
  1. 请把水倒进那只玻璃杯。

    Please pour the water into the glass .

  2. 请检查水和机油。

    Please check the water and oil .

  3. 请把水放到包里。

    Please keep water in your bag .

  4. 不了,谢谢,请给我水就行。

    No , thank you . Just a water , please .

  5. 他们把木材顺水漂下去。请把肥皂水漂洗干净。

    They floated timber down the stream . Rinse the soapy water away .

  6. 如沉淀与滗水过程同时进行,请注明滗水器时间。

    If sediment and decanting must simultaneously carry on , please specify decanting time .

  7. 请喝些水。

    Have some water , please .

  8. 敬请安排贵行代表到访并请指示处理水渍货物。那,我马上就此事给公司发电请求指示。

    Please arrange for your representative to call and let me have your instructions regarding salvage .

  9. 约四15妇人说,先生,请把这水赐给我,叫我不渴,也不用来这里打水。

    Jn . 4:15 The woman said to Him , Sir , give me this water so that I will not thirst nor come here to draw .

  10. 是的,请给他一些水。

    M : yes , please give him some water .

  11. 请每位同学自备水一壸。

    Each pupil should bring along a bottle of water .

  12. 不用了,请给我苏打水就好。

    No , just a soda for me , please .

  13. 请帮我把水倒入水壶。

    Please help me pour water into the kettle .

  14. 若皮肤沾上电解液,请用肥皂和水清洗干净。

    If your skin is exposed to the electrolyte , please wash it away using soap and water .

  15. 有一个撒马利亚的妇人来打水,耶稣对她说:“请你给我水喝。”

    7When a Samaritan woman came to draw water , Jesus said to her ," Will you give me a drink ?"

  16. 您洗浴这边请,浴区水多,小心地滑,祝您洗浴愉快!

    Please this way to bath ! Much more water in the bath , please be careful ! Wish you a happy bath !

  17. 将一个安全,绿色清洁生产醋超安全,绿色清洁,在您的家,请尝试白醋和水混合在一起的喷雾瓶不是有毒,昂贵的商店购买产品。

    For ultra safe , green cleaning in your home , try white vinegar and water mixed together in a spray bottle instead of toxic , expensive store bought products .

  18. 本次出游全程不含餐,会预留午饭时间,请自备零食、水、午餐等食物。

    We don 't provide any food in this tour , we will have lunch time during the trip , please bring your lunch , water and snacks , anything you like .

  19. 请穿着运动服、运动鞋进入动感单车室,请自带饮用水及毛巾。

    If you go to the sensible bicycle room , Please wear sportswear , sports shoes and bring drinking water and towel for yourself .

  20. 迎观音、请水路,庙宇的阵头,一大早就从官田慈圣官出发,到龙湖岩请水。

    Carrying their god in a sedan chair , believers head out from Guantian Benevolence Temple to Longhu Temple where they ask the gods for water .