
qǐnɡ cí
  • request permission to resign;tender one's resignation
  1. 荣智健麾下任职已久的董事总经理范鸿龄(HenryFan)也已请辞。

    Mr Yung 's long-serving managing director , Henry Fan , also quit .

  2. 一个月后,审计机构德豪国际(BDO)请辞,原因是它们发现上海双金生物科技有限公司提交给它们用于核实现金结存的银行网站是假的。

    A month later auditor BDO resigned after they discovered that the company had sent them to a fake bank website to confirm the cash balances .

  3. 同样是在周四,日本媒体报道说,东京的桐朋学园(TohoGakuenSchoolofMusic)已经取消其接受新垣隆请辞的决定,此前有学生征集了数千个签名抗议新垣隆辞职。

    Also Thursday , local media reported that the Toho Gakuen School of Music in Tokyo had rescinded its acceptance of a retirement offer by ghost writer Mr. Niigaki , after students protested his leaving the school by collecting thousands of signatures .

  4. 昨晚八时,梁锦松正式向特首请辞。

    At8pm last night , Mr Leung formally submitted his resignation to the chief executive .

  5. 马英九应该为莫拉克台风灾害,救援工作的缓慢、无效率而请辞下台吗?

    Should Ma Ying-jeou step down over slow or ineffective relief efforts in the wake of Typhoon Morakot ?

  6. 如果他没有请辞,董事会尤其是独立董事们应当要求他辞职。

    If not the board , and in particular the independent directors , should ask him to go .

  7. 骆家辉接替最近请辞大使一职的前犹他州共和党州长洪博培大使。

    Locke succeeds Ambassador Jon Huntsman , the former Republican governor of Utah , who recently asked to step down .

  8. 总统纳波利塔诺称,不日内意大利将会推出新的金融稳定法。总理贝卢斯科尼将也将会实现承诺主动请辞。

    The president said Italy would pass a new financial stability law within days and the Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi would then fulfil his promise to resign .

  9. 上周请辞布什总统首席顾问的卡尔?罗夫在周末参加了各大政论节目的讨论。

    Karl rove , who last week announced that he is quitting as George bush 's chief adviser , was all over the political talk shows last weekend .

  10. 他向自己所在的建筑公司雇主请辞,表示想要和自己的老伴以及大家庭去过一种更加闲适的生活。

    He told his employer ( contractor ) of his plans to leave the house building business and live a more leisurely life with his wife enjoying his extended family .

  11. 黄司长补充说:当时的律政司司长决定请辞,曾先生正物色继任人,他给我一点时间考虑。

    He added , at that time , with my predecessor deciding to resign , he had to look for a successor and gave me some time to think about it .

  12. 然而,尼希米知道耶路撒冷的境况后,便十分激动和伤心。但他没有立即跑到王的面前请辞。

    But Nehemiah was deeply moved by what he had heard . r However , he didn 't rush immediately to the king and say , 'I am leaving right now ' .

  13. 他于同年4月请辞,移民到加拿大,加盟大通银行加拿大分行出任第二副总裁,负责信贷项目。

    In April , he resigned from Chase and emigrated to Toronto where he was rehired by the Canadian Branch Office of Chase as Second Vice-President , overseeing credit and loans business .

  14. 汪精卫因无实权而在1932年8月初请辞行政院长职。主持和领导资政院工作的总裁(议长),在资政院有其特殊的地位和权力。

    He submitted his resignation of being the President of Administrative Council in early August 1932 owing to his powerlessness . The president had special position and authority in State Council for political Consultation .