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  • 网络history of chinese calligraphy
  1. 泰山:一部中国书法史

    Taishan : a history of Chinese calligraphy

  2. 明代尺牍在中国书法史上具有重要的历史价值和地位,它有着鲜明的时代特点及独特的艺术表现。

    The calligraphy of letters in Ming Dynasty which has vivid characteristics has important historical values in the history of Chinese calligraphy .

  3. 中国书法史上,行书是应用最广泛,最具艺术表现力的字体。

    Xing Shu is one of the most widely used Style in Chinese calligraphy history .

  4. 蔡襄与蔡京是中国书法史上两个具有比较典型反照意义的人物,两人都有很高的书法造诣。

    As two people of typically comparative significance in the history of calligraphy , Cai Xiang and Cai Jing both made excellent calligraphy accomplishments .

  5. 敦煌遗书中行草书法的研究,对中国书法史和敦煌学的研究都具有重大的、积极的意义。

    The study of free and grass script in Dunhuang posthumous writing is of great importance to the history of Dunhuang calligraphy and the study of Dunhuang .

  6. 这些时代久远,数量巨大,风格多样的写本,是中国书法史上最为珍贵的资料,是认识和研究中国书法史不可不知的内容。

    With long history and large quantity of scripts , they are rare sources in the Chinese calligraphic history and the important materials to study Chinese calligraphy .

  7. 其实,我们翻开中国书法史,可以看到任何一位草书大家都有着扎实的基本功,而不是随意地鬼画符。

    In fact , we can see that every calligrapher of cursive script possesses the solid foundation of traditional techniques when opening the history of Chinese calligraphy .

  8. 笔者通过对两人的比较,着重对后者进行剖析,对邓石如在中国书法史上的价值重新予以评价和肯定。

    By comparing the two with emphasis on the analysis of the latter , the writer affirms and reappraises Deng 's value in the history of Chinese Calligraphy .

  9. 中国书法史就是中国书法风格的历史,书法的时代风格、地域风格、个人风格虽有差异,但前后也有承传关系。

    The history of Chinese calligraphy is full of Chinese style . Despite of differences in ages , geographical style and personal style but the inheritance relationship is maintained .

  10. 碑学与碑派书法是中国书法史上的一个重要现象,对有清以来近四百年中国书法艺术的发展产生过巨大的影响。

    The Study on Tablet-calligraphy and Table Calligraphy are very important in the history of calligraphy , having a great effect on the development of the calligraphy since Qing Dynasty .

  11. 六朝书法是中国书法史上最辉煌的篇章,是中国书法艺术与文化的历史高峰。

    The calligraphy of the Six Dynasties is known as the most brilliant achievement in Chinese Calligraphic history and it reaches the highest historic peak of Chinese calligraphic arts and culture .

  12. 元代的书法,是元代艺术史的重要组成部分,在中国书法史上也占有承前启后的重要地位。

    The calligraphy of Yuan dynasty plays an important role in the artistic history of Yuan , also serves as a link between past and future in the history of Chinese calligraphy .

  13. 内容摘要:明末清初书法家王铎在中国书法史上有着重要的地位,他在书法上有着强烈的个性和创造性,直到今天仍然对书法后学们有着启发意义。

    The late Ming and early Qing Dynasty calligrapher Wang Duo in Chinese calligraphy history has an important position in calligraphy , he has a strong personality and creativity , until today still on the calligraphy I have inspire a meaning .

  14. 深刻孤独是中国古代书法史上一个亘古常新的母题,无论是削发为僧、遁于山林的隐士;还是长歌当哭、戏笑人生的狂怪者;

    The profound loneliness used to be an everlasting theme in China 's ancient calligraph history .

  15. 对他们三位杰出艺术家的书法师承关系及其共性和个性等的深入探讨和研究,足以看到推进中国书法艺术史良性发展的动力所在。

    Discussing their commonness and their individualities can help us to find out the impetus for the positive development of Chinese calligraphy art .

  16. 崇王(羲之)观念是中国书法发展史上影响最为深远的观念之一,对王羲之的推崇是一种文化建构行为。

    The idea about advocates Wang xizhi is the profoundest idea affecting the Chinese calligraphy history . The behavior to advocating Wang xizhi are one cultural construction behavior .

  17. 书如其人是中国书法美术史上一个由来已久的命题,曾一度成为书法史上主流的批评模式。

    In Chinese calligraphy esthetics , " the Handwriting Mirrors the Calligrapher " is a long-standing proposition , which once was the main critique mode in the calligraphic history .

  18. 中国书法艺术发展史是一部书和刻的艺术发展史,书法艺术和汉字艺术是两个并不矛盾的概念,书法艺术包括于汉字艺术之中。

    The history of Chinese calligraphic art development is a history of calligraphy and carving development . The art of calligraphy indeed is not contradictory to the art of characters , and the former is included in the latter .