
  1. 请记住我总是在这里,爱着你!

    Please know that I am always here to love you !

  2. 但是,我亲爱的,请记住我爱你。

    But my dear , please remember I love you .

  3. 请记住我从未撒谎。

    And please remember that I never lied .

  4. 请记住我这个7岁的孩子在这里谈论脑科学所说的话。

    Take it from me , the seven-year-old up here talking about brain science .

  5. 相反,请记住我说过的:弯路会看到优美的风景,请继续前行。

    Instead , just remember what I said about detours and scenery , and keep going .

  6. 请记住我爱你,每一个人,都要珍惜它。

    Please remember that I love you each and every one , will all cherish it .

  7. 请记住我,当我离去之后,当我走入永恒的回忆中去。

    Please remember me , when I leave later , when I walk into the eternal memory .

  8. 请记住我,当不再有那一日又一日,你把计划里我们的未来讲给我听:

    Remember me when no more day by day You tell me of our future that you planned :

  9. 对此要做和要说的都很多,但请记住我的话:这种灾害必将被制止!

    And there is much to be done and to be said , but take my word for it : This scourge will stop .

  10. 请记住我的建议,操练“食物”和“脚”的正确的发音,直到能确保这样尴尬的情况不会发生在你身上。

    Please take my advice and practice the correct pronunciation of " food " and " foot " until you are sure this embarrassing situation could never happen to you !

  11. 如果有人告诉你,你是基于环境焦虑,请记住我说的:这不是由你决定的,是你所处的情况决定的。

    If you 're told that you are the cause of context-based anxiety , remember my face : it 's not you , it 's the situation that you are in .

  12. 如果你是律师,或想当律师,为某某公司或个人工作的话,请记住我这些话。

    If you are a lawyer or intend to be a lawyer and if you are going to work for any company or any person , you should bear this in mind .

  13. 答:请记住我的观点:短期而言,俄罗斯看上去更具吸引力,但长期而言,中国将继续强劲增长。我的建议是,平衡这两个国家的投资。

    A : Bearing in mind my view that Russia looks more attractive in the short term but that China will continue to produce strong gains over the long term , my suggestion would be to balance an investment between the two .

  14. 重要说明:请记住,我在此处说明的是BDD的方法。

    IMPORTANT NOTE : Keep in mind that I am describing the methodology for BDD here .

  15. 请你记住我会每天想你的英语怎样说?

    Remember I will be thinking of you every day .

  16. 因为,请记住,我不想改变社会。

    Because , remember , I didn 't want to change society .

  17. 请记住为我发这封信。

    Please remember to send the letter for me .

  18. 请记住,我真心地热爱中国文化。

    And remember : I truly love Chinese culture .

  19. 请记住,我不是讲她只是假装头痛。

    And remember , I am not saying that she is simply pretending .

  20. 请记住使用我应得的敬语。

    And remember to use only the respectful words I deserve so well .

  21. 但请记住:我曾爱你胜过一切。

    But please always know that I loved you more than anything else .

  22. 请记住,我是没有经历过,在法律性质

    Please keep in mind , I was NOT experienced in the laws of nature

  23. 请记住给我发。

    Please remember to email me .

  24. 尽管这种以自我为中心的感觉令人郁闷,但请记住“我”是英文口语中最常用的单词。

    If that sounds depressingly ego-centric , remember that " I " is the most common word in spoken English .

  25. 然而请记住,我非常喜欢你,而且会一直喜欢你的,好吗?

    But please remember that I do care for you very much , and will always care about you , okay ?

  26. 请记住,我的课程是针对所有人的。所以希望你们每人都能从中获益。

    Please remember , my lessons are aimed at everyone , so hopefully you will find something useful in each one .

  27. 这类服务该不该花钱也备受争议,但请记住,我认为创业者需要有针对性地购买一些效果可衡量的公关服务。

    Outsourced PR.This one is controversial as well , but keep in mind that I 'm advocating tailored spending on measurable results .

  28. 踏上人生下一阶段的即兴演出舞台我请你们记住我多年前的那两点经验教训

    Of the improvisational stage of the rest of your life I implore you to remember those two lessons I learned years ago

  29. 请记住,我这里介绍的组织更多地是为了方便用例的使用者而不是用例的创建者。

    Remember , the organization I 've presented here is more for the convenience of the user of the use case than the creator of the use case .

  30. 我要价并不高,一个月拿两万法郎我就感到满足了。就这些。但是请记住,我会是一个好朋友,也会是一个死对头。

    I am not expensive , and I am happy to take only20000 francs a month . That is all . But please remem ber , I can be a good friend , but a bad enemy .