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qǐng tuō
  • Please;request another's help;ask and entrust;commit sth. to sb.'s care
请托 [qǐng tuō]
  • [ask and entrust] 请别人办事;以私事相托

请托[qǐng tuō]
  1. 我听了这些,就死了请托找关系的念头。

    All that kills my idea of soliciting help or seeking personal connections .

  2. 再说请托找关系,听人家说他们的经验,简直与谋差使一样的麻烦。

    Some people have told me from their own experience that soliciting help or speaking personal connections is something as difficult as hunting for a job .

  3. 事前有请托或者有约定的事后受财行为具备权钱交易的本质特征,应以受贿罪论处没有争议;

    The act of Accepting money afterwards entrusted or agreed on beforehand carries the characteristic of the rights-money-deal , which should be undoubtedly regarded as a crime of accepting bribes .

  4. 从唐律贿赂罪之定罪量刑来看,其规定严密具体,严格限制了官吏收受贿赂、请托行求的途径,显比现行刑法还为详尽。

    From convicting and measuring penalty we can find that the provision is rigor and concrete which restrict strictly accepting bribes and requesting crime and is more exhaustive than actual criminal law .

  5. 第三部分对为他人谋取利益要件进行辨析,阐明该要件属于主观要件并从三个方面进行阐述,同时提出对谋利应从哪些方面予以理解,及怎样看待具体请托事项的问题。

    The third part discriminates it , makes it as a subjective condition and expounds it from three angles . Meanwhile , it puts forward from what angles we should understand " obtaining advantages " and how to treat the problem of the specific care issues .