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  1. UML中衍型的精确定义与分析

    On the Formal Definition and Analysis of Stereotype in UML

  2. 非对称线形衍射线的线形拟合与Κα双线分离着重介绍近似函数法中衍射线选型、Kα双线分离、几何宽化校正和物理宽化分离的新颖处理方法。

    A METHOD FOR FITTING ASYMMETRIC DIFFRACTION LINE PROFILE AND SEPARATING Ka DOUBLET It was emphasized to introduce the treatment methodes about selecting X-ray diffraction line profile , separating Ka double line , correcting geometric broadening and seperating physical broadening .

  3. 测算嵌镶块大小和点阵畸变中衍射线线形几何宽化的校正公式

    Correctional formulae for X-ray profile geometric broadening in measurement of mosaic size and lattice distortion

  4. 基于干涉原理精确对中折衍混合器件的技术研究

    The precisely aligned technique of hybrid refractive diffractive elements based on interference principle

  5. 这对用气相色谱法测定油脂脂肪酸组成中油脂衍生化条件的选择这一关键步骤有参考价值。

    This contributes much to the key step of terms biochemical choice of fatty acid with gas chromatogram .

  6. 目前几乎没有关于在UML部署图中使用可视化衍型的标准,一般的经验法则是,使用你可以找到的最合适的剪贴画。

    There are few standards for applying visual stereotypes on UML deployment diagrams , but the general rule of thumb is to use the most appropriate clip art that you can find .

  7. 又如杂言体《禽言》中的“衍字”、“字的倒置”以及标点断句之误等。

    In addition , there are mistakes of punctuation and some other problems .

  8. 它与现代性所要求的双向、普遍的交流特征存在着质的不同,这也导致了传统在现代社会中的传衍危机。

    It is the reason why there has transmission crisis in the modern society .

  9. 这说明目前在光学设计过程中对折/衍混合系统的像质分析模型是不精确、不完善的。

    These investigations illuminate that the image quality analysis models for hybrid refractive / diffractive systems are not precision and not perfect in the current optical design software .

  10. 归乡模式作为一个母题,是千百年来文学创作中一个衍衍不息的主题和情节模式,也是古今中外文学中比较常见的母题之一。

    As a motif ," Homecoming " model is a continuously theme and plot mode since thousands of years , and is also a motif which often occurs in ancient and modern literature .

  11. 把烟草中的有机酸衍生化后,用GCMS分别分析了烟丝干冰膨胀前后挥发性有机酸和非挥发性有机酸的含量。

    Volatile organic acids and non volatile organic acids from the dry ice expanded tobacco were determined by derivation of organic acids and GC MS analysis .

  12. 儒家道德形上学中的类比推衍及其意义

    The Analogy in the Confucius Moral Metaphysics and its Meaning

  13. 56个民族的舞蹈从原始中走来,在群众中自然传衍着,一代又一代&多有创造。

    Dances of 56 nationalities were born in primitive time , propagated by the masses and given a new style one generation after another .

  14. 从语法角度归纳了医学科技论文中冠词的使用规律,以期减少英语医学科技论文中冠词的衍缺现象。

    The authors attempt to grammatically classify the usage of articles , for the purpose of decreasing the misuse of articles , which frequently occurs in English medical paper written by Chinese authors .