
fèn biàn wū shuǐ
  • fecal sewage
  1. 首都机场污水处理厂除了处理机场地区日常的生活污水外,还负责处理航空粪便污水。

    In addition to treatment of routine domestic sewage from airport zone , Capital Airport Sewage Treatment Plant still treats airline fecal sewage .

  2. 在东湖听涛景区碧潭观鱼景点厕所的设计中采用了真空排污系统收集粪便污水,介绍了该系统的工艺流程及主要设备,并详述了系统管网和真空站的设计、计算方法。

    The vacuum sewage discharge system was utilized to collect fecal sewage in the design of toilet in the spot Viewing Fish at Green Pool of Tingtao Scenic Area of East Lake .

  3. 水葫芦(Waterhyacinth)深度净化猪粪便污水研究

    Study on further purification of piggery manure waste water using water hyacinth

  4. 猪场粪便污水PSB液肥化及其应用研究

    PSB Fluid Fertilizers from Piggery Waste Water and Its Application

  5. 垃圾粪便污水ABR现场处理研究及渗滤液集中处理设计

    Study on On-site ABR Treatment of Night Soil Wastewater and the Design of the Collected Landfill Leachate Treatment

  6. 猪粪便污水PSB液肥化及其对绿豆插条不定根发生的促进作用

    Producing PSB fluid fertilizers from piggery waste water and its promotive effect on adventitious root formation of mung bean cutting

  7. 研究结果表明,用猪粪便污水培养光合细菌(简称PSB)生产PSB液肥是可行的,但须进行预酸化处理;

    The study on making piggery waste water into fluid fertilizers by photosynthetic bacteria ( PSB ) showed that it was feasible culturing PSB in piggery waste water and producing PSB fluid fertilizer .

  8. 论文创新点:首次将ABR用于高浓度垃圾粪便污水的处理和建成地埋式装置,另外在垃圾渗滤液的调节池设计上,在国内首次采用浮盖新技术设计。

    The innovative idea of this thesis The first time to use ABR to treat high-strength garbage and nightsoil wastewater and complete an underground treatment facility , the first time in our country to utilize the floating cover in the design of landfill leachate buffer tank .

  9. 经分析化验和农田蔬菜种植试验,证明粪便污水经PSB液肥化处理后可以全部转化为含有大量PSB的安全、卫生、优质、高效的有机肥料。

    The results from the analyses and field experiments on vegetable plantation indicated that nightsoil wastewater having been treated by PSB could all be transformed into an organic fertilizer containing large amount of PSB . This fertilizer proved safe , sanitory and effective .

  10. 生物钙化作用生物&化学工艺处理粪便污水生产性试验研究

    Study on the Biological-Chemical Process for the Nightsoil Wastewater Treatment

  11. 船舶粪便污水作业系统船舶空载排水量空船质量

    Nightsoil and sewage from boats and ships working system

  12. 粪便污水与城市污水合并处理脱氮特性

    Nitrogen removal characteristics in the consolidated treatment of nightsoil sewage and municipal wastewater

  13. 冲击负荷对粪便污水土地处理效果的影响

    Effect of Hydraulic Loading Rate on the Performance of Night-soil Wastewater Land Treatment Technology

  14. 畜禽粪便污水光合细菌制氢技术研究

    Study on the Technology of Hydrogen Production by Photosynthetic Bacteria from Swine Manure Wastewater

  15. 提出采取行政科学管理方法和工程技术手段来解决粪便污水污染饮用水问题。

    The reasons of the pollution have been analyzed . Both the administration and engineering methods are presented to solve these problems .

  16. 针对粪便污水的氮、磷和有机物浓度高的特点,开展了生物&化学工艺处理粪便污水的生产性试验研究。

    According to material biogas-producing rate of pig waste , expressions between biogas yields of piggery waste treatment and amount of pig on hand was obtained .

  17. 根据青藏铁路现场条件和技术要求,研究采用基本不受自然条件影响的用混凝沉淀膜过滤加催化电氧化的工艺流程,处理水温低达5℃的铁路站区无粪便污水汇入的生活污水。

    Based on the spot conditions and the design requirements , the process of chemical coagulation membrane filtration linking electrical oxygenation with catalysis not being influenced by the special natural conditions was studied .

  18. 论文针对粪便污水高氮高有机物浓度的特征,采用生物&化学工艺处理粪便污水,并对粪便污水处理系统的运行管理进行了生产性试验研究。

    In this paper , based on the character of nightsoil wastewater & containing both highly concentrated nitrogen and organic matters , applying microbiology-chemical process to treat it and study on the efficiency of the combination system .

  19. 调查了我省部分大中型养殖场的基本情况,养殖场粪便污水的处理及利用现状,沼气工程在规模养殖场中的应用现状,以及沼气工程的应用前景等;

    This paper presents the investigation results on fundamental situation of biogas engineering for scale raising farms in Zhejiang province , including the existing status of treating and utilizing animal wastes on these farms , the application of biogas engineering and the prospect of such engineering .

  20. 与1991年相比,氮同位素组成指示地下水NO-3的主要来源已由当时矿化的土壤有机氮变为现在的动物粪便或污水;

    Compared with that in 1991 , nitrogen isotopic compositions indicated that the major sources of NO 3 in groundwater changed from mineralized soil organic nitrogen at that time to animal wastes or sewage at present .

  21. 粪便生活污水生物脱氮实用技术研究

    Study on Practicable Technology of Biological Removal of Nitrogen for Sewage

  22. 粪便(污水)收集船雨水排放整体计划研究

    Slops collecting ship Drainage Master Plan Studies

  23. 污水包括废水和人类粪便。污水里往往有人和动物粪便中的病菌。

    Sewage includes waste water and human excreta . Waste water may carry germs which are collected from human and animal excreta .

  24. 由于多种原因,2004年上半年航空粪便对污水处理系统造成了冲击。

    There was a loading shock on the sewage treatment system in the first half year of 2004 due to many causes .

  25. 对于养殖场的禽畜粪便和污水等废弃物,通过沼气发酵技术使之得以处理,被认为是一个最有效的节能环保手段。

    For livestock manure and sewage on the livestock farms , fermentation technology is considered as the most effective means of saving and environmental protection .

  26. 东部非污灌区浅层水NO-3-δ15N值变化在+9‰~+11‰,指示地下水NO-3来自动物粪便和生活污水;

    Shallow groundwater in the eastern part in the non-sewage irrigation area had NO - 3 - δ 15N values ranging from + 9 ‰ to + 11 ‰, indicative of localized pollution by animal or sewage waste .

  27. 地下水被发现受到粪便污染物由于污水灌溉。

    The groundwater was found to have suffered faecal contamination due to the wastewater irrigation .

  28. 地下水一直是重要的饮用水水源之一,然而由于大量氮素化肥的施用,以及动物粪便、生活污水和工业废水的不合理处置和利用,导致世界上许多国家的地下水受到硝酸盐的污染。

    Groundwater is always one of the main source of drinking water , but due to vast use of nitrogenous fertilizer and irrationally treatment or utilize of animal dejecta , domestic wastewater and Nitrogen-contained industrial wastewater , nitrate pollution of the groundwater was serious in many countries .

  29. 人类排泄物、粪便、垃圾、污水、污物和压舱水,未经检验检疫机构允许不准排放和移下。

    Human dejecta , excrement , garbage , sewage , waste matter and ballast-water shall not be discharged or unloaded without permission of the inspection and quarantine authorities .

  30. 本实用新型的坐便器如厕之后能够一次性全部冲走便盆底部的粪便、尿液或污水,而且每次排污用水量比较少;

    The toilet pan can fully wash the excrement , urine or sewage water at the bottom part of the toilet pan away at one time , and the water consumption for blowdown each time is less ;