好的例子。

    CNOOC 's deals with Chesapeake Energy in recent years are an example .

  8. 中海油(cnooc)上涨15%,至9.35港元。

    CNOOC rose 15 per cent to HK $ 9.35 .

  9. 作为回报,中海油将连续20年获得有保证的lng供应,但价格没有透露。

    In return , CNOOC will get an assured supply of LNG for 20 years at an undisclosed rate .

  10. 这方面最著名的事例莫过于中国国有企业中海油(ChinaNationalOffshoreOilCo.)于2005年出价185亿美元收购美国石油公司加州联合石油(Unocal)。

    This , most famously , happened when state-owned China National Offshore Oil Co. , or CNOOC , bid $ 18.5 billion to buy oil-producer Unocal in 2005 .

  11. 强子中海层子分布函数的QCD预言

    QCD predictions for the sea quark distribution function in hadrons

  12. 在很多方面,中海油是BG在东方的翻版。

    In many ways , Cnooc is BG 's mirror image in the east .

  13. 美国证交会指出,张志熔拥有的其他企业包括中国熔盛重工(RongshengHeavyIndustries)在内与中海油有着紧密的联系。

    The SEC said other businesses owned by Mr Zhang , including China Rongsheng Heavy Industries , had a close relationship with Cnooc .

  14. 此外,中海油与道达尔(total)联手向图洛石油公司(tullowoil)收购海上油田股权的交易,目前正在等待乌干达政府的最终批准。

    The company is also awaiting final Ugandan government approvals for its deal with total to buy stakes in offshore oil fields from Tullow oil .

  15. 中海油还在美国完成了一系列收购,包括与切萨皮克能源公司(ChesapeakeEnergy)签署的两笔开采页岩气的重大交易,这些交易没有遭遇监管或政治上的阻力。

    Cnooc has also completed a number of US acquisitions , including two large shale deals with Chesapeake Energy , without regulatory or political resistance .

  16. 中海油今年以来遭遇了一些挫折,最近一个例子是出价35亿美元从英国石油(BP)手中收购阿根廷能源集团泛美能源(PanAmericanEnergy)部分股权的交易失败。

    Cnooc has encountered several setbacks this year , most recently the failure of its $ 3.5bn deal to buy a stake in Pan American Energy , the Argentinean energy group , from BP .

  17. 中海油在6月份说,它将在越南认为按照联合国海洋法公约(UnitedNations'ConventionontheLawoftheSea)属于其专属经济区的地区拿出新一批油气区块面向外国伙伴招标。

    Cnooc in June said it was offering a new round of oil-and-gas blocks to foreign partners within what Vietnam says is its exclusive economic zone under the United Nations ' Convention on the Law of the Sea .

  18. 美国证交会指控称,与WellsAdvantage从事的交易类似,这些姓名未知的交易员在此之前对尼克森股票的交易并不活跃,直到尼克森-中海油交易公布前的那一周,他们才建立起大量尼克森头寸。

    Similar to the Wells Advantage trading , the unknown traders were not active in Nexen shares until they took big positions in the week before the deal was announced , the SEC alleged .

  19. 今年3月,浙江省政府与中海油公司签订了引进液化天然气(LNG)及应用项目合作协议。

    2005.In March last year the contract for importing and using the LNG had been signed between the Zhejiang government and the China ocean petrol company .

  20. 分析人士认为,中国国有石油公司中海油(cnooc)也曾于2006年支付溢价才购得了由道达尔(total)运营的尼日利亚油田股份。

    CNOOC , the Chinese state oil company , was considered by analysts to have paid above the odds in 2006 for its share of a Nigerian oilfield operated by total .

  21. 相反,中海油在与GNPC进行类似的洽商,后者聘请了摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)担任顾问。

    Instead , Cnooc conducted parallel talks with GNPC , which hired Morgan Stanley to advise it .

  22. 专注于社交媒体的广告代理公司中海互动(chinafocusinteractive)的首席执行官艾颂(soniaai)表示,twitter成立4年后才推出第一种商业功能。

    Sonia AI , chief executive of China focus interactive , an advertising agency specialising in social media , says twitter did not offer its first commercial function until four years after launch .

  23. MK-801对清醒大鼠习得性LTP中海马DG区谷氨酸浓度的影响

    Effect of MK-801 on extracellular levels of glutamate in the hippocampal dentate gyrus during learning-dependent LTP in free-moving conscious rats

  24. 中海油一直在积极投资北美的非传统油气储量,过去一年,该公司已与美国俄克拉荷马州的chesapeakeenergy签订两笔数十亿美元的页岩油协议。

    CNOOC has been investing aggressively in unconventional oil and gas deposits in North America , signing two multibillion-dollar shale oil deals with Chesapeake energy of Oklahoma during the past year .

  25. 国有的中海油(CNOOC)今年1月通过发行一只投资级美元债券融资20亿美元。

    China National Offshore Oil Corp , the state-owned oil company , raised $ 2bn through an investment-grade dollar bond in January .

  26. 中海油也有意购买ypf的少数股权。

    CNOOC is also interested in a minority stake in YPF alongside CNPC .

  27. 国有能源巨头中石化(sinopec)和中海油正准备大幅增加液化气进口,已经与澳大利亚和中东达成了长期合同。

    Already , state energy giants such as Sinopec and CNOOC are gearing up for LNG imports with long-term contracts in Australia and the Middle East .

  28. 东方证券(OrientSecurities)驻上海分析师王晶说,中海油的情况与另两家石油公司有很大不同,投资者因此应对其保持乐观。

    Wang Jing , an analyst for Orient Securities in Shanghai , says Cnooc 's situation'is very different from the other two oil companies . Therefore , investors should be optimistic about it .

  29. 有人曾在2004年目睹中国能源巨头中海油(中国海洋石油总公司,CNOOC)的董事长兼首席执行官傅成玉到访过该地。

    Fu Chengyu , Chairman and CEO of China 's energy giant China National Offshore Oil Corporation ( CNOOC ) is seen here in2004 .

  30. 美国明目张胆地阻挠中海油(cnooc)竞购优尼科(unocal),发出了一个令人焦虑的信号。

    The blatant blockage of the bid for unicoal by the China National Offshore Oil Company sent a disturbing signal .